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cookbooks:devel:pseudovariables [2020/06/05 07:52] micondacookbooks:devel:pseudovariables [2022/04/11 13:24] (current) – geoip2 henningw
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Pseudo-Variables ======
 +Version: Kamailio SIP Server v5.6.x (devel)
 {{ :cookbooks:devel:pseudovariables.png?200|}} {{ :cookbooks:devel:pseudovariables.png?200|}}
-====== Kamailio SIP Server v5.4.x (devel): Pseudo-Variables ====== 
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
Line 168: Line 171:
 <code c> <code c>
 xlog("$$avp(x) fount $cnt($avp(x)) times\n"); xlog("$$avp(x) fount $cnt($avp(x)) times\n");
 +**$cnt(xavp)** - return the number of xavps
 + * $cnt($xavp(key[*])) : number of XAVPs "key".
 + * $cnt($xavp(key[n]=>sub[*])) : number of children "sub" in XAVP "key[n]".
 + * $cnt($xavp(key[*]=>sub[*])) : total number of children "sub" in all XAVPs "key".
 + * $cnt($xavp(key[n])) : 1 or 0 (if this index exists or not).
 + * $cnt($xavp(key[-n])) : same but with reverse indexing (-1 is the last index).
 + * $cnt($xavp(key[*]=>sub[n])) : number of children "sub[n]" that exist in all XAPVs "key".
 + * $cnt($xavp(key)) is the same as $cnt($xavp(key[*])).
 + * $cnt($xavp(key=>sub)) is the same as $cnt($xavp(key[*]=>sub[*]))
 </code> </code>
 ==== $conid - TCP Connection ID ==== ==== $conid - TCP Connection ID ====
Line 193: Line 212:
 **$dd** - reference to domain of destination uri (without port) **$dd** - reference to domain of destination uri (without port)
 +==== $def(name) - Defined Value ====
 +**$def(name)** - return a defined value.
 +<code c>
 +#!define ABC xyz
 +xlog("FLT_ACC: $def(ABC)\n");
 +==== $defn(name) - Defined Value As Number ====
 +**$defn(name)** - return a defined value as a signed integer.
 +<code c>
 +#!define FLT_ACC 1
 +xlog("FLT_ACC: $defn(FLT_ACC)\n");
 ==== $di - Diversion header URI ==== ==== $di - Diversion header URI ====
Line 243: Line 284:
 **$fd** - reference to domain in URI of 'From' header **$fd** - reference to domain in URI of 'From' header
 +<fc #0000ff>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 ==== $fn - From display name ==== ==== $fn - From display name ====
 **$fn** - reference to display name of 'From' header **$fn** - reference to display name of 'From' header
 +<fc #0000ff>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 ==== $fs - Forced Send Socket ==== ==== $fs - Forced Send Socket ====
Line 290: Line 335:
 **$fu** - reference to URI of 'From' header **$fu** - reference to URI of 'From' header
-<fc #0000ff>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file)</fc>+<fc #0000ff>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 Note that changing the From: header may break backwards compatibility with SIP 1.0 devices. Note that changing the From: header may break backwards compatibility with SIP 1.0 devices.
Line 298: Line 343:
 **$fU** - reference to username in URI of 'From' header **$fU** - reference to username in URI of 'From' header
-<fc #0000ff>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file)</fc>+<fc #0000ff>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 Note that changing the From: header may break backwards compatibility with SIP 1.0 devices. Note that changing the From: header may break backwards compatibility with SIP 1.0 devices.
Line 411: Line 456:
 **$retcode** - same as **$rc** **$retcode** - same as **$rc**
 +Note that the value of $rc is overwritten by each new function call.
 +Example of use:
 +<code c>
 + lookup("location");
 + $var(rc) = $rc;
 + if ($var(rc) < 0) {
 + t_newtran();
 + switch ($var(rc)) {
 + case -1:
 + case -3:
 + send_reply("404", "Not Found");
 + exit;
 + case -2:
 + send_reply("405", "Method Not Allowed");
 + exit;
 + }
 + }
 ==== $rd - Domain in R-URI ==== ==== $rd - Domain in R-URI ====
Line 516: Line 582:
 **$Rp** - reference to the port where the message was received **$Rp** - reference to the port where the message was received
 +==== $Rn - Received socket name ====
 +**$Rn** - reference to the name of the socket where the message was received
 ==== $RAu - Advertised socket URI ==== ==== $RAu - Advertised socket URI ====
Line 606: Line 676:
 **$td** - reference to domain in URI of 'To' header **$td** - reference to domain in URI of 'To' header
 +<fc #0000FF>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 ==== $tn - To display name ==== ==== $tn - To display name ====
 **$tn** - reference to display name of 'To' header **$tn** - reference to display name of 'To' header
 +<fc #0000FF>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 ==== $tt - To tag ==== ==== $tt - To tag ====
Line 625: Line 699:
 **$tu** - reference to URI of 'To' header **$tu** - reference to URI of 'To' header
 +<fc #0000FF>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 ==== $tU - To URI Username ==== ==== $tU - To URI Username ====
 **$tU** - reference to username in URI of 'To' header **$tU** - reference to username in URI of 'To' header
 +<fc #0000FF>It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it directly in configuration file, but its value does not change)</fc>
 ==== $tUl - To URI Username Length ==== ==== $tUl - To URI Username Length ====
Line 851: Line 929:
-**$hdr(name)** - represents the body of first header identified by 'name'+**$hdr(name)** - represents the body of first header field identified by 'name'
-**$(hdr(name)[N])** - represents the body of the N-th header identified by 'name'.+**$(hdr(name)[N])** - represents the body of the N-th header field identified by 'name'.
 If [N] is omitted then the body of the first header is printed. The body of first header is returned when N=0, for the second N=1, a.s.o. In case of a comma-separated multi-body headers, it returns all the bodies, comma-separated. To print the last header of that type, use -1, or other negative values to count from the end. No white spaces are allowed inside the specifier (before }, before or after {, [, ] symbols). When N='*', all headers of that type are printed. If [N] is omitted then the body of the first header is printed. The body of first header is returned when N=0, for the second N=1, a.s.o. In case of a comma-separated multi-body headers, it returns all the bodies, comma-separated. To print the last header of that type, use -1, or other negative values to count from the end. No white spaces are allowed inside the specifier (before }, before or after {, [, ] symbols). When N='*', all headers of that type are printed.
Line 871: Line 949:
 <fc #0000ff>It is read-only variable. You can remove or add headers using functions from textops module.</fc> <fc #0000ff>It is read-only variable. You can remove or add headers using functions from textops module.</fc>
 +===== $hfl(name) - Header Field With List Of Bodies =====
 +Similar to **$hdr(name)**, but for some of the standard headers that can have many bodies serialized in the same header field (i.e., comma separated list of bodies in same header field) is able to return the individual body values.
 +Implemented for:
 +  * Contact
 +  * Record-Route
 +  * Route
 +  * Via
 +For the rest of the headers works like **$hdr(name)**.
 +**$hfl(name)** - represents the first body of first header field identified by 'name'.
 +**$(hfl(name)[N])** - represents the body of the N-th header field identified by 'name'.
 +Example of usage:
 +<code c>
 +if($(hfl(Via)[1])=~"TLS") {
 ===== $hdrc(name) - Number of Headers ===== ===== $hdrc(name) - Number of Headers =====
Line 883: Line 985:
 </code> </code>
 +===== $hflc(name) - Number of Header Bodies =====
 +Similar to **$hdrc(name)**, but for some of the standard headers that can have many bodies serialized in the same header field (i.e., comma separated list of bodies in same header field) is able to count the number of individual bodies.
 +Implemented for:
 +  * Record-Route
 +  * Route
 +  * Via
 +For the rest of the headers works like **$hdrc(name)**.
 +Example of usage:
 +<code c>
 +if($hflc(Via)==3) {
 ===== $var(name) - Private memory variables (zero) ===== ===== $var(name) - Private memory variables (zero) =====
Line 1007: Line 1129:
 <code c> <code c>
 xlog("The time is $utimef(%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S)\n"); xlog("The time is $utimef(%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S)\n");
 +===== $ccp(key) - Config Custom Parameters =====
 +Get the value for global custom parameters:
 +  *
 +<code c>
 +gv.sval = "hello" desc "hello var"
 +gv.ival = 10 desc "ten var"
 +request_route {
 +    xinfo("global vars: $ccp(gv.sval) :: $ccp(gv.ival)\n");
 </code> </code>
Line 1050: Line 1190:
 } }
 </code> </code>
 +===== $rpl(key) =====
 +Attributes of the SIP reply processed at that moment. The variables must be used during SIP reply processing, otherwise it returns $null.
 +The key can be:
 +  * duri - SIP URI corresponding to the address where the SIP reply is going to be sent based on 2nd via
 +  * dhost - host part of duri
 +  * dport - port part of duri
 +  * dproto - proto part of duri
 +  * dprotoid - proto id of duri
 +  * cntvia - the number of Via header bodies
 +Example of usage:
 +<code c>
 +  xinfo("reply to be sent to: $rpl(duri)\n");
 +===== $msgbuf(index) =====
 +Get or set the character in the message buffer at the position index.
 +The index has to be a positive integer or a variable holding such value.
 +Note that the variable returns a clone of the character stored in a static buffer, copy it to another variable if you want to compare with another $msgbuf(index).
 +The update is done directly and immediately in the message buffer -- use it with care!
 +Example of usage:
 +<code c>
 +if ($msgbuf(20)=="V") {
 +    $msgbuf(20) = "v";
 +===== Header Field Iterator =====
 +==== $hfitname(iname) ====
 +The header name of the header field iterator.
 +<code c>
 +    hf_iterator_start("i1");
 +    while(hf_iterator_next("i1")) {
 +        xlog("hdr[$hfitname(i1)] is: $hfitbody(i1)\n");
 +    }
 +    hf_iterator_end("i1");
 +==== $hfitbody(iname) ====
 +The header body of the header field iterator.
 +<code c>
 +    hf_iterator_start("i1");
 +    while(hf_iterator_next("i1")) {
 +        xlog("hdr[$hfitname(i1)] is: $hfitbody(i1)\n");
 +    }
 +    hf_iterator_end("i1");
 +===== Body Line Iterator =====
 +==== $blitval(iname) ====
 +The value of the body line iterator.
 +<code c>
 +    bl_iterator_start("b1");
 +    while(bl_iterator_next("b1")) {
 +        xlog("body line: $blitval(b1)");
 +    }
 +    bl_iterator_end("b1");
 ===== Send Data Attributes ===== ===== Send Data Attributes =====
Line 1113: Line 1338:
     ...     ...
   }   }
 +===== SIPTRACE Module =====
 +==== $siptrace(name) ====
 +**$siptrace(name)** - return attributes of the message handled in the event_route[siptrace:msg].
 +The name can be:
 +  * src_addr - source socket address (proto:ip:port)
 +  * dst_addr - destination socket address (proto:ip:port)
 +  * src_host - source host, for IPv6 host contains `[]`
 +  * dst_host - destination host, for IPv6 host contains `[]`
 +  * src_hostip - source host, for IPv6 host do not contains `[]`
 +  * dst_hostip - destination host, for IPv6 host do not contains `[]`
 +  * src_port - source port
 +  * dst_port - destination port
 +  * src_proto - source proto
 +  * dst_proto - destination proto
 +<code c>
 +    if (allow_address("1", "$siptrace(src_hostip)", "0")) {
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    if (compare_ips($siptrace(src_host), "[2001:DB8::1]")) {
 +        return;
 +    }
 } }
 </code> </code>
Line 1558: Line 1817:
 ==== $T_branch_idx ==== ==== $T_branch_idx ====
-  * the index (starting with for the first branch) of the branch for which is executed the branch_route[]. If used outside of branch_route[] block, the value is '0'.+  * the index (starting with for the first branch) of the branch for which is executed the branch_route[]. 
 +  * in failure_route[] block, the value is the number of completed branches added to the number of new new branches 
 +  * in request_route block, the value is number of created branches 
 +  * in onreply_route[], the value is the index of the branch receiving the reply 
 +  * if used outside of transaction processing, the value is '-1'
 ==== $T_reply_ruid ==== ==== $T_reply_ruid ====
Line 1657: Line 1920:
   * hdrs - SIP Headers   * hdrs - SIP Headers
   * body - Body   * body - Body
 +  * flags - flags for processing
 +    * 1 - the password is provided in HA1 format
   * auser - authentication username   * auser - authentication username
   * apasswd - authentication password   * apasswd - authentication password
Line 1726: Line 1991:
 ==== $nh(key) ==== ==== $nh(key) ====
-Return attributes of next hop for the SIP requestAddress is taken from dst_uri, if set, if not from new r-uri or original r-uri.+Return attributes of next hop for the SIP messagesFor SIP requests, the address is taken from dst_uri, if set, if not from new r-uri or original r-uri. For SIP replies, the attributes are taken from 2nd Via header (username is always $null for SIP replies).
   * $nh(u) - uri (lower case u)   * $nh(u) - uri (lower case u)
Line 1816: Line 2081:
 if($gip(src=>cc)==$gip(dst=>cc)) if($gip(src=>cc)==$gip(dst=>cc))
 +    # source and destination from same country
 +==== $gip2(pvc=>key) ====
 +Variables exported by GeoIP2 module, returning geo-location attributes. The attributes are populated upon calling function **geoip_match2(ipaddr, pvc)**.
 +**pvc** (container id) is second parameter of geoip_match2(..) and **key** can be:
 +  * cc - country code
 +  * tz - time zone
 +  * zip - postal code
 +  * lat - latitude
 +  * lon - longitude
 +  * dma - dma code
 +  * ips - ip start
 +  * ipe - ip end
 +  * city - city
 +  * area - area code
 +  * regc - region
 +  * regn - region name
 +  * metro - metro code
 +  * contc - continent code
 +You can call several time **geoip_match(ipaddr, pvc)** with different ip address and containers in your config, to compare, for example, attributes of source and destination of a call.
 +<code c>
 +geoip_match2("$si", "src");
 +geoip_match2("$nh(d)", "dst");
 { {
     # source and destination from same country     # source and destination from same country
Line 1823: Line 2122:
 ===== TLS Module ===== ===== TLS Module =====
 +==== $tls(key) ====
 +Variables related to TLS communication and certificates.
 +The **key** can be:
 +  * **m_issuer_line** - return local (my) certificate issuer line
 +  * **p_issuer_line** - return remote (peer) certificate issuer line
 +  * **m_subject_line** - return local (my) certificate subject line
 +  * **p_subject_line** - return remote (peer) certificate subject line
 +<code c>
 +if(proto==TLS) {
 +    xinfo("local certificate subject: $tls(m_subject_line)\n");
 ==== $tls_version ==== ==== $tls_version ====
 The TLS/SSL version which is used on the TLS connection from which the message was received. String type. The TLS/SSL version which is used on the TLS connection from which the message was received. String type.
 ==== $tls_description ==== ==== $tls_description ====
Line 1960: Line 2279:
   * $msg(body) - sip message body   * $msg(body) - sip message body
   * $msg(body_len) - sip message body length   * $msg(body_len) - sip message body length
-  * $msg(hdrs) - sip message headers +  * $msg(hdrs) - sip message headers (surrounding white space and EoL chars trimmed) 
-  * $msg(fline) - sip message first line+  * $msg(fline) - sip message first line (surrounding white space and EoL chars trimmed) 
 +  * $msg(fpart) - sip message first line and the headers 
 +  * $msg(lpart) - sip message headers and the body 
 +===== POSOPS Module ===== 
 +==== $pos(key) ==== 
 +Get attributes after a function of the module is executed. 
 +The key can be: 
 +  * ret - the return code on success or -1 
 +  * idx - position inside message buffer, for find/search it is the start of matching 
 +  * len - the length of matching string for search functions
 ===== XHTTP Module ===== ===== XHTTP Module =====
Line 1972: Line 2304:
 This class of pseudo-variables is exported by MSRP module and give access to attributes of MSRP frames. This class of pseudo-variables is exported by MSRP module and give access to attributes of MSRP frames.
 ==== $msrp(buf) ==== ==== $msrp(buf) ====
 The entire content of MSRP frame - first line, headers, body and end-line. The entire content of MSRP frame - first line, headers, body and end-line.
 ==== $msrp(body) ==== ==== $msrp(body) ====
 The body of MSRP frame. The body of MSRP frame.
 ==== $msrp(code) ==== ==== $msrp(code) ====
 The code of MSRP replies. The code of MSRP replies.
 ==== $msrp(hdrs) ==== ==== $msrp(hdrs) ====
 The headers in a MSRP frame. The headers in a MSRP frame.
 ==== $msrp(msgid) ==== ==== $msrp(msgid) ====
 The body of Message-Id header. The body of Message-Id header.
 ==== $msrp(method) ==== ==== $msrp(method) ====
 The method of a MSRP request. The method of a MSRP request.
 ==== $msrp(buflen) ==== ==== $msrp(buflen) ====
 The length of entire MSRP frame. The length of entire MSRP frame.
 ==== $msrp(sessid) ==== ==== $msrp(sessid) ====
 The session id for MSRP frame. It is taken from the first MSRP URI in To-Path header. The session id for MSRP frame. It is taken from the first MSRP URI in To-Path header.
 ==== $msrp(reason) ==== ==== $msrp(reason) ====
 The reason text in a MSRP reply. The reason text in a MSRP reply.
 ==== $msrp(crthop) ==== ==== $msrp(crthop) ====
 The URI for current hop - it is the first URI in To-Path header. The URI for current hop - it is the first URI in To-Path header.
 ==== $msrp(bodylen) ==== ==== $msrp(bodylen) ====
Line 2009: Line 2352:
 The transaction ID from the first line of MSRP frame. The transaction ID from the first line of MSRP frame.
 ==== $msrp(prevhop) ==== ==== $msrp(prevhop) ====
 The MSRP URI of the previous hop - the first address in From-Path header. The MSRP URI of the previous hop - the first address in From-Path header.
 ==== $msrp(nexthop) ==== ==== $msrp(nexthop) ====
 The URI of the next hop - the second address in To-Path header. The URI of the next hop - the second address in To-Path header.
 ==== $msrp(lasthop) ==== ==== $msrp(lasthop) ====
 The last hop URI - the last address in To-Path header. The last hop URI - the last address in To-Path header.
 ==== $msrp(srcaddr) ==== ==== $msrp(srcaddr) ====
 The address of the previous hop set as MSRP URI using received source IP and port. The address of the previous hop set as MSRP URI using received source IP and port.
 ==== $msrp(srcsock) ==== ==== $msrp(srcsock) ====
-The local socket where the MSRP frame was received, set as **proto:ipaddr:port".+The local socket where the MSRP frame was received, set as **proto:ipaddr:port**. 
 ==== $msrp(firsthop) ==== ==== $msrp(firsthop) ====
 The URI of the first hop - the last address in From-Path header. The URI of the first hop - the last address in From-Path header.
 ==== $msrp(prevhops) ==== ==== $msrp(prevhops) ====
 The number of previous hops - it is the number of addresses in From-Path header. The number of previous hops - it is the number of addresses in From-Path header.
 ==== $msrp(nexthops) ==== ==== $msrp(nexthops) ====
Line 2161: Line 2512:
   * 2 charge   * 2 charge
   * 3 spare   * 3 spare
 +==== $sipt(redirection_info) / $sipt_redirection_info ===
 +Returns the value of the Redirecting reason of the Call Diversion Information header from ISUP. 
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Call Diversion Information is not present.
 +Can return the following values:
 +  * 0 Unknown
 +  * 1 User busy
 +  * 2 no reply
 +  * 3 unconditional
 +  * 4 deflection during alerting
 +  * 5 deflection immediate response
 +  * 6 mobile subscriber not reachable
 +==== $sipt(redirection_number) / $sipt_redirection_number ===
 +Returns the value (Address signal) of the Redirection Number.
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Redirection Number is not present.
 +<code c>
 +# get the redirection number
 +$avp(s:redir_num) = $sipt(redirection_number);
 +==== $sipt(redirection_number.nai) / $sipt_redirection_number_nai ===
 +Returns the value of the Nature of Address Indicator of the Redirection Number. Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Redirection Number is not present.
 +Can return the following values:
 +  * 0 Spare
 +  * 1 Subscriber Number (national use)
 +  * 2 Unknown (national use)
 +  * 3 National (significant) number
 +  * 4 International use
 +==== $sipt(calling_party_number) ===
 +Returns the value (Address signal) of the Calling Party for the IAM message.
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Calling Party Number is not present.
 +==== $sipt(called_party_number) ===
 +Returns the value (Address signal) of the Called Party for the IAM message.
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Called Party Number is not present.
 +==== $sipt(sipt_redirection_information_reason) ===
 +Returns the value of the Redirection reason of the Redirection information header from ISUP. 
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Redirection information is not present.
 +==== $sipt(sipt_redirection_information_original_reason) ===
 +Returns the value of the Original Redirection reason of the Redirection information header from ISUP. 
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Redirection information is not present.
 +==== $sipt(redirecting_number.nai) ===
 +Returns the value of the Nature of Address Indicator of the Redirecting Number. Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Redirecting Number is not present.
 +Can return the following values:
 +  * 0 Spare
 +  * 1 Subscriber Number (national use)
 +  * 2 Unknown (national use)
 +  * 3 National (significant) number
 +  * 4 International use
 +==== $sipt(redirecting_number) ===
 +Returns the value (Address signal) of the Redirecting Number for the IAM message.
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Redirecting Number is not present.
 +==== $sipt(original_called_number.nai) ===
 +Returns the value of the Nature of Address Indicator of the Original Called Number. Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Original Called Number is not present.
 +Can return the following values:
 +  * 0 Spare
 +  * 1 Subscriber Number (national use)
 +  * 2 Unknown (national use)
 +  * 3 National (significant) number
 +  * 4 International use
 +==== $sipt(original_called_number) ===
 +Returns the value (Address signal) of the Original Called Number for the IAM message.
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Original Called Number is not present.
 +==== $sipt(generic_number.nai) ===
 +Returns the value of the Nature of Address Indicator of the Generic Number. Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Generic Number is not present.
 +Can return the following values:
 +  * 0 Spare
 +  * 1 Subscriber Number (national use)
 +  * 2 Unknown (national use)
 +  * 3 National (significant) number
 +  * 4 International use
 +==== $sipt(generic_number) ===
 +Returns the value (Address signal) of the Generic Number for the IAM message.
 +Returns -1 if there is a parsing error or if the Generic Number is not present.
Line 2252: Line 2712:
   * text - text of the code for the JSONRPC response   * text - text of the code for the JSONRPC response
   * body - the body of the JSONRPC response   * body - the body of the JSONRPC response
 +===== $lsock(expr) =====
 +Get attributes for listen sockets (from corex module).
 +The **expr** is an expression specifying what to match and return, the format is:
 +The **expr** can contain variables that are evaluated before parsing the expression.
 +The **matchid** can be:
 +  * n - match on name
 +  * l - match on listen address
 +The **value** specifies what to match with.
 +The **field** can be (only first character matches):
 +  * name - return name
 +  * listen - return the listen address
 +  * advertise - return the advertise address
 +  * index - return the index in the list of all sockets
 +listen=udp: advertise name "s0"
 +$var(s0) = "n/s0/listen";
 +===== Evrexec Module =====
 +==== $evr(key) ====
 +evrexec attributes:
 +  * $evr(data) - processing data
 +  * $evr(srcip) - source ip
 +  * $evr(srcport) - sourceport as string
 +  * $evr(srcportno) - source port as number
 ===== Presence Module ===== ===== Presence Module =====
Line 2282: Line 2791:
   * 0x999 - HEP attribute 0x999   * 0x999 - HEP attribute 0x999
-===== $phn(rid=>key) - Phonenum Variables =====+===== Phonenum Variables =====
 $phn(rid=>key) - rid is an identifier for this query result; it is designated by the second parameter of phonenum_match(). The key can be one of the following: $phn(rid=>key) - rid is an identifier for this query result; it is designated by the second parameter of phonenum_match(). The key can be one of the following:
Line 2304: Line 2813:
 </code> </code>
 +===== SecSIPId Variables =====
 +$secsipid(key) - return attributes of secsipid module.
 +The key can be:
 +  * val - the value of Identity computed by secsipid_build_identity(...)
 +  * ret - the return code of the libsecsipid function used by secsipid_build_identity(...)
 +<code c>
 +if(secsipid_build_identity("$fU", "$rU", "A", "",
 +        "$rd/cert.pem", "/secsipid/$rd/key.pem")) {
 +    xinfo("identity value: $secsipid(val)\n");
 ===== sdpops module variables ===== ===== sdpops module variables =====
Line 2322: Line 2847:
   * $ltt(x) - $ltt(t) if the transaction was created already, otherwise $ltt(s)   * $ltt(x) - $ltt(t) if the transaction was created already, otherwise $ltt(s)
 +===== $via0(attr) - Via[0] Attributes =====
 +$via0(attr) - attributes of first Via header.
 +The attr can be:
 +  * host - host part (string)
 +  * port - port (number)
 +  * proto - protocol - transport part (string)
 +  * protoid - protocol id (integer id)
 +  * branch - branch parameter
 +  * rport - rport parameter value (string)
 +  * received - received parameter value (string)
 +  * i - i parameter value (string)
 +===== $via1(attr) - Second Via Attributes =====
 +$via1(attr) - attributes of second Via header. The attr can be the same as for $via0(attr).
 +===== $viaZ(attr) - Last Via Attributes =====
 +$viaZ(attr) - attributes of last Via header. The attr can be the same as for $via0(attr).
 ===== tcpops module variable ===== ===== tcpops module variable =====
Line 2365: Line 2912:
 +===== $K(key) - Kamailio Constants =====
 +$K(key) - return the numeric values corresponding to Kamailio configuration constants.
 +The key can be:
 +  * IPv4 - return AF_INET
 +  * IPv6 - return AF_INET6
 +  * UDP - return PROTO_UDP
 +  * TCP - return PROTO_TCP
 +  * TLS - return PROTO_TLS
 +  * SCTP - return PROTO_SCTP
 +  * WS - return PROTO_WS
 +  * WSS - return PROTO_WSS
 +<code c>
 +xinfo("proto UDP numeric id: $K(UDP)\n");
 ===== Examples ===== ===== Examples =====
cookbooks/devel/pseudovariables.1591343556.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/05 07:52 by miconda

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