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packages:debs [2018/01/30 08:46] – [Instructions] linuxmaniacpackages:debs [2021/08/26 10:03] (current) miconda
Line 10: Line 10:
 First download and add our GPG key to your apt key list: First download and add our GPG key to your apt key list:
 <code> <code>
-wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -+wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
 </code> </code>
 +Our GPG key fingerprint is ''E79A CECB 87D8 DCD2 3A20  AD2F FB40 D3E6 508E A4C8'' - make sure you verify it and check it in a key store before trusting it.
 Then add the repository lines to your ''/etc/apt/sources.list'' file depending on the Kamailio version of your choice: Then add the repository lines to your ''/etc/apt/sources.list'' file depending on the Kamailio version of your choice:
Line 17: Line 19:
 The list of APT repositories and associated operating systems is available at: The list of APT repositories and associated operating systems is available at:
-  *  * ****
 +====== DEB Packages Archive ======
 +Starting with August 25, 2021, an archive with apt repositories corresponding to Kamailio stable versions is available at:
 +  * ****
 ===== Using OBS Repository ===== ===== Using OBS Repository =====
 ==== Status ==== ==== Status ====
 +**Important: not actively maintained, use it only if you need to install older versions of Kamailio!!!**
 OBS Project: OBS Project:
packages/debs.1517301964.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/30 08:46 by linuxmaniac

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