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install:upgrade:stable-to-devel [2017/01/10 13:43] – [Renamed Modules] micondainstall:upgrade:stable-to-devel [2022/04/15 06:39] (current) miconda
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-====== Upgrade Kamailio from v4.4.x to v5.0.0 (devel) ======+====== Upgrade Kamailio from v5.6.x to v5.7.0 (devel) ======
-The page contains the details about the changes that were made to old components during the development of v5.0.0 compared with what existed in v4.4.x. It does not include the brand new modules, focusing on how to upgrade database and configuration file from v4.4.x to run with Kamailio devel.+The page contains the details about the changes that were made to old components during the development of v5.7.0 compared with what existed in v5.6.x. It does not include the brand new modules, focusing on how to upgrade database and configuration file from v5.6.x to run with Kamailio 5.7.0.
 ===== Previous Stable Release ===== ===== Previous Stable Release =====
Line 7: Line 7:
 If you look for the guidelines to upgrade to previous stable release, see: If you look for the guidelines to upgrade to previous stable release, see:
-  * [[install:upgrade:4.3.x-to-4.4.0|Upgrade Kamailio v4.3.x to v4.4.0]]+  * [[install:upgrade:5.5.x-to-5.6.0|Upgrade Kamailio v5.5.x to v5.6.0]]
 ===== Remarks ===== ===== Remarks =====
Line 16: Line 16:
   * CPM - the change was used with the new value via explicit parameter in default config file from old releases   * CPM - the change was used with the new value via explicit parameter in default config file from old releases
   * RCM - the change is recommended to be done if you had an explicit different or lower value for this parameter in old config   * RCM - the change is recommended to be done if you had an explicit different or lower value for this parameter in old config
 +  * UPG - the change has to be done, older config does not work any longer
 ===== Modules ===== ===== Modules =====
-==== Removed Modules ====+==== Upgraded Modules ====
-=== mi_datagram ===+  * none
-The **jsonrpcs** module can be used instead to execute RPC commands over datagram sockets (unix socket file, IPv4 or IPv6).+==== Removed Modules ====
-=== mi_fifo ===+  * none
-The **jsonrpcs** module can be used instead to execute RPC commands over a FIFO file.+==== Renamed Modules ====
-=== mi_xmlrpc ===+  * none
-The **xmlrpc** module can be used instead to execute RPC commands over HTTP/S XMLRPC.+===== Internal Libraries =====
-=== pua_mi === 
-The **pua_rpc** module can be used instead to trigger presence PUBLISH or SUBSCRIBE requests via RPC commands.+===== Core =====
-==== Renamed Modules ====+==== Parameters ====
-The module that had a '-' (dash/minus) in the name were renamed to remove it, respectively:+=== Dst Blocklist Parameters ===
-  * cpl-c => cplc +All global parameters related to dst blocking are now using blocklist instead of blacklist in the name, see:
-  * janssonrpc-c => jsonrpcc +
-  * jsonrpc-c => jsonrpcc +
-  * jsonrpc-s => jsonrpcs +
-===== Core =====+
-==== Parameters ====+  * 
 +For example, **use_dst_blacklist** used in older versions has to be replaced by **use_dst_blocklist**. 
 +==== Misc ====
 ===== Database ===== ===== Database =====
Line 54: Line 53:
 ==== MySQL Database Structure ==== ==== MySQL Database Structure ====
-Run following SQL statements in MySQL client to upgrade database structure from v5.0:+Run following SQL statements in MySQL client to upgrade database structure from v5.7:
 <code sql> <code sql>
---table: sca_subscriptions +...
-ALTER TABLE sca_subscriptions +
-  DROP INDEX sca_expires_idx, +
-  ADD INDEX sca_expires_idx (server_id, expires); +
-UPDATE version SET table_version=2 WHERE table_name="sca_subscriptions";+
 </code> </code>
install/upgrade/stable-to-devel.1484055801.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/10 13:43 by miconda

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