cfgutils Module

Henning Westerholt

1und1 Internet AG

Carsten Bock

BASIS AudioNet GmbH

Elena-Ramona Modroiu
Revision History
Revision $Revision: 3898 $$Date: 2008-03-08 00:03:56 +0100 (Sat, 08 Mar 2008) $

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1.1. Overview
1.2. Dependencies
1.3. Exported Parameters
1.3.1. initial_probability (string)
1.3.2. hash_file (string)
1.3.3. shvset (string)
1.3.4. varset (string)
1.4. Exported Functions
1.4.1. rand_event()
1.4.2. rand_set_prob(probabiltiy)
1.4.3. rand_reset_prob()
1.4.4. rand_get_prob()
1.4.5. sleep(time)
1.4.6. usleep(time)
1.4.7. abort()
1.4.8. pkg_status()
1.4.9. shm_status()
1.5. MI Commands
1.5.1. rand_set_prop
1.5.2. rand_reset_prob
1.5.3. rand_get_prob
1.5.4. check_config_hash
1.5.5. get_config_hash
1.5.6. shv_set
1.5.7. shv_get
1.6. Exported pseudo-variables
1.6.1. $RANDOM
1.6.2. $time(name)
1.6.3. $shv(name)

List of Examples

1.1. initial_probability parameter usage
1.2. hash_file parameter usage
1.3. shvset parameter usage
1.4. varset parameter usage
1.5. rand_event() usage
1.6. rand_set_prob() usage
1.7. rand_reset_prob() usage
1.8. rand_get_prob() usage
1.9. sleep usage
1.10. usleep usage
1.11. abort usage
1.12. pkg_status usage
1.13. shm_status usage
1.14. rand_set_prob usage
1.15. rand_reset_prob usage
1.16. rand_get_prob usage
1.17. check_config_hash usage
1.18. get_config_hash usage
1.19. shv_set usage
1.20. shv_get usage
1.21. RANDOM pseudo-variable usage
1.22. time(name) pseudo-variable usage
1.23. shv(name) pseudo-variable usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1.1. Overview

Useful extensions for the server configuration.

The cfgutils module can be used to introduce randomness to the behaviour of the server. It provides setup functions and the “rand_event” function. This function return either true or false, depending on a random value and a specified probability. E.g. if you set via fifo or script a probability value of 5%, then 5% of all calls to rand_event will return true. The pseudovariable “$RANDOM” could be used to introduce random values e.g. into a SIP reply.

The benefit of this module is the probability of the decision can be manipulated by external applications such as web interface or command line tools. The probability must be specified as percent value, ranging from 0 to 100.

The module exports commands to FIFO server that can be used to change the global settings via FIFO interface. The FIFO commands are: “set_prob”, “reset_prob” and “get_prob”.

This module can be used for simple load-shedding, e.g. reply 5% of the Invites with a 503 error and a adequate random Retry-After value.

The module provides as well functions to delay the execution of the server. The functions “sleep” and “usleep” could be used to let the server wait a specific time interval.

It can also hash the config file used from the server with a (weak) cryptographic hash function on startup. This value is saved and can be later compared to the actual hash, to detect modifications of this file after the server start. This functions are available as the FIFO commands “check_config_hash” and “get_config_hash”.

1.2. Dependencies

The module depends on the following modules (in the other words the listed modules must be loaded before this module):

  • none

1.3. Exported Parameters

1.3.1. initial_probability (string)

The initial value of the probability.

Default value is “10”.

Example 1.1. initial_probability parameter usage

modparam("cfgutils", "initial_probability", 15)

1.3.2. hash_file (string)

The config file name for that a hash value should be calculated on startup.

There is no default value, is no parameter is given the hash functionality is disabled.

Example 1.2. hash_file parameter usage

modparam("cfgutils", "hash_file", "/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg")

1.3.3. shvset (string)

Set the value of a shared variable ($shv(name)). The parameter can be set many times.

The value of the parameter has the format: _name_ '=' _type_ ':' _value_

  • _name_: shared variable name

  • _type_: type of the value

    • i”: integer value

    • s”: string value

  • _value_: value to be set

Default value is “NULL”.

Example 1.3. shvset parameter usage

modparam("cfgutils", "shvset", "debug=i:1")
modparam("cfgutils", "shvset", "pstngw=s:sip:")

1.3.4. varset (string)

Set the value of a script variable ($var(name)). The parameter can be set many times.

The value of the parameter has the format: _name_ '=' _type_ ':' _value_

  • _name_: shared variable name

  • _type_: type of the value

    • i”: integer value

    • s”: string value

  • _value_: value to be set

Default value is “NULL”.

Example 1.4. varset parameter usage

modparam("cfgutils", "varset", "init=i:1")
modparam("cfgutils", "varset", "gw=s:sip:;transport=tcp")

1.4. Exported Functions

1.4.1. rand_event()

Return true or false, depending on a random value and a probability value.

Example 1.5. rand_event() usage

if (rand_event()) {
  append_to_reply("Retry-After: 120\n");
  sl_send_reply("503", "Try later");
# normal message processing follows

1.4.2. rand_set_prob(probabiltiy)

Set the “probability” of the decision.

probability” can have a value from the range 0..100.

Example 1.6. rand_set_prob() usage


1.4.3. rand_reset_prob()

Reset the probability back to the inital value.

Example 1.7. rand_reset_prob() usage


1.4.4. rand_get_prob()

Return the current probability setting, e.g. for logging purposes.

Example 1.8. rand_get_prob() usage


1.4.5.  sleep(time)

Waits "time" seconds.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • time - Time to wait in seconds.


Example 1.9. sleep usage


1.4.6.  usleep(time)

Waits "time" milli-seconds.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • time - Time to wait in milli-seconds.


Example 1.10. usleep usage


1.4.7.  abort()

Debugging function that aborts the server. Depending on the configuration of the server a core dump will be created.


Example 1.11. abort usage


1.4.8.  pkg_status()

Debugging function that dumps the status for the private (PKG) memory. This information is logged to the default log facility, depending on the general log level and the memlog setting. You need to compile the server with activated memory debugging to get detailed informations.


Example 1.12. pkg_status usage


1.4.9.  shm_status()

Debugging function that dumps the status for the shared (SHM) memory. This information is logged to the default log facility, depending on the general log level and the memlog setting. You need to compile the server with activated memory debugging to get detailed informations.


Example 1.13. shm_status usage


1.5. MI Commands

1.5.1. rand_set_prop

Set the probability value to the given parameter. The parameter should be a percent value.

The parameter value must be a number from 0 to 100.

Example 1.14. rand_set_prob usage

$ kamctl fifo rand_set_prob 10

1.5.2. rand_reset_prob

Reset the probability value to the inital start value.

This command don't need a parameter.

Example 1.15.  rand_reset_prob usage

$ kamctl fifo rand_reset_prob

1.5.3. rand_get_prob

Return the actual probability setting.

The function return the actual probability value.

Example 1.16. rand_get_prob usage

$ kamctl fifo get_prob
The actual probability is 50 percent.

1.5.4. check_config_hash

Check if the actual config file hash is identical to the stored one.

The function returns 200 OK if the hash values are identical, 400 if there are not identical, 404 if no file for hashing has been configured and 500 on errors. Additional a short text message is printed.

Example 1.17. check_config_hash usage

$ kamctl fifo check_config_hash
The actual config file hash is identical to the stored one.

1.5.5. get_config_hash

Return the stored config file hash.

The function returns 200 OK and the hash value on success or 404 if no file for hashing has been configured.

Example 1.18. get_config_hash usage

$ kamctl fifo get_config_hash

1.5.6. shv_set

Set the value of a shared variable ($shv(name)).


  • _name_: shared variable name

  • _type_: type of the value

    • int”: integer value

    • str”: string value

  • _value_: value to be set

MI FIFO Command Format:


Example 1.19. shv_set usage

$ kamctl fifo shv_set debug int 0

1.5.7. shv_get

Get the value of a shared variable ($shv(name)).


  • _name_: shared variable name. If this parameter is missing, all shared variables are returned.

MI FIFO Command Format:


Example 1.20. shv_get usage

$ kamctl fifo shv_get debug
$ kamctl fifo shv_get

1.6. Exported pseudo-variables

1.6.1. $RANDOM

Returns a random value from the [0 - 2^31) range.

Example 1.21. RANDOM pseudo-variable usage

if (get_random()) {
  $avp(i:10) = ($RANDOM / 16777216); # 2^24
  if ($avp(i:10) < 10) {
     $avp(i:10) = 10;
  append_to_reply("Retry-After: $avp(i:10)\n");
  sl_send_reply("503", "Try later");
# normal message processing follows

1.6.2. $time(name)

The PV provides access to broken-down time attributes.

The “name” can be:

  • sec - return seconds (int 0-59)

  • min - return minutes (int 0-59)

  • hour - return hours (int 0-23)

  • mday - return the day of month (int 0-59)

  • mon - return the month (int 1-12)

  • year - return the year (int, e.g., 2008)

  • wday - return the day of week (int, 1=Sunday - 7=Saturday)

  • yday - return the day of year (int, 1-366)

  • isdst - return daylight saving time status (int, 0 - DST off, >0 DST on)

Example 1.22. time(name) pseudo-variable usage

if ($time(year) == 2008) {
	xlog("request: $rm from $fu to $ru in year 2008\n");

1.6.3. $shv(name)

It is a class of pseudo-variables stored in shared memory. The value of $shv(name) is visible across all openser processes. Each “shv” has single value and it is initialized to integer 0. You can use “shvset” parameter to initialize the shared variable. The module exports a set of MI functions to get/set the value of shared variables.

Example 1.23. shv(name) pseudo-variable usage

modparam("cfgutils", "shvset", "debug=i:1")
if ($shv(debug) == 1) {
	xlog("request: $rm from $fu to $ru\n");