Luis Martin Gil

Edited by

Luis Martin Gil

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1. Overview
2. Dependencies
2.1. Kamailio Modules
2.2. External Libraries or Applications
3. Parameters
3.1. host (str)
4. Functions
4.1. cass_insert(keyspace, column_family, key, column, value)
4.2. cass_retrieve(keyspace, column_family, key, column, value)

List of Examples

1.1. Set host and port parameters
1.2. Example usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1. Overview

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management system. It is designed to handle very large amounts of data spread out across many servers. It is a NoSQL solution.

The module allows the insertion and retrieval of information from Cassandra clusters. This is not a DB driver module.

2. Dependencies

2.1. Kamailio Modules

The following modules must be loaded before this module:

  • none.

2.2. External Libraries or Applications

This module depends on the thrift library version 0.7.0. Please install this library in order to be able to successful compile this module. You can find this library at http://thrift.apache.org/

  • thrift 0.7.0 - available at http://thrift.apache.org/

3. Parameters

3.1. host (str)

3.1. host (str)

Host of Cassandra node.

Port of Cassandra node.

Example 1.1. Set host and port parameters

modparam("ndb_cassandra", "host", "")
modparam("ndb_cassandra", "port", 9160)

4. Functions

4.1.  cass_insert(keyspace, column_family, key, column, value)

Inserts the value for the given key, column, column_family and keyspace. There must be an existing keyspace called 'keyspace' with a column_family called 'column_family' in the targeted Cassandra node.

Return integer needs to be checked:

  • ret < 0, error

  • ret > 0, success

4.2.  cass_retrieve(keyspace, column_family, key, column, value)

Retrieves the value for the given key, column, column_family and keyspace. There must be an existing keyspace called 'keyspace' with a column_family called 'column_family' in the targeted Cassandra node.

value will be returned as well as a integer return code.

Return integer needs to be checked:

  • ret < 0, error

  • ret > 0, success

Example 1.2. Example usage

    loadmodule "ndb_cassandra.so"
    # (...)
    modparam("ndb_cassandra", "host", "")
    modparam("ndb_cassandra", "port", 9160)
    # (...)
    xlog("L_DBG", "Testing ndb_cassandra module.");
    # Inserting to cassandra
    $var(keyspace) = "indigital";
    $var(column_family) = "employees";
    $var(column) = "name";
    $var(val_write) = "TestMyName"; # To be written
    if (cass_insert("$var(keyspace)", "$var(column_family)", "$ru", "$var(column)", "$var(val_write)") > 0) {
       xlog("L_DBG", "ndb_cassandra. Sucess while inserting to Cassandra. val_write: \"$var(val_write)\"");
    } else {
       xlog("L_DBG", "ndb_cassandra. Error while inserting to Cassandra");

    # Retrieving from cassandra
    $var(keyspace) = "indigital";
    $var(column_family) = "employees";
    $var(key) = "sip:"; # Before we saved our $ru, which was 'sip:'
    $var(column) = "name";
    $var(val_read) = ""; # To be read
    if (cass_retrieve("$var(keyspace)", "$var(column_family)", "$var(key)", "$var(column)", "$var(val_read)") > 0) {
       xlog("L_DBG", "ndb_cassandra. Sucess while reading from Cassandra. val_read: \"$var(val_read)\"");
    } else {
       xlog("L_DBG", "ndb_cassandra. Error while reading from Cassandra");