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tutorials:troubleshooting:memory [2017/09/23 09:56] – [Monitoring Memory] mem_join is disabled by default mslehtotutorials:troubleshooting:memory [2021/06/01 18:44] (current) – [Insufficient Memory] giavac
Line 36: Line 36:
   * too small PKG or SHM - insufficient size to accommodate all data needed to be stored in memory   * too small PKG or SHM - insufficient size to accommodate all data needed to be stored in memory
-  * memory leak - some part of code allocates memory at runtine and does not free it+  * memory leak - some part of code allocates memory at runtime and does not free it
 ===== Monitoring Memory ===== ===== Monitoring Memory =====
Line 268: Line 268:
 Here is the article that presents better the situation: Here is the article that presents better the situation:
 An relevant excerpt from the blog article: An relevant excerpt from the blog article:
tutorials/troubleshooting/memory.1506160561.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/23 09:56 by mslehto

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