Acc Module

Jiri Kuthan

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Voice Sistem SRL

Ramona-Elena Modroiu

Edited by

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Voice Sistem SRL

Edited by

Sven Knoblich

1&1 Internet AG
Revision History
Revision $Revision$ $Date$

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1. Overview
1.1. General Example
2. Extra accounting
2.1. Overview
2.2. Definitions and syntax
2.3. How it works
3. Multi Call-Legs accounting
3.1. Overview
3.2. Configuration
3.3. Logged data
4. Call Data Record generation
4.1. Overview
4.2. CDR Extra
4.2.1. Definitions and syntax
4.3. CDR with Multi Call-Legs
4.3.1. Overview
4.3.2. Configuration Example for a spiraled Proxy
4.3.3. Logged data
5. Dependencies
5.1. Kamailio Modules
5.2. External Libraries or Applications
6. Parameters
6.1. early_media (integer)
6.2. failed_transaction_flag (integer)
6.3. failed_filter (string)
6.4. report_ack (integer)
6.5. report_cancels (integer)
6.6. detect_direction (integer)
6.7. acc_prepare_flag (integer)
6.8. multi_leg_info (string)
6.9. log_flag (integer)
6.10. log_missed_flag (integer)
6.11. log_level (integer)
6.12. log_facility (string)
6.13. log_extra (string)
6.14. radius_config (string)
6.15. radius_flag (integer)
6.16. radius_missed_flag (integer)
6.17. service_type (integer)
6.18. radius_extra (string)
6.19. db_flag (integer)
6.20. db_missed_flag (integer)
6.21. db_table_acc (string)
6.22. db_table_missed_calls (string)
6.23. db_url (string)
6.24. acc_method_column (string)
6.25. acc_from_tag_column (string)
6.26. acc_to_tag_column (string)
6.27. acc_callid_column (string)
6.28. acc_sip_code_column (string)
6.29. acc_sip_reason_column (string)
6.30. acc_time_column (string)
6.31. db_extra (string)
6.32. db_insert_mode (integer)
6.33. diameter_flag (integer)
6.34. diameter_missed_flag (integer)
6.35. diameter_client_host (string)
6.36. diameter_client_port (int)
6.37. diameter_extra (string)
6.38. cdr_enable (integer)
6.39. cdr_start_on_confirmed (integer)
6.40. cdr_facility (integer)
6.41. cdr_extra (string)
7. Functions
7.1. acc_log_request(comment)
7.2. acc_db_request(comment, table)
7.3. acc_rad_request(comment)
7.4. acc_diam_request(comment)
2. Frequently Asked Questions

List of Examples

1.1. early_media example
1.2. failed_transaction_flag example
1.3. failed_filter example
1.4. report_ack example
1.5. report_cancels example
1.6. detect_direction example
1.7. acc_prepare_flag example
1.8. multi_leg_info example
1.9. log_flag example
1.10. log_missed_flag example
1.11. log_level example
1.12. log_facility example
1.13. log_extra example
1.14. radius_config example
1.15. radius_flag example
1.16. radius_missed_flag example
1.17. service_type example
1.18. radius_extra example
1.19. db_flag example
1.20. db_missed_flag example
1.21. db_table_acc example
1.22. db_table_missed_calls example
1.23. db_url example
1.24. acc_method_column example
1.25. acc_from_tag_column example
1.26. acc_to_tag_column example
1.27. acc_callid_column example
1.28. acc_sip_code_column example
1.29. acc_sip_reason_column example
1.30. acc_time_column example
1.31. db_extra example
1.32. db_insert_mode example
1.33. diameter_flag example
1.34. diameter_missed_flag example
1.35. diameter_client_host example
1.36. diameter_client_host example
1.37. diameter_extra example
1.38. cdr_enable example
1.39. cdr_start_on_confirmed example
1.40. cdr_facility example
1.41. cdr_extra example
1.42. acc_log_request usage
1.43. acc_db_request usage
1.44. acc_rad_request usage
1.45. acc_diam_request usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

Table of Contents

1. Overview
1.1. General Example
2. Extra accounting
2.1. Overview
2.2. Definitions and syntax
2.3. How it works
3. Multi Call-Legs accounting
3.1. Overview
3.2. Configuration
3.3. Logged data
4. Call Data Record generation
4.1. Overview
4.2. CDR Extra
4.2.1. Definitions and syntax
4.3. CDR with Multi Call-Legs
4.3.1. Overview
4.3.2. Configuration Example for a spiraled Proxy
4.3.3. Logged data
5. Dependencies
5.1. Kamailio Modules
5.2. External Libraries or Applications
6. Parameters
6.1. early_media (integer)
6.2. failed_transaction_flag (integer)
6.3. failed_filter (string)
6.4. report_ack (integer)
6.5. report_cancels (integer)
6.6. detect_direction (integer)
6.7. acc_prepare_flag (integer)
6.8. multi_leg_info (string)
6.9. log_flag (integer)
6.10. log_missed_flag (integer)
6.11. log_level (integer)
6.12. log_facility (string)
6.13. log_extra (string)
6.14. radius_config (string)
6.15. radius_flag (integer)
6.16. radius_missed_flag (integer)
6.17. service_type (integer)
6.18. radius_extra (string)
6.19. db_flag (integer)
6.20. db_missed_flag (integer)
6.21. db_table_acc (string)
6.22. db_table_missed_calls (string)
6.23. db_url (string)
6.24. acc_method_column (string)
6.25. acc_from_tag_column (string)
6.26. acc_to_tag_column (string)
6.27. acc_callid_column (string)
6.28. acc_sip_code_column (string)
6.29. acc_sip_reason_column (string)
6.30. acc_time_column (string)
6.31. db_extra (string)
6.32. db_insert_mode (integer)
6.33. diameter_flag (integer)
6.34. diameter_missed_flag (integer)
6.35. diameter_client_host (string)
6.36. diameter_client_port (int)
6.37. diameter_extra (string)
6.38. cdr_enable (integer)
6.39. cdr_start_on_confirmed (integer)
6.40. cdr_facility (integer)
6.41. cdr_extra (string)
7. Functions
7.1. acc_log_request(comment)
7.2. acc_db_request(comment, table)
7.3. acc_rad_request(comment)
7.4. acc_diam_request(comment)

1. Overview

ACC module is used to account transactions information to different backends like syslog, SQL, RADIUS and DIAMETER (beta version).

To account a transaction and to choose which set of backends to be used, the script writer just has to set some flags (see the module parameters section for flag definitions Section 6, “Parameters”). If the accounting flag for a specific backend is set, the acc module will then report on completed transaction. A typical usage of the module takes no acc-specific script command -- the functionality binds invisibly through transaction processing. Script writers just need to mark the transaction for accounting with proper setflag. Even so, the module allows the script writter to force accounting in special cases via some script functions.

The accounting module will log by default a fixed set of attributes for the transaction - if you customize your accounting by adding more information to be logged, please see the next chapter about extra accounting - Section 2, “Extra accounting”.

The fixed minimal accounting information is:

  • Request Method name

  • From header TAG parameter

  • To header TAG parameter

  • Call-Id

  • 3-digit Status code from final reply

  • Reason phrase from final reply

  • Time stamp when transaction was completed

If a value is not present in request, the empty string is accounted instead.

Note that:

  • A single INVITE may produce multiple accounting reports -- that's due to SIP forking feature.

  • All flags related to accounting need to be set in request processing route - only the "missed-call" flag may be toggled from other types of routes.

  • If a UA fails in middle of conversation, a proxy will never find out about it. In general, a better practice is to account from an end-device (such as PSTN gateway), which best knows about call status (including media status and PSTN status in case of the gateway).

The SQL backend support is compiled in the module. For RADIUS and DIAMETER you need to enable it by recompiling the module with properly set defines: uncomment the RAD_ACC or DDIAM_ACC lines in modules/acc/Makefile. To compile RADIUS support, you need to have radiusclient-ng (only versions higher or equal to 0.5.0) installed on your system which is available from The radius client needs to be configured properly. To do so, use the template at etc/radiusclient.conf and make sure that module's radius_config parameter points to its location. In particular, accounting secret must match that one configured in server and proper dictionary is used (one is available at etc/sip_dictionary). Also note that Debian radiusclient-ng uses /var/run/radius.seq as seqfile but Kamailio Debian init script expects /var/run/kamailio/kamailio_radius.seq, so is needed to change it in radiusclient-ng configuration or in Kamailio Debian init script (if not, Kamailio can't create the seq file when not running as root). Uses along with FreeRadius ( and Radiator ( servers have been reported to us.

NOTE: diameter support was developed for DISC (DIameter Server Client project at This project seems to be no longer maintained and DIAMETER specifications were updated in the meantime. Thus, the DIAMETER part in the module is obsolete and needs rework to be usable with opendiameter or other DIAMETER servers.

1.1. General Example

loadmodule "modules/acc/"
modparam("acc", "log_level", 1)
modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1)

if (uri=~"sip:+40") /* calls to Romania */ {
    if (!proxy_authorize("" /* realm */,
    "subscriber" /* table name */))  {
        proxy_challenge("" /* realm */, "0" /* no qop */ );

    if (method=="INVITE" && !check_from()) {

    setflag(1); /* set for accounting (the same value as in log_flag!)
    t_relay(); 	/* enter stateful mode now */

2. Extra accounting

2.1. Overview

Along the static default information, ACC modules allows dynamical selection of extra information to be logged. This allows you to log any pseudo-variable (AVPs, parts of the request, etc).

2.2. Definitions and syntax

Selection of extra information is done via xxx_extra parameters by specifying the names of additional information you want to log. This information is defined via pseudo-variables and may include headers, AVPs values or other message or system values. The syntax of the parameter is:

  • xxx_extra = extra_definition (';'extra_definition)*

  • extra_definition = log_name '=' pseudo_variable

The full list of supported pseudo-variables in Kamailio is available at:

Note: For all the ACK processed by tm, the registered callbacks (like acc module) will be called with the corresponding INVITE transaction contexts as long as this is still available. This means that the ACK callbacks will see the AVPs setup for the INVITE transaction and not the AVPs setup before t_relay().

Via log_name you define how/where the data will be logged. Its meaning depends of the accounting support which is used:

  • LOG accounting - log_name will be just printed along with the data in log_name=data format;

  • DB accounting - log_name will be the name of the DB column where the data will be stored.IMPORTANT: add in db acc table the columns corresponding to each extra data;

  • RADIUS accounting - log_name will be the AVP name used for packing the data into RADIUS message. The log_name will be translated to AVP number via the dictionary. IMPORTANT: add in RADIUS dictionary the log_name attribute.

  • DIAMETER accounting - log_name will be the AVP code used for packing the data into DIAMETER message. The AVP code is given directly as integer, since DIAMETER has no dictionary support yet. IMPORTANT: log_name must be a number.

2.3. How it works

Some pseudo variables may return more than one value (like headers or AVPs). In this case, the returned values are embedded in a single string in a comma-separated format.

3. Multi Call-Legs accounting

3.1. Overview

A SIP call can have multiple legs due forwarding actions. For example user A calls user B which forwards the call to user C. There is only one SIP call but with 2 legs ( A to B and B to C). Accounting the legs of a call is required for proper billing of the calls (if C is a PSTN number and the call is billed, user B must pay for the call - as last party modifing the call destination-, and not A - as initiator of the call. Call forwarding on server is only one example which shows the necessity of the having an accounting engine with multiple legs support.

3.2. Configuration

First how it works: The idea is to have a set of AVPs and for each call leg to store a set of values in the AVPs. The meaning of the AVP content is stricly decided by the script writer - it can be the origin and source of the leg, its status or any other related information. If you have a set of 4 AVPS (AVP1, AVP2, AVP3, AVP4), then for the "A call B and B forwards to C" example, you need to set a different set of values for the AVPs for each leg ([A,B] and [B,C]) . The script writer must take care and properly insert all these AVP from the script (in proper order and with the correct type).

When the accounting information for the call will be written/sent, all the call-leg pairs will be added (based on the found AVP sets).

By default, the multiple call-leg support is disabled - it can be enabled just be setting the per-leg set of AVPs via the multi_leg_info module parameter.

3.3. Logged data

For each call, all the values of the AVP set (which defines a call-leg) will be logged. How the information will be actually logged, depends of the data backend:

  • syslog -- all leg-sets will be added to one record string as AVP1=xxx, AVP2=xxxx ,... sets.

  • database -- each pair will be separately logged (due DB data structure constraints); several records will be written, the difference between them being only the fields corresponding to the call-leg info.


    You will need to add in your DB (all acc related tables) the colums for call-leg info (a column for each AVP of the set).

  • Radius -- all sets will be added to the same Radius accounting message as RADIUS AVPs - for each call-leg a set of RADIUS AVPs will be added (corresponding to the per-leg AVP set)


    You will need to add in your dictionary the RADIUS AVPs used in call-leg AVP set definition.

  • Diameter same as for RADIUS.

4. Call Data Record generation

4.1. Overview

It is possible to generate and log Call Data Records (CDRs) directly from Kamailio in addition to transaction-based logging. Apart from a basic set of CDR fields which are always included (covering start time, end time, and duration), the approach allows flexible specification of additional fields that should be taken into account using the configuration script. This is very similar to how transaction-based logging may be customized with the exception that CDRs rely on dialogs instead of transactions to store relevant information during a call.

In order to set up CDR generation, you must enable the CDR switch and load the dialog module. You probably also want to specify a set of pseudo-variables that define more relevant CDR fields. Pseudo-variables may be assigned arbitrarily during script execution, and the module will make sure that the variable content will be transformed into a CDR by the end of the dialog.

To use CDR logging in a correct manner, you should only use the dialog-based pseudo-variables (dlg_var) from the dialog module. This allows you to save values right from the beginning through all requests and replies until termination of the call. While not recommended, it is still possible to use other pseudo-variables as well. Except for pseudo-variables valid in the call-final transaction, however, information given will not be stored in the CDR as they cannot be accessed by the end of the call when the CDR is logged.

4.2. CDR Extra

This section is similar to the LOG accounting part of Section 2, “Extra accounting”.

4.2.1. Definitions and syntax

Selection of extra information is done similar to the transaction extra Section 2.2, “Definitions and syntax”.

  • cdr_extra = cdr_extra_definition (';'cdr_extra_definition)*

  • cdr_extra_definition = cdr_log_name '=' pseudo_variable

See also Section 6.41, “cdr_extra (string)”.

The full list of supported pseudo-variables in Sip-Router is available at:

4.3. CDR with Multi Call-Legs

4.3.1. Overview

As mentioned in Section 3, “Multi Call-Legs accounting”, a leg represents a parallel or forwarded call. In contrast to the normal accounting the cdr logging uses dialogs instead of transaction to log data. This may reduce the amount of information but it also make it possible to combine all important data in one cdr at once. A second mechanism to process multiple data-sets into one cdr is not further necessary.

4.3.2. Configuration

When you route messages multiple times through your proxy (e.g. to handle call-forwardings) you have to use detect_spirals from the dialog modules. Otherwise the proxy can't identify and reuse existing dialogs.

To get the correct call-forwarding-chain you have to store each cf* with the corresponding caller and callee in a dialog based pseudo-variable (dlg_var) (e.g. chain=B;cfa;C|C;cfnr;D). Additionally it is necessary to store the caller and callee for each leg. All this helps to identify the involved phone parners and forwarding chain. When you route such calls multiple times to the same Proxy, you could store the caller and callee within an transaction based avp and write it into the dialog based dlg_var pv during a 200 INVITE. Example for a spiraled Proxy
# A calls B (transaction 1)

# B cfa C (transaction 2)

# C cfnr D (transaction 3)
$dlg_var(chain)=$dlg_var(chain) + "|" + "C;cfnr;D";

# C confirms call (200 reply of transaction 2)
$dlg_var(caller) = $avp(caller); #caller='B'
$dlg_var(callee) = $avp(callee); #callee='C'

4.3.3. Logged data

For each call, all dialog corresponding variables will be logged. After a call is finished, the generated call data record information will be logged as string (VAR1=xxx,VAR2=xxxx,...) to the syslog.

5. Dependencies

5.1. Kamailio Modules

The module depends on the following modules (in the other words the listed modules must be loaded before this module):

  • tm -- Transaction Manager

  • a database module -- If SQL support is used.

  • rr -- Record Route, if detect_direction module parameter is enabled.

  • dialog -- Dialog, if cdr_enable module parameter is enabled.

5.2. External Libraries or Applications

The following libraries or applications must be installed before running Kamailio with this module loaded:

6. Parameters

6.1. early_media (integer)

Should be early media (any provisional reply with body) accounted too ?

Default value is 0 (no).

Example 1.1. early_media example

modparam("acc", "early_media", 1)

6.2. failed_transaction_flag (integer)

Per transaction flag which says if the transaction should be accounted also in case of failure (status>=300).

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.2. failed_transaction_flag example

modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 4)

6.3. failed_filter (string)

A string of failure response codes from 300 to 999 separated by commas. Failed transaction will not be accounted if its response code is in the list even when failed_transaction_flag is set.

Default value is not-set (failure filtering is off).

Example 1.3. failed_filter example

modparam("acc", "failed_filter", "404,407")

6.4. report_ack (integer)

Shall acc attempt to account e2e ACKs too ? Note that this is really only an attempt, as e2e ACKs may take a different path (unless RR enabled) and mismatch original INVITE (e2e ACKs are a separate transaction).

Default value is 0 (no).

Example 1.4. report_ack example

modparam("acc", "report_ack", 1)

6.5. report_cancels (integer)

By default, CANCEL reporting is disabled -- most accounting applications wants to see INVITE's cancellation status. Turn on if you explicitly want to account CANCEL transactions.

Default value is 0 (no).

Example 1.5. report_cancels example

modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1)

6.6. detect_direction (integer)

Controlles the direction detection for sequential requests. If enabled (non zero value), for sequential requests with upstream direction (from callee to caller), the FROM and TO will be swapped (the direction will be preserved as in the original request).

It affects all values related to TO and FROM headers (body, URI, username, domain, TAG).

Default value is 0 (disabled).

Example 1.6. detect_direction example

modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 1)

6.7. acc_prepare_flag (integer)

Per transaction flag which says if the transaction may be accounted later, with flags set in TM module specific routes (e.g., like failure_route). If this flag is not set and acc or missed_call flag are not set either in request route block, there is no way to mark the request for transaction later. If either acc or missed_call flags are set in request route block, it is no need to set this flag.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.7. acc_prepare_flag example

modparam("acc", "acc_prepare_flag", 5)

6.8. multi_leg_info (string)

Defines the AVP set to be used in per-call-leg accounting. See Section 3, “Multi Call-Legs accounting” for a detailed description of the Multi Call-Legs accounting.

If empty, the multi-leg accounting support will be disabled.

Default value is 0 (disabled).

Example 1.8. multi_leg_info example

# for syslog-based accounting, use any text you want to be printed
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_info",
# for mysql-based accounting, use the names of the columns
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_info",
# for RADIUS-based accounting, use the names of the RADIUS AVPs
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_info",
# for DIAMETER-based accounting, use the DIAMETER AVP ID (as integer)
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_info",

6.9. log_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account a transaction via syslog.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.9. log_flag example

modparam("acc", "log_flag", 2)

6.10. log_missed_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account missed calls via syslog.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.10. log_missed_flag example

modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 3)

6.11. log_level (integer)

Log level at which accounting messages are issued to syslog.

Default value is L_NOTICE.

Example 1.11. log_level example

modparam("acc", "log_level", 2)   # Set log_level to 2

6.12. log_facility (string)

Log facility to which accounting messages are issued to syslog. This allows to easily seperate the accounting specific logging from the other log messages.

Default value is LOG_DAEMON.

Example 1.12. log_facility example

modparam("acc", "log_facility", "LOG_DAEMON")

6.13. log_extra (string)

Extra values to be logged. See section Section 2, “Extra accounting” for more details.

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.13. log_extra example

modparam("acc", "log_extra", "ua=$hdr(User-Agent);uuid=$avp(i:123)")

6.14. radius_config (string)

This parameter is radius specific. Path to radius client configuration file, set the referred config file correctly and specify there address of server, shared secret (should equal that in /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients for freeRadius servers) and dictionary, see etc for an example of config file and dictionary.

If the parameter is set to empty string, the RADIUS accounting support will be disabled (even if compiled).

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.14. radius_config example

modparam("acc", "radius_config", "/etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf")

6.15. radius_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account a transaction -- RADIUS specific.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.15. radius_flag example

modparam("acc", "radius_flag", 2)

6.16. radius_missed_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account missed calls -- RADIUS specific.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.16. radius_missed_flag example

modparam("acc", "radius_missed_flag", 3)

6.17. service_type (integer)

Radius service type used for accounting.

Default value is 15 (SIP).

Example 1.17. service_type example

modparam("acc", "service_type", 16)

6.18. radius_extra (string)

Extra values to be logged via RADIUS - RADIUS specific. See section Section 2, “Extra accounting” for more details.

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.18. radius_extra example

modparam("acc", "radius_extra", "via=$hdr(Via[*]); email=$avp(s:email)")

6.19. db_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account a transaction -- database specific.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.19. db_flag example

modparam("acc", "db_flag", 2)

6.20. db_missed_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account missed calls -- database specific.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.20. db_missed_flag example

modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 3)

6.21. db_table_acc (string)

Table name of accounting successfull calls -- database specific.

Default value is acc

Example 1.21. db_table_acc example

modparam("acc", "db_table_acc", "myacc_table")

6.22. db_table_missed_calls (string)

Table name for accounting missed calls -- database specific.

Default value is missed_calls

Example 1.22. db_table_missed_calls example

modparam("acc", "db_table_missed_calls", "myMC_table")

6.23. db_url (string)

SQL address -- database specific. If is set to NULL or emty string, the SQL support is disabled.

Default value is NULL (SQL disabled).

Example 1.23. db_url example

modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://user:password@localhost/openser")

6.24. acc_method_column (string)

Column name in accounting table to store the request's method name as string.

Default value is method.

Example 1.24. acc_method_column example

modparam("acc", "acc_method_column", "method")

6.25. acc_from_tag_column (string)

Column name in accounting table to store the From header TAG parameter.

Default value is from_tag.

Example 1.25. acc_from_tag_column example

modparam("acc", "acc_from_tag_column", "from_tag")

6.26. acc_to_tag_column (string)

Column name in accounting table to store the To header TAG parameter.

Default value is to_tag.

Example 1.26. acc_to_tag_column example

modparam("acc", "acc_to_tag_column", "to_tag")

6.27. acc_callid_column (string)

Column name in accounting table to store the request's Callid value.

Default value is callid.

Example 1.27. acc_callid_column example

modparam("acc", "acc_callid_column", "callid")

6.28. acc_sip_code_column (string)

Column name in accounting table to store the final reply's numric code value in string format.

Default value is sip_code.

Example 1.28. acc_sip_code_column example

modparam("acc", "acc_sip_code_column", "sip_code")

6.29. acc_sip_reason_column (string)

Column name in accounting table to store the final reply's reason phrase value.

Default value is sip_reason.

Example 1.29. acc_sip_reason_column example

modparam("acc", "acc_sip_reason_column", "sip_reason")

6.30. acc_time_column (string)

Column name in accounting table to store the time stamp of the transaction completion in date-time format.

Default value is time.

Example 1.30. acc_time_column example

modparam("acc", "acc_time_column", "time")

6.31. db_extra (string)

Extra values to be logged into database - DB specific. See section Section 2, “Extra accounting” for more details.

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.31. db_extra example

modparam("acc", "db_extra", "ct=$hdr(Content-type); email=$avp(s:email)")

6.32. db_insert_mode (integer)

If set to 1, use INSERT DELAYED to add records to accounting tables when the DB driver has support for it. If no INSERT DELAYED support is offered by DB driver, then standard INSERT is used.

Default value is 0 (no INSERT DELAYED).

Example 1.32. db_insert_mode example

modparam("acc", "db_insert_mode", 1)

6.33. diameter_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account a transaction -- DIAMETER specific.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.33. diameter_flag example

modparam("acc", "diameter_flag", 2)

6.34. diameter_missed_flag (integer)

Request flag which needs to be set to account missed calls -- DIAMETER specific.

Default value is not-set (no flag).

Example 1.34. diameter_missed_flag example

modparam("acc", "diameter_missed_flag", 3)

6.35. diameter_client_host (string)

Hostname of the machine where the DIAMETER Client is running -- DIAMETER specific.

Default value is localhost.

Example 1.35. diameter_client_host example

modparam("acc", "diameter_client_host", "")

6.36. diameter_client_port (int)

Port number where the Diameter Client is listening -- DIAMETER specific.

Default value is 3000.

Example 1.36. diameter_client_host example

modparam("acc", "diameter_client_port", 3000)

6.37. diameter_extra (string)

Extra values to be logged via DIAMETER - DIAMETER specific. See section Section 2, “Extra accounting” for more details.

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.37. diameter_extra example

modparam("acc", "diameter_extra", "7846=$hdr(Content-type);7847=$avp(s:email)")

6.38. cdr_enable (integer)

Should CDR-based logging be enabled?

0 - off (default) 1 - on

Example 1.38. cdr_enable example

modparam("acc", "cdr_enable", 1)

6.39. cdr_start_on_confirmed (integer)

Should the start time be taken from the time when the dialog is created, or when the dialog is confirmed?

0 - use time of dialog creation (default). 1 - use time of dialog confirmation.

Example 1.39. cdr_start_on_confirmed example

modparam("acc", "cdr_start_on_confirmed", 1)

6.40. cdr_facility (integer)

Log facility to which CDR messages are issued to syslog. This allows to easily seperate CDR-specific logging from the other log messages.

Default value is LOG_DAEMON.

Example 1.40. cdr_facility example

modparam("acc", "cdr_facility", "LOG_DAEMON")

6.41. cdr_extra (string)

Set of pseudo-variables defining custom CDR fields. See Section 4.2, “CDR Extra” for more details.

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.41. cdr_extra example

modparam("acc", "cdr_extra", "c1=$dlg_var(caller);c2=$dlg_var(callee)"

7. Functions

7.1.  acc_log_request(comment)

acc_request reports on a request, for example, it can be used to report on missed calls to off-line users who are replied 404 - Not Found. To avoid multiple reports on UDP request retransmission, you would need to embed the action in stateful processing.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • comment - Comment to be appended.

This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE.

Example 1.42. acc_log_request usage

acc_log_request("Some comment");

7.2.  acc_db_request(comment, table)

Like acc_log_request, acc_db_request reports on a request. The report is sent to database at db_url, in the table referred to in the second action parameter.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • comment - Comment to be appended.

  • table - Database table to be used.

This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE.

Example 1.43. acc_db_request usage

acc_log_request("Some comment", "Some table");

7.3.  acc_rad_request(comment)

Like acc_log_request, acc_rad_request reports on a request. It reports to radius server as configured in radius_config.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • comment - Comment to be appended.

This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE.

Example 1.44. acc_rad_request usage

acc_rad_request("Some comment");

7.4.  acc_diam_request(comment)

Like acc_log_request, acc_diam_request reports on a request. It reports to the configured Diameter server.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • comment - Comment to be appended.

This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE.

Example 1.45. acc_diam_request usage

acc_diam_request("Some comment");

Chapter 2. Frequently Asked Questions

2.1. What happend with old log_fmt parameter
2.2. What happend with old multi_leg_enabled parameter
2.3. What happend with old src_leg_avp_id and dst_leg_avp_id parameters
2.4. Where can I find more about Kamailio?
2.5. Where can I post a question about this module?
2.6. How can I report a bug?


What happend with old log_fmt parameter

The parameter became obsolete with the restructure of the data logged by ACC module (refer to the Overview chapter). For similar behaviour you can use the extra accouting (see the coresponding chapter).


What happend with old multi_leg_enabled parameter

The parameter becaome obsolete by the addition of the new multi_leg_info parameter. The multi-leg accouting is automatically enabled when multi_leg_info is defined.


What happend with old src_leg_avp_id and dst_leg_avp_id parameters

The parameter was replaced by the more generic new parameter multi_leg_info. This allows logging (per-leg) of more information than just dst and src.


Where can I find more about Kamailio?

Take a look at


Where can I post a question about this module?

First at all check if your question was already answered on one of our mailing lists:

E-mails regarding any stable Kamailio release should be sent to and e-mails regarding development versions should be sent to .

If you want to keep the mail private, send it to .


How can I report a bug?

Please follow the guidelines provided at: