Counter List

Kamailio Development Team

Table of Contents

1. Counters for dns
2. Counters for tcp
3. Counters for cdp
4. Counters for mysql
5. Counters for ims_charging
6. Counters for ims_dialog
7. Counters for ims_qos
8. Counters for ims_usrloc_scscf
9. Counters for sctp

Chapter 1.  Counters for dns

Table of Contents

1. dns.failed_dns_request

1. dns.failed_dns_request

incremented each time a DNS request has failed.

Chapter 2.  Counters for tcp

1. tcp.established

incremented each time a tcp connection is established.

2. tcp.passive_open

total number of accepted connections (so far).

3. tcp.connect_success

total number of successfully active opened connections (successful connect()s).

4. tcp.connect_failed

number of failed active connection attempts.

5. tcp.local_reject

number of rejected incoming connections.

6. tcp.con_timeout

total number of connections that did timeout (idle for too long).

7. tcp.con_reset

total number of TCP_RSTs received on established connections.

8. tcp.send_timeout

number of send attempts that failed due to a timeout(note: works only in tcp async mode).

9. tcp.sendq_full

number of send attempts that failed because of exceeded bufferingcapacity (send queue full, works only in tcp async mode).

10. tcp.current_opened_connections

number of currently opened connections.

11. tcp.current_write_queue_size

current sum of all the connections write queue sizes.

Chapter 3.  Counters for cdp

1. cdp.timeout

number of timeouts on CDP requests.

2. cdp.replies_received

total number of replies received.

3. cdp.replies_response_time

total time waiting for replies.

4. cdp.queuelength

current length of worker queue tasks.

5. cdp.average_response_time

average response time for CDP replies.

Chapter 4.  Counters for mysql

Table of Contents

1. mysql.driver_errors

1. mysql.driver_errors

incremented each time a Mysql error happened because the server/connection has failed.

Chapter 5.  Counters for ims_charging

1. ims_charging.active_ro_sessions

number of currently active Ro sessions.

2. ims_charging.billed_secs

total number of seconds billed since start or reset.

3. ims_charging.ccr_avg_response_time

avg response time for CCRs.

4. ims_charging.ccr_response_time

total number of seconds waiting for CCR responses.

5. ims_charging.ccr_timeouts

total number of CCR timeouts.

6. ims_charging.failed_final_ccrs

total number of failed final CCRs.

7. ims_charging.failed_initial_ccrs

total number of failed initial CCRs.

8. ims_charging.failed_interim_ccrs

total number of failed interim CCRs.

9. ims_charging.final_ccrs

total number of final (terminating) CCRs.

10. ims_charging.initial_ccrs

total number of initial CCRs.

11. ims_charging.interim_ccrs

total number of interim CCRs.

12. ims_charging.killed_calls

total number of killed calls.

13. ims_charging.successful_final_ccrs

total number of successful final CCRs.

14. ims_charging.successful_initial_ccrs

total number of successful initial CCRs.

15. ims_charging.successful_interim_ccrs

total number of successful interim CCRs.

16. ims_charging.ccr_replies_received

total number of CCR replies received.

Chapter 6.  Counters for ims_dialog


number of current active (answered) dialogs.

2. ims_dialog.early

number of current early dialogs.

3. ims_dialog.expired

number of expired dialogs (forcibly killed).

4. ims_dialog.processed

number of processed dialogs.

Chapter 7.  Counters for ims_qos

1. ims_qos.active_registration_rx_sessions

number of currently active registration Rx sessions.

2. ims_qos.registration_aar_avg_response_time

avg response time for registration AARs.

3. ims_qos.registration_aar_timeouts

total number of registration AAR timeouts.

4. ims_qos.failed_registration_aars

total number of failed registration AARs.

5. ims_qos.registration_aars

total number of registration AARs.

6. ims_qos.asrs

total number of registration ASRs.

7. ims_qos.successful_registration_aars

total number of successful registration AARs.

8. ims_qos.registration_aar_response_time

total number of seconds waiting for registration AAR responses.

9. ims_qos.registration_aar_replies_received

total number of registration AAR replies received.

10. ims_qos.active_media_rx_sessions

number of currently active media Rx sessions.

11. ims_qos.media_rx_sessions

Total number of media Rx sessions.

12. ims_qos.media_aar_avg_response_time

avg response time for media AARs.

13. ims_qos.media_aar_timeouts

total number of media AAR timeouts.

14. ims_qos.failed_media_aars

total number of failed media AARs.

15. ims_qos.media_aars

total number of media AARs.

16. ims_qos.successful_media_aars

total number of successful media AARs.

17. ims_qos.media_aar_response_time

total number of seconds waiting for media AAR responses.

18. ims_qos.media_aar_replies_received

total number of media AAR replies received.

Chapter 8.  Counters for ims_usrloc_scscf

1. ims_usrloc_scscf.active_subscriptions


2. ims_usrloc_scscf.subscription_collisions

number of collisions in subscription hash.

3. ims_usrloc_scscf.impu_collisions

number of collisions in impu hash.

4. ims_usrloc_scscf.contact_collisions

number of collisions in contact hash.

5. ims_usrloc_scscf.active_impus

number of registered IMPUs.

6. ims_usrloc_scscf.active_contacts

number of registered contacts.

Chapter 9.  Counters for sctp

1. sctp.established

incremented each time a new association is established.

2. sctp.connect_failed

incremented each time a new outgoing connection fails.

3. sctp.local_reject

number of rejected incoming connections.

4. sctp.remote_shutdown

incremented each time an association is closed by the peer.

5. sctp.assoc_shutdown

incremented each time an association is shutdown.

6. sctp.comm_lost

incremented each time an established connection is close due tosome error.

7. sctp.sendq_full

number of failed send attempt due to exceeded buffering capacity (full kernel buffers).

8. sctp.send_failed

number of failed send attempt for any reason except full buffers.

9. sctp.send_force_retry

incremented each time a failed send is force-retried(possible only if sctp_send_retries ! = 0.

10. sctp.current_opened_connections

number of currently opened associations.

11. sctp.current_tracked_connections

number of currently tracked associations.