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cookbooks:devel:transformations [2020/08/29 19:21] – [{uri.suri}] micondacookbooks:devel:transformations [2022/04/08 16:08] (current) – [URI Alias Transformations] miconda
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Transformations ====== ====== Transformations ======
-Version: Kamailio SIP Server v5.5.x (devel)+Version: Kamailio SIP Server v5.6.x (devel)
 <code> <code>
Line 375: Line 375:
 <code c> <code c>
 # will return 4 # will return 4
 </code> </code>
 +==== {s.after,x} ====
 +Return the part of the string after the character **x** searched from the start of the value. If the character **x** is not found, it returns empty string.
 +<code c>
 +# will return "def"
 +==== {s.rafter,x} ====
 +Return the part of the string after the character **x** searched from the end of the value. If the character **x** is not found, it returns empty string.
 +<code c>
 +# will return "gh"
 +==== {s.before,x} ====
 +Return the part of the string before the character **x** searched from the start of the value. If the character **x** is not found, it returns the entire input string.
 +<code c>
 +# will return "ab"
 +==== {s.rbefore,x} ====
 +Return the part of the string before the character **x** searched from the end of the value. If the character **x** is not found, it returns the entire input string.
 +<code c>
 +# will return "abcdef"
 +==== {s.fmtlines,n,m} ====
 +Format the value in lines of n characters, adding m spaces to the start of each new line (not to first line). Each line is ended with "\r\n" apart of last line.
 +<code c>
 +==== {s.fmtlinet,n,m} ====
 +Format the value in lines of n characters, adding m tabs to the start of each new line (not to first line). Each line is ended with "\r\n" apart of last line.
 +<code c>
 ==== {s.urlencode.param} ==== ==== {s.urlencode.param} ====
Line 475: Line 524:
 $var(ouri) = ";nat=yes;transport=tcp;line=xyz"; $var(ouri) = ";nat=yes;transport=tcp;line=xyz";
 $var(duri) = $(var(ouri){uri.duri}); # => ";transport=tcp" $var(duri) = $(var(ouri){uri.duri}); # => ";transport=tcp"
 +==== {uri.saor} ====
 +Return the SIP AoR, keeping only schema, user and host. If user is not in the original value, it is also not in the returned value.
 +<code c>
 +$var(ouri) = ";nat=yes;transport=tcp;line=xyz";
 +$var(suri) = $(var(ouri){uri.saor}); # => ""
 </code> </code>
Line 503: Line 563:
 <code> <code>
 "a=1;b=2;c=3"{param.value,c} = "3" "a=1;b=2;c=3"{param.value,c} = "3"
 +'name' can be a pseudo-variable
 +'delimiter' allows you to specify a single character to use as the parameter delimiter. For example, when parsing HTTP URL query strings use '&'.
 +==== {,name[,delimiter]} ====
 +Return 1 if the parameter 'name' is found in parameters list, 0 if not found.
 +"a=1;b=2;c=3"{,c} = 1
 </code> </code>
Line 621: Line 694:
 ==== {,pos} ==== ==== {,pos} ====
-Return the line at position 'pos'. The index start from 0. Negative position can be used to count from last line (which is -1).+Return the line at position 'pos'. The index start from 0. Negative position can be used to count from last line (which is -1). The pos can be also a variable holding the index value.
 Example: Example:
Line 805: Line 878:
 </code> </code>
 +===== Socket Address Transformations =====
 +Transformations related to socket address values (**proto:host:port**).
 +==== {} ====
 +Return the host part.
 +==== {sock.port} ====
 +Return the port part.
 +==== {sock.proto} ====
 +Return the proto part.
 +==== {sock.touri} ====
 +Return the socket address converted to SIP URI: **sip:host:port;transport=proto**.
 +===== URI Alias Transformations =====
 +Transformations related to URI alias values (**addr~port~protoid**).
 +==== {urialias.encode} ====
 +Encode SIP URI to alias value.
 +<code c>
 +"sip:;transport=udp"{urialias.encode} => ""
 +==== {urialias.decode} ====
 +Decode from alias value to SIP URI.
 +<code c>
 +""{urialias.decode} => "sip:;transport=udp"
 +===== Value Transformations  =====
 +Exported by **pv** module.
 +==== {val.json} ====
 +If value is $null, return empty string; if value is string, then it is escaped for use as json value (without surrounding quotes.
 +<code c>
 +$var(x) = '"name" <>';
 +$(var(x){val.json}) => \"name\" <>
 +==== {val.n0} ====
 +Return integer 0 for values that are $null.
 +<code c>
 +$sht(a=>x) = $null;
 +$(sht(a=>x){val.n0}) => 0
 +==== {} ====
 +Return empty string for values that are $null.
 +<code c>
 +$sht(a=>x) = $null;
 +# $(sht(a=>x){});
 +==== {val.jsonqe} ====
 +If value is $null, return quoted empty string; if value is string, then it is escaped for use as json value already with surrounding quotes; if the value is int, then it is preserved as it is.
 +<code c>
 +$var(x) = '"name" <>';
 +$(var(x){val.jsonqe}) => "\"name\" <>"
cookbooks/devel/transformations.1598728861.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/29 19:21 by miconda

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