search_append(re, txt)
replace(re, txt)
append_urihf(prefix, suffix)
append_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
insert_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
assign_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
assign_hf_value2(hf, xl_value)
include_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
exclude_hf_value(hf, xl_value)
hf_value_exists(hf, xl_value)
@hf_value selects
This is mostly an example module. It implements text based operation (search, replace, append a.s.o). Many functions support xl_lib formating using xprint module.
Searches for the re in the message.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
re - Regular expression.
Searches for the first match of re and appends txt after it.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
re - Regular expression.
txt - String to be appended. Xl_lib formatting supported.
Replaces the first occurrence of re with txt.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
re - Regular expression.
txt - String. Xl_lib formatting supported.
Replaces re with repl (sed or perl like).
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
'/re/repl/flags' - sed like regular expression. flags can be a combination of i (case insensitive), g (global) or s (match newline don't treat it as end of line).
Example 4. subst
... # replace the uri in to: with the message uri (just an example) if ( subst('/^To:(.*)sip:[^@]*@[a-zA-Z0-9.]+(.*)$/t:\1\u\2/ig') ) {}; ...
Runs the re substitution on the message uri (like subst but works only on the uri)
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
'/re/repl/flags' - sed like regular expression. flags can be a combination of i (case insensitive), g (global) or s (match newline don't treat it as end of line).
Example 5. subst
... # adds 3463 prefix to numeric uris, and save the original uri (\0 match) # as a parameter: orig_uri (just an example) if (subst_uri('/^sip:([0-9]+)@(.*)$/sip:3463\1@\2;orig_uri=\0/i')){$ ...
Runs the re substitution on the message uri (like subst_uri but works only on the user portion of the uri)
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
'/re/repl/flags' - sed like regular expression. flags can be a combination of i (case insensitive), g (global) or s (match newline don't treat it as end of line).
Example 6. subst
... # adds 3463 prefix to uris ending with 3642 (just an example) if (subst_user('/3642$/36423463/')){$ ...
Append txt to the reply.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
txt - String. Xl_lib formatting supported.
Appends txt after the last header field.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf - Header field to be appended. Xl_lib formatting supported.
Append header field name with original Request-URI in middle.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
prefix - string (usually at least header field name). Xl_lib formatting supported.
suffix - string (usually at least line terminator). Xl_lib formatting supported.
Return true if a header field is present in message.
Takes header field names "as is" and doesn't distinguish compact names.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf_name - Header field name.
Append "Date" header containing the current date and time to the reply generated by SER.
Example 11. is_present_hf
... if (method == "REGISTER" ) { # Many user agents can use the Date header field # in 200 OK replies to REGISTER to synchronize # internal clock append_time(); }; ...
Remove from the message all the headers with the specified name.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf_name - Header field name to be removed.
Example 12. remove_hf
... remove_hf("Subject") # strip all headers whose name is "Subject". ...
Remove from the message all the headers whose names match a given regular expression.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
reg_exp - Regular expression that is matched against header name fields.
Example 13. remove_hf_re
... remove_hf_re("Subject|P-.*|X-.*") # strip all headers whose names match "Subject", contain "P-" or "X-". ...
Append new header value after an existing header, if no index acquired append at the end of list. Note that a header may consist of comma delimited list of values.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf - Header field to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ]. If index is not specified new header is inserted at the end of message.
xl_value - Value to be added, xl_lib formatting supported.
Example 14. append_hf_value
... append_hf_value("foo", "gogo;stamp=%Ts") # add new header append_hf_value("foo[1]", "gogo") # add new value behind first value append_hf_value("foo[-1]", "%@Bar") # try add value to the last header, if not exists add new header ...
Insert new header value before an existing header, if no index acquired insert before first
hf header. Note that a header may consist of comma delimited list of values.
To insert value behing last value use appenf_hf_value
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf - Header field to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ]. If index is not specified new header is inserted at the top of message.
xl_value - Value to be added, xl_lib formatting supported.
Example 15. insert_hf_value
... insert_hf_value("foo[2]", "gogo") insert_hf_value("foo", "%$an_avp") # add new header at the top of list insert_hf_value("foo[1]", "gogo") # try add to the first header ...
Remove the header value from existing header, Note that a header may consist of comma delimited list of values.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf_par - Header field/param to be removed. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM ] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.
Example 16. remove_hf_value
... remove_hf_value("foo") # remove foo[1] remove_hf_value("foo[*]") # remove all foo's headers remove_hf_value("foo[-1]") # last foo remove_hf_value("") # delete parameter remove_hf_value("foo[*].bar") # for each foo delete bar parameters ...
Remove specified header or parameter. It is expected header in Authorization format (comma delimiters are not treated as multi-value delimiters).
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf_par - Header/param to be removed. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM ] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.
Example 17. remove_hf_value2
... remove_hf_value2("foo") # remove foo[1] remove_hf_value2("foo[*]") # remove all foo's headers, the same as remove_hf_header("foo[*]"); remove_hf_value2("foo[-1]") # last foo remove_hf_value2("") # delete parameter remove_hf_value2("foo[*].bar") # for each foo delete bar parameters ...
Assign value to specified header value / param.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf_para - Header field value / param to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.
xl_value - Value to be assigned, xl_lib formatting supported. If value is empty then no equal sign apears in param.
Example 18. assign_hf_value
... assign_hf_value("foo", "gogo") # foo[1] assign_hf_value("foo[-1]", "gogo") # foo[last_foo] assign_hf_value("", "") assign_hf_value("foo[3].bar", "") assign_hf_value("foo[*]", "") # remove all foo's, empty value remains assign_hf_value("foo[*].bar", "") # set empty value (ex. lr) ...
Assign value to specified header. It is expected header in Authorization format (comma delimiters are not treated as multi-value delimiters).
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf_para - Header field value / param to be appended. Format: HFNAME [ [IDX] ] [. PARAM] If asterisk is specified as index then all values are affected.
xl_value - Value to be assigned, xl_lib formatting supported. If value is empty then no equal sign apears in param.
Example 19. assign_hf_value2
... assign_hf_value2("Authorization.integrity-protected", "\"yes\"") assign_hf_value2("foo[-1]", "gogo") # foo[last_foo] assign_hf_value2("foo[*].bar", "") # set empty value (ex. lr) ...
Add value in set if not exists, eg. "Supported: path,100rel".
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf - Header field name to be affected.
value - xl_lib formatting supported.
Remove value from set if exists, eg. "Supported: path,100rel".
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf - Header field name to be affected.
value - xl_lib formatting supported.
Check if value exists in set. Alternate select @hf_value_exists.HF.VALUE may be used. It returns one or zero.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hf - Header field name to be affected. Underscores are treated as dashes.
value - xl_lib formatting supported.
Example 22. hf_value_exists
... if (hf_value_exists("Supported", "100rel")) { } if (@hf_value_exists.supported.path == "1") { } ...
Get value of required header-value or param. Note that functions called 'value2' works with Authorization-like headers where comma is not treated as value delimiter. Formats: @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX] # idx value, negative value counts from bottom @hf_value.HFNAME.PARAM_NAME @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].PARAM_NAME @hf_value.HFNAME.p.PARAM_NAME # or .param., useful if requred called "uri", "p", "param" @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].p.PARAM_NAME # dtto @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].uri # (< & > excluded) @hf_value.HFNAME[*] # return comma delimited list of all values (combines headers) @hf_value.HFNAME # the same as above [*] but may be parsed by cfg.y @hf_value.HFNAME[*].uri # return comma delimited list of uris (< & > excluded) @hf_value.HFNAME.uri # the same as above [*] but may be parsed by cfg.y @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].name # returns name part, quotes excluded # returns name part of the first value @hf_value2.HFNAME # returns value of first header @hf_value2.HFNAME[IDX] # returns value of idx's header @hf_value2.HFNAME.PARAM_NAME @hf_value2.HFNAME[IDX].PARAM_NAME @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX].uri # return URI, quotes excluded @hf_value.HFNAME.p.uri # returns param named uri, not URI itself # returns param named name, not name itself @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX] # any sel_any_uri nested features may be used @hf_value.HFNAME[IDX] # select_any_nameaddr
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
HFNAME - Header field name. Underscores are treated as dashes.
IDX - Value index, negative value counts from bottom
PARAM_NAME - name of parameter
Example 23. @hf_value select
... $a = @hf_value.my_header[1].my_param; xplog("L_ERR", "%@hf_value.via[-1], %@hf_value.from.tag\n"); $b = @hf_value.p_associated_uri; xplog("L_ERR", "Route uris: '%@hf_value.route[*].uri'\n"); $rr = @hf_value.route.uri; $prt = @hf_value2.authorization.integrity_protected; ...