Table of Contents
List of Examples
Table of Contents
This module provides a web provisioning interface for Kamailio. It is using the Kamailio's internal database API to provide a simple way of manipulating records inside Kamailio's tables.
The module offers:
ability to connect to multiple/different databases through Kamailio's db API; (all Kamailio's databases are supported);
ability to perform data input validation through Kamailio API;
ability to reconfigure the interface layout on the fly by reloading the config from the xml framework via the rpc command interface.
Note: when provisioning tables using db_text, any change made to a db_text table will not be reflected on the actual text file. In order to force a write out to the disk of the cached tables, the db_text rpc command db_text.dump must be used.
The layout of the provisioning interface is controlled via an external xml file (see the framework parameter). An example of a framework xml file is provided inside the Kamailio's examples directory. A simple framework file can be generated by the kamdbctl command:
kamdbctl pframework create
The generated framework will be saved inside Kamailio's config directory as pi_framework_sample. The list of configurable tables will be based on the STANDARD_MODULES and EXTRA_MODULES vars from kamctlrc file. The sample framework file will provide the ability to inspect tables. In order to add/modify/remove records to/from tables, new commands must be added by the admin.
The xml framework file is organized in three distinctive blocks:
database connection definition block
table definition block
command definition block
Each connection to a particular database must be defined here with a unique database connection id. The connection parameters are defined following the db_url param pattern for all Kamailio modules that are using a database.
Supported databases:
Each table managed through the Kamailio provisioning interface must be defined here with a unique table id. For each table, the database connection id must be specified. Each table must list all columns that will be managed by the Kamailio provisioning interface. Each column must have a unique field name and a type. Each column may have a validation tag for validating input data.
Supported column types:
Note: input field must be provided in 'YEAR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.
Supported validation methods:
IPV4 - represents an IPv4 address
URI - represents a SIP URI
URI_IPV4HOST - represents a SIP URI with an IPV4 as a host
P_HOST_PORT - represents [proto:]host[:port]
P_IPV4_PORT - represents [proto:]IPv4[:port]
Multiple provisioning commands can be grouped together. Each group can have multiple commands. Each command definition in a group must have the table id of the table that is operating on along with the command type to be performed.
The command type can have up to three type of column parameters:
clause columns
query columns
order by columns
Each column parameter must define the name(s) of the column(s) (must match a field name in the description table identified by the table id). A column can accept a list of imposed values. Each imposed value will have an id that will be displayed on the web interface and the actual value that will be used for db operations. Clause columns must define operators. Here's the list of supported operators: '<', '>', '=', '<=', '>=', '!='.
Supported database command types:
DB1_QUERY - performs an SQL query and supports three type of columns:
clause: 0 or more columns
query: 1 column
order: 0 or 1 column
DB1_INSERT - performs an SQL insert and supports one type of column:
query: 1 or more columns
DB1_DELETE - performs an SQL delete and supports one type of column:
clause: 1 or more columns
DB1_UPDATE - performs an SQL update and supports two type of columns:
clause: 0 or more columns
query: 1 or more columns
DB1_REPLACE - performs an SQL replace and supports one type of column:
query: 1 or more columns
Please note that some databases have a restricted set of database command types.
Features to be added in the future:
full subscriber provisioning with automatic ha1/ha1b fields.
It specifies the root path for provisioning http requests. The link to the provisioning web interface must be constructed using the following pattern: http://[server_IP]:[tcp_port]/[xhttp_pi_root]
Default value is "pi".
It specifies the maximum length of the buffer (in bytes) used to write in the HTML reply information in order to build the HTML response.
Default value is 0 (auto set to 1/3 of the size of the configured pkg mem).
Example 1.2. Set xhttp_pi_buf_size
... modparam("xhttp_pi", "xhttp_pi_buf_size", 1024) ...
Handle the HTTP request and generate a response.
Example 1.4. dispatch_xhttp_pi
... tcp_accept_no_cl=yes ... loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" ... modparam("xhttp_pi", "framework", "/usr/local/etc/kamailio/pi_framework.xml") ... event_route[xhttp:request] { $var(xhttp_root) = $(hu{s.substr,0,3}); if ($var(xhttp_root) == "/pi") dispatch_xhttp_pi(); else xhttp_reply("200", "OK", "text/html", "<html><body>Wrong URL $hu</body></html>"); } ...