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OpenSER Summit - James Body: Truphone - reversing the pradigm
Image characteristics
Image description
Digital camera information
Digital camera settings
Image characteristics
Date 2006/11/08 11:55:14.
File media type JPEG
Image size 1.8mb
Original image width 2560
Original image height 1920
Number of scenes 1
Single image colors 180160
Samples per pixel
Physical resolution 72x72 dpi
Image description
OpenSER Summit - James Body: Truphone - reversing the pradigm
Digital camera information
Camera manufactor SONY.
Camera model CYBERSHOT.
Digital camera settings
Exif version 0220
Exposure time 0.10 second
Maximum aperture 2.1 APEX
Focal length 19.0 millimeters
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Album generated by Matew 1.9 on Nov 12 2006 at 21:59:08

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