dialplan Module

Andreea-Ancuta Onofrei

Voice Sistem SRL

Edited by

Andreea-Ancuta Onofrei

Edited by

Juha Heinanen

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1.1 $$Date: 2007/08/30 13:16:22 $
Revision $Revision: 1.2 $$Date: 2008/10/9 15:57 $

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1.1. Overview
1.2. How it works
1.3. Usage cases
1.4. Dependencies
1.4.1. Kamailio Modules
1.4.2. External Libraries or Applications
1.5. Exported Parameters
1.5.1. db_url (string)
1.5.2. table_name (string)
1.5.3. dpid_col (string)
1.5.4. pr_col (string)
1.5.5. match_op_col (string)
1.5.6. match_exp_col (string)
1.5.7. match_len_col (string)
1.5.8. subst_exp_col (string)
1.5.9. repl_exp_col (string)
1.5.10. attrs_col (string)
1.5.11. attrs_pvar (string)
1.5.12. fetch_rows (int)
1.6. Exported Functions
1.6.1. dp_translate(id, src/dest)
1.7. Exported MI Functions
1.7.1. dp_reload
1.7.2. dp_translate
1.8. Installation
2. Developer's Guide

List of Examples

1.1. Set db_url parameter
1.2. Set table_name parameter
1.3. Set dpid_col parameter
1.4. Set pr_col parameter
1.5. Set match_op_col parameter
1.6. Set match_exp_col parameter
1.7. Set pr_col parameter
1.8. Set pr_col parameter
1.9. Set repl_exp_col parameter
1.10. Set attrs_col parameter
1.11. Set attrs_pvar parameter
1.12. Set fetch_rows parameter
1.13. dp_translate usage
1.14. dp_translate usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1.1. Overview

This module implements generic string translations based on matching and replacement rules. It can be used to manipulate R-URI or a PV and to translated to a new format/value.

1.2. How it works

At startup, the module will load a set of transformation rules from a database. Every database row will be stored in memory as a translation rule. Each rule will describe how the matching should be made, how the input value should be modified and which attributes should be set for the matching transformation.

The module expects an input value which will be matched against a rules via regexp (see 'man pcresyntax' for syntax) or string matching. Overlapping matching expressions can be controlled via priorities. Once a rule is matched, the defined transformation (if any) is applied and the result is returned as output value. Also, if any string attribute is associated to the rule, this will be returned to the script along with the output value.

The first matching rule will be processed.

1.3. Usage cases

The module can be used to implement dialplans - do to auto completion of the dial numbers (like national to international), to convert generic numbers to specific numbers (like for emergency numbers).

Also the module can be used for detecting range or sets of numbers mapped on a service/case - attributes string can be used here to store extra information about the service/case.

Non-SIP string translation can be implemented - like converting country names from all possible formats to a canonical format: (UK, England, United Kingdom) -> GB.

Any other string-base translation or detection for whatever other purposes.

1.4. Dependencies

1.4.1. Kamailio Modules

The following modules must be loaded before this module:

  • None

1.4.2. External Libraries or Applications

The following libraries or applications must be installed before running Kamailio with this module loaded:

  • libpcre - the libraries of PCRE.

1.5. Exported Parameters

1.5.1. db_url (string)

The translation rules will be loaded using this database url.

Default value is “mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser”.

Example 1.1. Set db_url parameter

modparam("dialplan", "db_url", "mysql://user:passwb@localhost/db")

1.5.2. table_name (string)

The table's name from which to load the translation rules.

Default value is “dialplan”.

Example 1.2. Set table_name parameter

modparam("dialplan", "table_name", "my_table")

1.5.3. dpid_col (string)

The column name to store the dialplan ID group.

Default value is “dpid”.

Example 1.3. Set dpid_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "dpid_col", "column_name")

1.5.4. pr_col (string)

The column name to store the priority of the corresponding rule from the database row.

Default value is “pr”.

Example 1.4. Set pr_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "pr_col", "column_name")

1.5.5. match_op_col (string)

The column name to store the type of matching of the rule.

Default value is “match_op”.

Example 1.5. Set match_op_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "match_op_col", "column_name")

1.5.6. match_exp_col (string)

The column name to store the rule match expression.

Default value is “match_exp”.

Example 1.6. Set match_exp_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "match_exp_col", "column_name")

1.5.7. match_len_col (string)

The column name to store the length of a string matching the match expression.

Default value is “match_len”.

Example 1.7. Set pr_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "match_len_col", "column_name")

1.5.8. subst_exp_col (string)

The column name to store the rule's substitution expression.

Default value is “subst_exp”.

Example 1.8. Set pr_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "subst_exp_col", "column_name")

1.5.9. repl_exp_col (string)

The column name to store the rule's replacement expression.

Default value is “repl_exp”.

Example 1.9. Set repl_exp_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "repl_exp_col", "column_name")

1.5.10. attrs_col (string)

The column name to store the rule's attributes to be set to the message.

Default value is “attrs”.

Example 1.10. Set attrs_col parameter

modparam("dialplan", "attrs_col", "column_name")

1.5.11. attrs_pvar (string)

The pvar to store the rule's attributes, after translation (dp_translate() succeeds). This parameter can be an AVP or a SCRIPT VAR.

Default value is “NULL”.

Example 1.11. Set attrs_pvar parameter

modparam("dialplan", "attrs_pvar", "$avp(s:dest)")

1.5.12. fetch_rows (int)

The number of rows to be fetched at once from database/

Default value is “1000”.

Example 1.12. Set fetch_rows parameter

modparam("dialplan", "fetch_rows", 4000)

1.6. Exported Functions

1.6.1.  dp_translate(id, src/dest)

Will try to translate the src string into dest string according to the translation rules with dialplan ID equal to id.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • id -the dialplan id of the possible matching rules. This parameter can have the following types:

    • integer- the dialplan id is statically assigned

    • avp var -the dialplan id is the value of an existing avp variable

    • script var -the dialplan id is the value of an existing script variable.

  • src/dest - input and output of the function. If this parameter is missing the default parameter “ruri.user/ruri.user” will be used, thus translating the request uri.

    Input parameter src can be any pseudo variable. Output parameter dest can be:

    • R-URI

      - the string is the r-uri or r-uri username

    • avp var

      -At input the function will get the input string from an existing avp variable. At output the function will add an avp with the value of the output string.

    • script var

      -At input the function will get the input string from an existing script variable. At output the function will set an script variable with the value of the output string.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, BRANCH_ROUTE.

Example 1.13. dp_translate usage

dp_translate("240", "$ruri.user/$avp(s:dest)");
xlog("translated to var $avp(s:dest) \n");

Example 1.14. dp_translate usage

$avp(s:src) = $ruri.user;
dp_translate("$var(x)", "$avp(s:src)/$var(y)");
xlog("translated to var $var(y) \n");

1.7. Exported MI Functions

1.7.1. dp_reload

It will update the translation rules, loading the database info.

Name: dp_reload

Parameters: none

MI DATAGRAM Command Format:


1.7.2. dp_translate

It will apply a translation rule identified by a dialplan id and an input string.

Name: dp_translate

Parameters: 2

  • Dial plan ID

  • Input String

MI DATAGRAM Command Format:


1.8. Installation

The modules requires one table in Kamailio database: dialplan.The SQL syntax to create them can be found in dialplan-create.sql script in the database directories in the kamailio/scripts folder. You can also find the complete database documentation on the project webpage, http://www.kamailio.org/docs/db-tables/kamailio-db-devel.html.

Chapter 2. Developer's Guide

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1.1 $$Date: 2007/08/30 13:16:22 $

The module does not provide any API to use in other Kamailio modules.