Table of Contents
List of Examples
parameterThe module executes route blocks on a timer base. It can create new timer processes and execute many route blocks on same timer.
A static faked SIP message is given as parameter to called functions, so all functions available for REQUEST_ROUTE can be used.
The following modules must be loaded before this module:
No dependencies on other Kamailio modules.
The definition of a timer. The value of the parameter must have the following format:
The parameter can be set multiple times to get more timers in same configuration file.
name - name of the timer.
mode - if set to 1, will create a new timer process.
interval - timer interval in seconds.
Default value is NULL.
Specify route to be executed on timer. The value of the parameter must have the following format:
The parameter can be set multiple times to get more routes executed on same timer.
timer - name of the timer.
route - the index of the route to be executed.
Default value is NULL.
Example 1.2. Set exec
... modparam("rtimer", "timer", "name=ta;interval=10;mode=1;") modparam("rtimer", "exec", "timer=ta;route=8") route[8] { xlog("timer routine: time is %TF\n"); # delete from my sql cache table entries older than 2H sql_query("delete from kamailio_cache where last_updated<$TS-3600"); } ...