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install:upgrade:3.3.x-to-4.0.0 [2013/03/29 12:25]
miconda [modules/tm]
install:upgrade:3.3.x-to-4.0.0 [2014/09/23 11:35] (current)
klaus3000 syntax higlighting automatically writes reserved words in capital letters
Line 23: Line 23:
 Next are the SQL statements that must be executed to get the database structure required by modules that existed in v3.3.x. Next are the SQL statements that must be executed to get the database structure required by modules that existed in v3.3.x.
-<code sql>+<code ->
 ALTER TABLE address CHANGE COLUMN ip_addr ip_addr varchar(50) NOT NULL; # was varchar(48) NOT NULL ALTER TABLE address CHANGE COLUMN ip_addr ip_addr varchar(50) NOT NULL; # was varchar(48) NOT NULL
Line 57: Line 57:
   ruid varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',   ruid varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   username varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',   username varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-  domain varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,+  `domainvarchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
   aname varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',   aname varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   atype int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',   atype int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
Line 82: Line 82:
 Next are the SQL statements that must be executed to get the database structure required by new modules added in v4.0.0. Next are the SQL statements that must be executed to get the database structure required by new modules added in v4.0.0.
-<code sql>+<code ->
 CREATE TABLE sca_subscriptions ( CREATE TABLE sca_subscriptions (
   id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
install/upgrade/3.3.x-to- · Last modified: 2013/03/29 12:25 by miconda