Table of Contents
List of Examples
usagelookup remote registrations
usageTable of Contents
UAC (User Agent Client) module provides some basic UAC functionalities like FROM header manipulation (anonymization) or client authentication.
From version 1.5.0 it has function to send SIP message from configuration file. See variable $uac_req(name) and the function uac_req_send().
Version 3.1.0 adds user registration functionality. See uac_reg_lookup() function and dedicated section for remote registration configuration.
Known limitations in this version:
authentication does not support qop auth-int, just qop auth;
CSeq not increased during authentication - the response may be rejected.
The following modules must be loaded before this module:
TM - Transaction Module
RR - Record-Route Module, but only if restore mode for FROM URI is set to “auto”.
Name of Record-Route header parameter that will be used to store (encoded) the original FROM URI.
This parameter is optional, it's default value being “vsf”.
There are 3 mode of restoring the original FROM URI:
“none” - no information about original URI is stored; restoration is not possible.
“manual” - all following replies will be restored, but not also the sequential requests - this must be manually updated based on original URI.
“auto” - all sequential requests and replies will be automatically updated based on stored original URI.
This parameter is optional, it's default value being “auto”.
String password to be used to encrypt the RR storing parameter. If empty, no encryption will be used.
Default value of this parameter is empty.
Contains a multiple definition of credentials used to perform authentication.
This parameter is required if UAC authentication is used.
Example 1.4. Set credential
... modparam("uac","credential","username:domain:password") ...
The definition of an AVP that might contain the realm to be used to perform authentication.
If you define it, you also need to define
(Section 3.6, “auth_username_avp
(string)”) and
(Section 3.7, “auth_password_avp
The definition of an AVP that might contain the username to be used to perform authentication.
If you define it, you also need to define
(Section 3.5, “auth_realm_avp
(string)”) and
(Section 3.7, “auth_password_avp
Example 1.6. Set auth_username_avp
... modparam("uac","auth_username_avp","$avp(i:11)") ...
The definition of an AVP that might contain the password to be used to perform authentication.
If you define it, you also need to define
(Section 3.7, “auth_password_avp
(string)”) and
(Section 3.7, “auth_password_avp
Example 1.7. Set auth_password_avp
... modparam("uac","auth_password_avp","$avp(i:12)") ...
Replace in FROM header the display name and the URI part.
display and URI parameters can include pseudo-variables.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and from BRANCH_ROUTE.
Example 1.10. uac_replace_from
... # replace both display and uri uac_replace_from("$avp(s:display)","$avp(s:uri)"); # replace only display and do not touch uri uac_replace_from("batman",""); # remove display and replace uri uac_replace_from("",""); # remove display and do not touch uri uac_replace_from("",""); ...
Replace in FROM header the URI part without altering the display name.
URI parameter can include pseudo-variables.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and from BRANCH_ROUTE.
This function will check if the FROM URI was modified and will use the information stored in header parameter to restore the original FROM URI value.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.
This function can be called only from failure route and will build the authentication response header and insert it into the request without sending anything.
This function can be used from FAILURE_ROUTE.
This function sends a SIP message from the configuration file. The message is built out of $uac_req(...) pseudo-variable.
Example 1.14. uac_req_send
... $uac_req(method)="OPTIONS"; $uac_req(ruri)=""; $uac_req(furi)=""; $uac_req(turi)=""; uac_req_send(); ...
This function sets the PV dst to SIP URI that correspond to uuid in uac registations table. uuid and dst must be pseudo-variables.
This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE.
This function can be used to send an authenticated request to a remote user in the uac registrations table. It sets the request-uri, dst-uri and auth_*_avp pv's to the values that correspond to the supplied user.
The mode indicates whether the user should match the local uuid (mode=0), or the username (mode=1).
The auth_*_avp module parameters must be set to valid pv's.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, FAILURE_ROUTE, BRANCH_ROUTE.
Example 1.16. uac_reg_request_to
... if(uac_reg_request_to("$fU", 0)) { xlog("L_NOTICE", "Found remote user [$rU] on [$rd] via [$du]"); t_on_failure("REMOTE_AUTH"); t_relay() } ... failure_route[REMOTE_AUTH] { if ($T_reply_code == 401 or $T_reply_code == 407) { xlog("L_NOTICE", "Remote asked for authentication"); uac_auth() } } ...
Exported pseudo-variables are documented at
The module can register contact addresses to remote REGISTRAR servers. You have to add records to uacreg table. The table stores following attributes:
l_uuid - local unique user id, e.g.,: 12345678
l_username - local user name, e.g.,: test
l_domain - local domain, e.g.,:
r_username - remote username, e.g.,: test123
r_domain - remote domain, e.g.,:
realm - remote relam, e.g.,:
auth_username - authentication username, e.g.,: test123
auth_password - authentication password, e.g.,: xxxxxx
auth_proxy - SIP address of authentication proxy, e.g.,:
expires - expiration time for registration, in seconds, e.g.,: 360
The module takes care of sending REGISTER and refresh registrations before they expire.
When calls come in, you have to run uac_reg_lookup() that will detect if the call is coming from a remote SIP provider and can change the R-URI to local username@domain. Afterwards you can run location lookup.
Example 1.17. lookup remote registrations
... if(uac_reg_lookup("$rU", "$ru")) { xlog("request from a remote SIP provider [$ou => $ru]\n"); } lookup("location"); ...