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cookbooks:devel:core [2022/01/24 09:08] rhyscookbooks:devel:core [2022/04/11 15:10] (current) – [substdefs] bkaufman
Line 439: Line 439:
 Similar to **subst**, but in addition it adds a **#!define ID "subst"** (note the difference from #!substdef that the value for define is enclosed in double quotes, useful when the define is used in a place for a string value). Similar to **subst**, but in addition it adds a **#!define ID "subst"** (note the difference from #!substdef that the value for define is enclosed in double quotes, useful when the define is used in a place for a string value).
 +==== trydefenv ====
 +<code c>
 +#!trydefenv ID=ENVVAR
 +Similar to **defenv**, but will not error if the environmental variable is not set.  This allows for boolean defines via system ENVVARs.  For example, using an environmental variable to toggle loading of db_mysql:
 +<code c>
 +#!trydefenv WITH_MYSQL
 +#!ifdef WITH_MYSQL
 +loadmodule ""
 +==== trydefenvns ====
 +Similar to **#!trydefenv**, but the value is defined in between double quotes to make it convenient to be used as a string token.
 +<code c>
 +#!trydefenvs ENVVAR
 +#!trydefenvs ID=ENVVAR
 ===== Core Keywords ===== ===== Core Keywords =====
Line 1551: Line 1577:
   * 4 - summary of pkg used blocks   * 4 - summary of pkg used blocks
   * 8 - summary of shm used blocks   * 8 - summary of shm used blocks
 +  * 16 - short status
 If set to 0, nothing is printed. If set to 0, nothing is printed.
-Default value: 3+Default value: 12
 Example: Example:
Line 2454: Line 2481:
   tcp_reuse_port = yes (default no)   tcp_reuse_port = yes (default no)
 +==== tcp_script_mode ====
 +Specify if connection should be closed (set to CONN_ERROR) if processing the received message results in error (that can also be due to negative return code from a configuration script main route block). If set to 1, the processing continues with the connection open.
 +Default 0 (close connection)
 +tcp_script_mode = 1
 ==== tcp_send_timeout ==== ==== tcp_send_timeout ====
cookbooks/devel/core.1643015313.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/24 09:08 by rhys

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