Table of Contents
List of Examples
usageTable of Contents
This module allows real-time queries against the Max Mind GeoIP2 database to be performed from the config script.
The Max Mind GeoIP2 database is a map of IP network address assignments to geographical locales that can be useful -- though approximate -- in identifying the physical location with which an IP host address is associated on a relatively granular level.
This database itself can be obtained on a free or commercial basis from The library libmaxminddb that interfaces with the Max Mind API, as well as scripts to automate downloading of the on-disk version are available at
This module exports a new class of pseudo-variables - $gip2(pvc=>key) - to enable access to the results of a query to the database.
Many queries can be done and store results in different containers to be able to use in parallel. Database is loaded at startup in cache.
$gip2(pvc=>key) - pvc is an identifier for this query result; it is designated by the second parameter of geoip2_match(). The key can be one of the following:
cc - country code
tz - time zone
zip - postal code
lat - latitude
lon - longitude
nmask - network mask (CIDR format)
city - city
regc - region
regn - region name
metro - metro code
contc - continent code
Exported pseudo-variables are documented at