Table of Contents
List of Examples
Table of Contents
This module provides DB APIv1 connector for MongoDB NoSQL server.
It can be used as a replacement for other database modules such as db_mysql, db_postgres, a.s.o. Not all the specs of DB APIv1 are implemented, thus the usage of this module might be restricted to specific modules.
You can read more about MongoDB at:
This module has implemented the equivalent operations for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT. The match condition (WHERE clause) works with the operators: equal, not equal, greater than, less than, equal or greater than, equal or less than. Raw query is not implemented inside this module, use ndb_mongodb for sending any kind of command to a MongoDB server.
Using this module as a database dirver may require additional settings for various modules. For example, you have to set module parameter 'db_insert_null' to 1 for 'usrloc' module. If the module you are using with 'db_mongodb' fails, check its README for notes about using it with no-SQL databases.
The following libraries or applications must be installed before running Kamailio with this module loaded:
mongo-c-driver - available at
Note: if you use tls module, use at least mongo-c-driver v1.3.5 and compile the library by configuring it without automatic init and cleanup (you have to run: './configure --disable-automatic-init-and-cleanup') -- this option is planned to be removed in future versions. An alternative for v1.3.5 could be the patch from: