1. Textops Module

Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul


1.1. Overview
1.1.1. Known Limitations
1.2. Functions
1.2.1. search(re)
1.2.2. search_append(re, txt)
1.2.3. replace(re, txt)
1.2.4. subst('/re/repl/flags')
1.2.5. subst_uri('/re/repl/flags')
1.2.6. subst_user('/re/repl/flags')
1.2.7. append_to_reply(txt)
1.2.8. append_hf(hf)
1.2.9. append_urihf(prefix, suffix)
1.2.10. is_present_hf(hf_name)
1.2.11. append_time()
1.2.12. remove_hf(hf_name)
1.2.13. remove_hf_re(reg_exp)
1.2.14. append_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
1.2.15. insert_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
1.2.16. remove_hf_value(hf_par)
1.2.17. remove_hf_value2(hf_par)
1.2.18. assign_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
1.2.19. assign_hf_value2(hf, xl_value)
1.2.20. include_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
1.2.21. exclude_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
1.2.22. hf_value_exists(hf, xl_value)
1.2.23. @hf_value selects

1.1. Overview

This is mostly an example module. It implements text based operation (search, replace, append a.s.o). Many functions support xl_lib formating using xprint module.

1.1.1. Known Limitations

search ignores folded lines. For example, search("(From|f):.*@foo.bar") doesn't match the following From header field:

From: medabeda

1.2. Functions

1.2.1.  search(re)

Searches for the re in the message.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • re - Regular expression.

Example 1. search usage

if ( search("[Ss][Ee][Rr]" ) { /*....*/ };

1.2.2.  search_append(re, txt)

Searches for the first match of re and appends txt after it.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • re - Regular expression.

  • txt - String to be appended. Xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 2. search_append usage

search_append("[Ss]er", " blabla");

1.2.3.  replace(re, txt)

Replaces the first occurrence of re with txt.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • re - Regular expression.

  • txt - String. Xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 3. replace usage

replace("ser", "Sip Express Router");

1.2.4.  subst('/re/repl/flags')

Replaces re with repl (sed or perl like).

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • '/re/repl/flags' - sed like regular expression. flags can be a combination of i (case insensitive), g (global) or s (match newline don't treat it as end of line).

Example 4. subst usage

# replace the uri in to: with the message uri (just an example)
if ( subst('/^To:(.*)sip:[^@]*@[a-zA-Z0-9.]+(.*)$/t:\1\u\2/ig') ) {};

1.2.5.  subst_uri('/re/repl/flags')

Runs the re substitution on the message uri (like subst but works only on the uri)

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • '/re/repl/flags' - sed like regular expression. flags can be a combination of i (case insensitive), g (global) or s (match newline don't treat it as end of line).

Example 5. subst usage

# adds 3463 prefix to numeric uris, and save the original uri (\0 match)
# as a parameter: orig_uri (just an example)
if (subst_uri('/^sip:([0-9]+)@(.*)$/sip:3463\1@\2;orig_uri=\0/i')){$

1.2.6.  subst_user('/re/repl/flags')

Runs the re substitution on the message uri (like subst_uri but works only on the user portion of the uri)

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • '/re/repl/flags' - sed like regular expression. flags can be a combination of i (case insensitive), g (global) or s (match newline don't treat it as end of line).

Example 6. subst usage

# adds 3463 prefix to uris ending with 3642 (just an example)
if (subst_user('/3642$/36423463/')){$

1.2.7.  append_to_reply(txt)

Append txt to the reply.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • txt - String. Xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 7. append_to_reply usage

append_to_reply("Foo: bar\r\n");

1.2.8.  append_hf(hf)

Appends txt after the last header field.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf - Header field to be appended. Xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 8. append_hf usage

append_hf("P-hint: VOICEMAIL\r\n");

1.2.9.  append_urihf(prefix, suffix)

Append header field name with original Request-URI in middle.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • prefix - string (usually at least header field name). Xl_lib formatting supported.

  • suffix - string (usually at least line terminator). Xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 9. append_urihf usage

append_urihf("CC-Diversion: ", "\r\n");

1.2.10.  is_present_hf(hf_name)

Return true if a header field is present in message.


Takes header field names "as is" and doesn't distinguish compact names.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf_name - Header field name.

Example 10. is_present_hf usage

if (is_present_hf("From")) log(1, "From HF Present");

1.2.11.  append_time()

Append "Date" header containing the current date and time to the reply generated by SER.

Example 11. is_present_hf usage

if (method == "REGISTER" ) {
    # Many user agents can use the Date header field
    # in 200 OK replies to REGISTER to synchronize
    # internal clock

1.2.12.  remove_hf(hf_name)

Remove from the message all the headers with the specified name.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf_name - Header field name to be removed.

Example 12. remove_hf usage

remove_hf("Subject")  # strip all headers whose name is "Subject".

1.2.13.  remove_hf_re(reg_exp)

Remove from the message all the headers whose names match a given regular expression.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • reg_exp - Regular expression that is matched against header name fields.

Example 13. remove_hf_re usage

remove_hf_re("Subject|P-.*|X-.*")  # strip all headers whose names match
"Subject", contain "P-" or "X-".

1.2.14.  append_hf_value(hf, xl_value)

Append new header value after an existing header, if no index acquired append at the end of list. Note that a header may consist of comma delimited list of values.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf - Header field to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ]. If index is not specified new header is inserted at the end of message.

  • xl_value - Value to be added, xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 14. append_hf_value usage

append_hf_value("foo", "gogo;stamp=%Ts")   # add new header
append_hf_value("foo[1]", "gogo")  # add new value behind first value
append_hf_value("foo[-1]", "%@Bar") # try add value to the last header, if not exists add new header

1.2.15.  insert_hf_value(hf, xl_value)

Insert new header value before an existing header, if no index acquired insert before first hf header. Note that a header may consist of comma delimited list of values. To insert value behing last value use appenf_hf_value.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf - Header field to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ]. If index is not specified new header is inserted at the top of message.

  • xl_value - Value to be added, xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 15. insert_hf_value usage

insert_hf_value("foo[2]", "gogo")
insert_hf_value("foo", "%$an_avp")   # add new header at the top of list
insert_hf_value("foo[1]", "gogo") # try add to the first header

1.2.16.  remove_hf_value(hf_par)

Remove the header value from existing header, Note that a header may consist of comma delimited list of values.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf_par - Header field/param to be removed. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM ] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.

Example 16. remove_hf_value usage

remove_hf_value("foo")  # remove foo[1]
remove_hf_value("foo[*]")  # remove all foo's headers
remove_hf_value("foo[-1]") # last foo
remove_hf_value("foo.bar")  # delete parameter
remove_hf_value("foo[*].bar") # for each foo delete bar parameters

1.2.17.  remove_hf_value2(hf_par)

Remove specified header or parameter. It is expected header in Authorization format (comma delimiters are not treated as multi-value delimiters).

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf_par - Header/param to be removed. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM ] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.

Example 17. remove_hf_value2 usage

remove_hf_value2("foo")  # remove foo[1]
remove_hf_value2("foo[*]")  # remove all foo's headers, the same as remove_hf_header("foo[*]");
remove_hf_value2("foo[-1]") # last foo
remove_hf_value2("foo.bar")  # delete parameter
remove_hf_value2("foo[*].bar") # for each foo delete bar parameters

1.2.18.  assign_hf_value(hf, xl_value)

Assign value to specified header value / param.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf_para - Header field value / param to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.

  • xl_value - Value to be assigned, xl_lib formatting supported. If value is empty then no equal sign apears in param.

Example 18. assign_hf_value usage

assign_hf_value("foo", "gogo")  # foo[1]
assign_hf_value("foo[-1]", "gogo")  # foo[last_foo]

assign_hf_value("foo.bar", "")
assign_hf_value("foo[3].bar", "")
assign_hf_value("foo[*]", "")  # remove all foo's, empty value remains
assign_hf_value("foo[*].bar", "")  # set empty value (ex. lr)

1.2.19.  assign_hf_value2(hf, xl_value)

Assign value to specified header. It is expected header in Authorization format (comma delimiters are not treated as multi-value delimiters).

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf_para - Header field value / param to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.

  • xl_value - Value to be assigned, xl_lib formatting supported. If value is empty then no equal sign apears in param.

Example 19. assign_hf_value2 usage

assign_hf_value2("Authorization.integrity-protected", "\"yes\"")
assign_hf_value2("foo[-1]", "gogo")  # foo[last_foo]
assign_hf_value2("foo[*].bar", "")  # set empty value (ex. lr)

1.2.20.  include_hf_value(hf, xl_value)

Add value in set if not exists, eg. "Supported: path,100rel".

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf - Header field name to be affected.

  • value - xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 20. include_hf_value usage

include_hf_value("Supported", "path");

1.2.21.  exclude_hf_value(hf, xl_value)

Remove value from set if exists, eg. "Supported: path,100rel".

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf - Header field name to be affected.

  • value - xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 21. exclude_hf_value usage

exclude_hf_value("Supported", "100rel");

1.2.22.  hf_value_exists(hf, xl_value)

Check if value exists in set. Alternate select @hf_value_exists.HF.VALUE may be used. It returns one or zero.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • hf - Header field name to be affected. Underscores are treated as dashes.

  • value - xl_lib formatting supported.

Example 22. hf_value_exists usage

if (hf_value_exists("Supported", "100rel")) {


if (@hf_value_exists.supported.path == "1") {


1.2.23.  @hf_value selects

Get value of required header-value or param. Note that functions called 'value2' works with Authorization-like headers where comma is not treated as value delimiter. Formats: @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX] # idx value, negative value counts from bottom @hf_value.HFNAME.PARAM_NAME @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].PARAM_NAME @hf_value.HFNAME.p.PARAM_NAME # or .param., useful if requred called "uri", "p", "param" @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].p.PARAM_NAME # dtto @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].uri # (< & > excluded) @hf_value.HFNAME[*] # return comma delimited list of all values (combines headers) @hf_value.HFNAME # the same as above [*] but may be parsed by cfg.y @hf_value.HFNAME[*].uri # return comma delimited list of uris (< & > excluded) @hf_value.HFNAME.uri # the same as above [*] but may be parsed by cfg.y @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].name # returns name part, quotes excluded @hf_value.HFNAME.name # returns name part of the first value @hf_value2.HFNAME # returns value of first header @hf_value2.HFNAME[IDX] # returns value of idx's header @hf_value2.HFNAME.PARAM_NAME @hf_value2.HFNAME[IDX].PARAM_NAME @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].uri # return URI, quotes excluded @hf_value.HFNAME.p.uri # returns param named uri, not URI itself @hf_value.HFNAME.p.name # returns param named name, not name itself @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].uri.name # any sel_any_uri nested features may be used @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].nameaddr.name # select_any_nameaddr

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • HFNAME - Header field name. Underscores are treated as dashes.

  • IDX - Value index, negative value counts from bottom

  • PARAM_NAME - name of parameter

Example 23. @hf_value select usage

$a = @hf_value.my_header[1].my_param;
xplog("L_ERR", "%@hf_value.via[-1], %@hf_value.from.tag\n");
$b = @hf_value.p_associated_uri;

xplog("L_ERR", "Route uris: '%@hf_value.route[*].uri'\n");
$rr = @hf_value.route.uri;

$prt = @hf_value2.authorization.integrity_protected;