KAMAILIO (OpenSER) Modules 1.5.x

Module Description Status
ACC Accounting module released
ALIAS_DB Database aliases module released
AUTH Authentication Interface module released
AUTH_DB Database-backend authentication module released
AUTH_DIAMETER DIAMETER-backend authentication module released
AUTH_RADIUS RADIUS-backend authentication module released
AVPOPS AVP operation module released
BENCHMARK Config file benchmarking released
CARRIERROUTE routing extension suitable for carriers released
CFGUTILS Different config utilities released
CPL-C CPL interpreter module released
DB_BERKELEY Berkeley DB driver for DB API released
DB_FLATSTORE Fast writting-only text-backend for database module released
DB_MYSQL MYSQL-bckend for database API module released
DB_ORACLE Oracle driver for DB API released
DB_POSTGRES POSTGRES-backend for database API module released
DB_TEXT Text-backend for database API module released
DB_UNIXODBC unixODBC driver module released
DIALOG Dialog support module released
DIALPLAN Dialplan translation module released
DISPATCHER Dispatcher (load-balancer) module released
DIVERSION Diversion header insertion module released
DOMAIN Multi-domain support module released
DOMAINPOLICY Policies to connect federations released
ENUM ENUM lookup module released
EXEC External exec module released
GROUP User-groups module with DB-backend released
H350 H350 implementation released
HTABLE Generich Hash Table container in shared memory new
IMC Instant Messaging Conferencing module released
JABBER JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module released
LCR Least Cost Routing module released
LDAP LDAP connector released
MAXFWD Max-Forward processor module released
MISC_RADIUS Generic RADIUS functions, replaces avp_radius, uri_radius and group_radius new
MI_DATAGRAM DATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interface released
MI_FIFO FIFO support for Management Interface released
MI_XMLRPC XMLRPC support for Management Interface released
MEDIAPROXY NAT traversal module released
MSILO SIP message silo module released
NATHELPER NAT traversal helper module released
NAT_TRAVERSAL NAT traversal module released
OSP OSP peering module released
PATH Path support for SIP loadbalancer released
PDT Prefix-to-Domain translator module released
PEERING RADIUS peering module released
PERL embed execution of Perl function released
PERLVDB Perl Virtual Database engine released
PERMISSIONS Permissions control module released
PIKE Flood detector module released
PRESENCE Presence server module - common API released
PRESENCE_DIALOGINFO Extension to Presence server for Dialog Info new
PRESENCE_MWI Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication released
PRESENCE_XML Presence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAP released
PUA Common API for presence user agent client released
PUA_BLA BLA extension for PUA released
PUA_DIALOGINFO Dialog Info extension for PUA new
PUA_MI MI extension for PUA released
PUA_USRLOC USRLOC extension for PUA released
PUA_XMPP XMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway) released
PURPLE Multi-protocol gateway using Purple library new
PV Module holding Pseudo-Variables new
QOS QOS control API new
RATELIMIT Traffic shaping module released
REGEX Regular expression matching using PCRE new
REGISTRAR SIP Registrar implementation module released
RLS Resource List Server implementation released
RTIMER Execute config route blocks on timer basis new
RR Record-Route and Route module released
SANITY SIP message formatting sanity checks new
SEAS Sip Express Application Server (interface module) released
SIPTRACE SipTrace module released
SIPUTILS SIP utilities new
SL Stateless replier module released
SMS SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module released
SNMPStats SNMP interface for statistics module released
SPEEDDIAL Per-user speed-dial controller module released
SQLOPS SQL operations new
STATISTICS Script statistics support released
SST SIP Session Timer support released
TEXTOPS Text operations module released
TLSOPS TLS operations module released
TM Transaction (stateful) module released
UAC UAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth) released
UAC_REDIRECT UAC redirection functionality released
URI_DB URI operation with database support module released
USERBLACKLIST User specific blacklists released
USRLOC User location implementation module released
UTILS A set of useful functions new
XCAP_CLIENT XCAP client implementation released
XLOG Advanced logger module released
XMPP SIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk) released