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tutorials:ims:installation-howto [2013/08/28 09:03] – [Installation of the FHoSS] carstenbocktutorials:ims:installation-howto [2021/12/23 08:08] (current) henningw
Line 1: Line 1:
 +**Note: This document is now (2021) outdated, as the IMS packages have been integrated into the common Kamailio repository **
 **Note: This document is work in progress and yet unfinished!** **Note: This document is work in progress and yet unfinished!**
-This is a short installation howto for Debian Squeeze and Wheezy (stable and oldstable). +This is a short installation howto for Debian Wheezy (stable). 
 This installation howto has been derived from here: This installation howto has been derived from here:
Line 35: Line 37:
   ping   ping
 +If you can not ping by DNS address, try:
 +  host
 +If the DNS address resolved to IP address currectly. You may need to update your "/etc/nsswitch.conf" file according to 
 +[[|this question on SO.]]. After that modification you should be able to ping by DNS address.
 ====== Installation of the Kamailio-IMS-Packages ====== ====== Installation of the Kamailio-IMS-Packages ======
Line 46: Line 56:
 Then add the repository to your "/etc/apt/sources.list": Then add the repository to your "/etc/apt/sources.list":
-  echo "deb squeeze ims rtpproxy" >> /etc/apt/sources.list+  echo "deb jessie ims rtpproxy" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
-(replace squeeze with wheezy for Debian7).+NOTE: 
 +  * The repository is 64 Bit only 
 +  * we do have packages for Debian 7, Debian 8 (jessie) and Ubuntu LTS (trusty) 
 +  * the packages are updated regularly from trunk
 And update the available packets: And update the available packets:
Line 57: Line 70:
 Install the modules: Install the modules:
-  apt-get install kamailio kamailio-ims-modules kamailio-presence-modules kamailio-sqlite-modules kamailio-tls-modules kamailio-xml-modules kamailio-xmlrpc-modules+  apt-get install kamailio kamailio-ims-modules kamailio-presence-modules kamailio-tls-modules kamailio-xml-modules kamailio-xmlrpc-modules
 If you want to have an RTP-Proxy/RTP-Relay, you find the "mediaproxy-ng" from [[|Sipwise]] in that repository as well, If you want to have an RTP-Proxy/RTP-Relay, you find the "mediaproxy-ng" from [[|Sipwise]] in that repository as well,
Line 112: Line 125:
 ===== Install the FHoSS-Packages ===== ===== Install the FHoSS-Packages =====
 +Add our repository to your "/etc/apt/sources.list":
 +  echo "deb wheezy fhoss" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
 Install the FHoSS from our repository: Install the FHoSS from our repository:
tutorials/ims/installation-howto.1377680633.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/28 09:03 by carstenbock

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