TCP Ops module

Camille Oudot


Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1. Overview
2. Parameters
3. Functions
3.1. tcp_keepalive_enable([conid], idle, count, interval)
3.2. tcp_keepalive_disable([conid])
3.3. tcp_set_connection_lifetime([conid], lifetime)

List of Examples

1.1. tcp_keepalive_enable usage
1.2. tcp_keepalive_disable usage
1.3. tcp_set_connection_lifetime usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1. Overview

This modules allows kamailio to control the TCP options (such as the keepalive mechanism), on demand, and on a per-socket basis.

Note: the keepalive functions only work on systems with the HAVE_TCP_KEEPIDLE, HAVE_TCP_KEEPCNT and HAVE_TCP_KEEPINTVL macros defined (currently only Linux).

2. Parameters

3. Functions

3.1.  tcp_keepalive_enable([conid], idle, count, interval)

Enables keepalive on a TCP connection.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • conid (optionnal): the kamailio internal connection id on which TCP keepalive will be enabled. If no parameter is given, the keepalive mechanism will be enabled on the current message source connection.

  • idle (seconds): the time before the first keepalive packet is sent out.

  • count: number of non-acked keepalive before reseting the connection.

  • interval (seconds): time between two keepalive probes.

Retuns 1 on success, -1 on failure.

Example 1.1. tcp_keepalive_enable usage

request_route {
	if (is_method("INVITE")) {
		$avp(caller_conid) = $conid;

onreply_route[foo] {
	if (is_method("INVITE") && status == 200) {
		# enable on callee's connection
		tcp_keepalive_enable("60", "5", "5");
		# enable on caller's connection
		tcp_keepalive_enable("$avp(caller_conid)", "60", "5", "2");

3.2.  tcp_keepalive_disable([conid])

Disables keepalive on a TCP connection.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • conid (optionnal): the kamailio internal connection id on which TCP keepalive will be disabled. If no parameter is given, the keepalive mechanism will be disabled on the current message source connection.

Retuns 1 on success, -1 on failure.

Example 1.2. tcp_keepalive_disable usage

request_route {
	if (is_method("BYE")) {
		$avp(bye_conid) = $conid;

onreply_route[foo] {
	if (is_method("BYE") && status == 200) {

3.3.  tcp_set_connection_lifetime([conid], lifetime)

Sets the connection lifetime of a connection (TCP).

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • conid (optionnal): the kamailio internal connection id on which to set the new lifetime. If no parameter is given, it will be set on the current message source connection.

  • lifetime (seconds): the new connection lifetime.

Retuns 1 on success, -1 on failure.

Example 1.3. tcp_set_connection_lifetime usage

# use 10s as default lifetime

request_route {
        if (is_method("REGISTER") && pv_www_authenticate("$td", "xxx", "0")) {
                # raise the TCP lifetime to a bigger value