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cookbooks:devel:pseudovariables [2022/04/07 08:18] – [$lsock(expr)] micondacookbooks:devel:pseudovariables [2022/04/11 13:24] (current) – geoip2 henningw
Line 2081: Line 2081:
 if($gip(src=>cc)==$gip(dst=>cc)) if($gip(src=>cc)==$gip(dst=>cc))
 +    # source and destination from same country
 +==== $gip2(pvc=>key) ====
 +Variables exported by GeoIP2 module, returning geo-location attributes. The attributes are populated upon calling function **geoip_match2(ipaddr, pvc)**.
 +**pvc** (container id) is second parameter of geoip_match2(..) and **key** can be:
 +  * cc - country code
 +  * tz - time zone
 +  * zip - postal code
 +  * lat - latitude
 +  * lon - longitude
 +  * dma - dma code
 +  * ips - ip start
 +  * ipe - ip end
 +  * city - city
 +  * area - area code
 +  * regc - region
 +  * regn - region name
 +  * metro - metro code
 +  * contc - continent code
 +You can call several time **geoip_match(ipaddr, pvc)** with different ip address and containers in your config, to compare, for example, attributes of source and destination of a call.
 +<code c>
 +geoip_match2("$si", "src");
 +geoip_match2("$nh(d)", "dst");
 { {
     # source and destination from same country     # source and destination from same country
cookbooks/devel/pseudovariables.1649319488.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/07 08:18 by miconda

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