Copyright © 2003 FhG FOKUS
Copyright © 2008 Juha Heinanen
Copyright © 2016 Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Table of Contents
(unsigned integer)
(unsigned integer)
t_relay([host, port])
t_relay_to_udp([ip, port])
t_relay_to_tcp([ip, port])
t_relay_to_tls([ip, port])
t_relay_to_sctp([ip, port])
t_reply(code, reason_phrase)
t_send_reply(code, reason)
t_forward_nonack([ip, port])
t_forward_nonack_udp(ip, port)
t_forward_nonack_tcp(ip, port)
t_forward_nonack_tls(ip, port)
t_forward_nonack_sctp(ip, port)
t_set_fr(fr_inv_timeout [, fr_timeout])
t_set_max_lifetime(inv_lifetime, noninv_lifetime)
t_set_retr(retr_t1_interval, retr_t2_interval)
t_relay_to(proxy, flags)
t_uac_send(method, ruri, nexthop, socket, headers, body)
t_cell_append_branches(tindex, tlabel)
register_tmcb(cb_type, cb_func)
int t_suspend(struct sip_msg *msg,
unsigned int *hash_index, unsigned int *label)
int t_continue(unsigned int hash_index, unsigned int label,
struct action *route)
int t_cancel_suspend(unsigned int hash_index, unsigned int label)
List of Examples
parameter (KEMI javascript)contacts_avp
parameter default_reason
parameter disable_6xx_block
usageTable of Contents
(unsigned integer)
(unsigned integer)
t_relay([host, port])
t_relay_to_udp([ip, port])
t_relay_to_tcp([ip, port])
t_relay_to_tls([ip, port])
t_relay_to_sctp([ip, port])
t_reply(code, reason_phrase)
t_send_reply(code, reason)
t_forward_nonack([ip, port])
t_forward_nonack_udp(ip, port)
t_forward_nonack_tcp(ip, port)
t_forward_nonack_tls(ip, port)
t_forward_nonack_sctp(ip, port)
t_set_fr(fr_inv_timeout [, fr_timeout])
t_set_max_lifetime(inv_lifetime, noninv_lifetime)
t_set_retr(retr_t1_interval, retr_t2_interval)
t_relay_to(proxy, flags)
t_uac_send(method, ruri, nexthop, socket, headers, body)
t_cell_append_branches(tindex, tlabel)
register_tmcb(cb_type, cb_func)
int t_suspend(struct sip_msg *msg,
unsigned int *hash_index, unsigned int *label)
int t_continue(unsigned int hash_index, unsigned int label,
struct action *route)
int t_cancel_suspend(unsigned int hash_index, unsigned int label)
The TM module enables stateful processing of SIP transactions. Stateful logic is costly in terms of memory and CPU. The main use is services that inherently need state. For example, transaction-based accounting (module acc) needs to process transaction state as opposed to individual messages. Any kind of forking must be implemented transaction statefully. By using transaction states you trade CPU caused by retransmission processing for memory. That only makes sense if CPU consumption per request is huge. For example, if you want to avoid costly DNS resolution for every retransmission of a request to an unresolvable destination, use stateful mode. Then, only the initial message burdens server by DNS queries, subsequent retransmissions will be dropped and will not result in more processes blocked by DNS resolution. The price is more memory consumption and higher processing latency.
From the admin's perspective, these are the major functions : t_relay, t_relay_to_udp and t_relay_to_tcp. All of them setup transaction state, absorb retransmissions from upstream, generate downstream retransmissions and correlate replies to requests. t_relay forwards to current URI (be it original request's URI or a URI changed by some of URI-modifying functions, such as sethost). t_relay_to_udp and t_relay_to_tcp forward to a specific address over UDP or TCP respectively.
In general, if TM is used, it copies clones of received SIP messages in shared memory. That costs memory and also CPU time (memcpys, lookups, shmem locks, etc.) Note that non-TM functions operate over the received message in private memory, that means that any core operations will have no effect on statefully processed messages after creating the transactional state. For example, calling record_route after t_relay is pretty useless, as the RR is added to privately held message whereas its TM clone is being forwarded.
The TM module is quite big and uneasy to program --lots of mutexes, shared memory access, malloc and free, timers--you really need to be careful when you do anything. To simplify TM programming, there is the instrument of callbacks. The callback mechanisms allow programmers to register their functions to a specific event. See t_hooks.h for a list of possible events.
Other things programmers may want to know is UAC--it is a very simplistic code which allows you to generate your own transactions. Particularly useful for things like NOTIFYs or IM gateways. The UAC takes care of all the transaction machinery: retransmissions, FR timeouts, forking, etc. See t_uac prototype in uac.h for more details. If you want to see the transaction result the code can register for a callback.
Several Kamailio TM module functions are now implemented in the TMX module. Check it to see if what you are looking for is there.
A single SIP INVITE request may be forked to multiple destinations. We call the set of all such destinations a “destination set”. Individual elements within the destination sets are called branches. The script writer can add URIs to the destination set from the configuration file, or they can be loaded from the user location database. Each registered contact then becomes one branch in the destination set.
The default behavior of the TM module,
if it encounters a SIP message with multiple branches in the destination
set, is to forward the SIP message to all the branches in parallel.
That means it sends the message to all the branch destinations before it
waits for replies from any of them. This is the default behavior if you
call t_relay()
and similar functions without
any other arguments.
Another approach of handling multiple branches in a destination set is serial forking. When configured to do serial forking, the server takes the first branch out of the destination set, forwards the message to its destination and waits for a reply or timeout. Only after a reply has been received or a timeout occurred, the server takes another destination from the destination set and tries again, until it receives a positive final reply or until all branches from the destination set have been tried.
Yet another, more sophisticated, way of handling multiple branches is
combined serial/parallel forking, where individual branches within the
destination set are assigned priorities. The order in which individual
branches are tried is then determined by their relative priority
within the destination set. Branches can be tried sequentially in the
descending priority order and all branches that have the same priority
can be tried in parallel. Such combined serial/parallel forking can be
achieved in the TM module with the help of
functions t_load_contacts()
and t_next_contacts()
Every branch in the destination set is assigned a priority number, also known as the “q value”. The q value is a floating point number in a range 0 to 1.0. The higher the q value number, the more priority is given to the particular branch in the destination set. Branches with q value 1.0 have maximum priority, such branches should always be tried first in serial forking. Branches with q value 0 have the lowest priority and they should by tried after all other branches with higher priority in the destination set.
As an example, consider the following simple configuration file. When
the server receives an INVITE, it creates four branches with
usernames A through D and then forwards the request
using t_relay()
request_route { seturi(""); append_branch(""); append_branch(""); append_branch(""); t_relay(); break; }
With this configuration the server forwards the request to all four
branches at once, performing parallel forking as described above. We did
not set the q value for individual branches in this example but we can
do that by slightly modifying the arguments given
to append_branch()
request_route { seturi(""); append_branch("", "0.5"); append_branch("", "0.5"); append_branch("", "1.0"); t_relay(); break; }
Here we assigned q value 0.5 to branches B and C and q value 1.0 to
branch D. We did not specify any q value for branch A and in that case
it is assumed that its q value is the lowest from all branches within
the destination set. If you try to run this example again, you will
figure out that nothing changed, t_relay()
forward the message to all branches in parallel.
We now want to implement the combined serial/parallel forking. Branch D should be tried first, because its q value is 1.0. Branches B and C should be tried in parallel, but only after D finishes. Branch A should be tried after B and C finished, because its q value (the default) is the lowest of all. To do that, we need to introduce two new functions into our example and two tm module parameters:
modparam("tm", "contacts_avp", "tm_contacts"); modparam("tm", "contact_flows_avp", "tm_contact_flows"); request_route { seturi(""); append_branch("", "0.5"); append_branch("", "0.5"); append_branch("", "1.0"); t_load_contacts(); t_next_contacts(); t_relay(); break; }
First of all, the tm module parameters are mandatory if the two new
functions are used. Function t_load_contacts()
takes all branches from the destination set, sorts them according to
their q values and stores them in the AVP configured in the modparam.
The function also clears the destination set, which means that it
removes all branches configured before
with seturi()
and append_branch()
Function t_next_contacts()
takes the AVP created
by the previous function and extracts the branches with highest q
values from it. In our example it is branch D. That branch is then put
back into the destination set and when the script finally
reaches t_relay()
, the destination set only
contains branch D and the request will be forwarded there.
We achieved the first step of serial forking, but this is not sufficient. Now we also need to forward to other branches with lower priority values when branch D finishes. To do that, we need to extend the configuration file again and introduce a failure_route section:
modparam("tm", "contacts_avp", "tm_contacts"); request_route { seturi(""); append_branch("", "0.5"); append_branch("", "0.5"); append_branch("", "1.0"); t_load_contacts(); t_next_contacts(); t_on_failure("serial"); t_relay(); break; } failure_route["serial"] { if (!t_next_contacts()) { exit; } t_on_failure("serial"); t_relay(); }
The failure_route section will be executed when branch D finishes. It
executes t_next_contacts()
again and this time
the function retrieves branches B and C from the AVP and adds them to
the destination set. Here we need to check the return value of the
function, because a negative value indicates that there were no more
branches, in that case the failure_route should just terminate and
forward the response from branch D upstream.
If t_next_contact()
returns a positive value then
we have more new branches to try and we need to setup the
failure_route again and call t_relay()
. In our
example the request will now be forwarded to branches B and C in
parallel, because they were both added to the destination set
by t_next_contacts()
at the same time.
When branches B and C finish, the failure_route block is executed
again, this time t_next_contacts()
puts the final
branch A into the destination set and t_relay()
forwards the request there.
And that's the whole example, we achieved combined serial/parallel
forking based on the q value of individual branches. In real-world
configuration files the script writer would need to check the return
value of all functions and restart_fr_on_each_reply
The destination set would not be configured directly in the configuration file, but
can be retrieved from the user location database. In that
case registered contacts will be stored in the destination set as
branches and their q values (provided by UAs) will be used.
Timer which hits if no final reply for a request or ACK for a negative INVITE reply arrives (in milliseconds).
Default value is 30000 ms (30 seconds).
See also: t_set_fr()
Timer which hits if no final reply for an INVITE arrives after a provisional message was received (in milliseconds).
Note: This timer can be restarted when a provisional response is
received. For more details see
Default value is 120000 ms (120 seconds).
See also: t_set_fr()
Maximum time an INVITE transaction is allowed to be active (in
milliseconds). After this interval has passed from the transaction
creation, the transaction will be either moved into the wait state
or in the final response retransmission state, irrespective of the
transaction fr_inv_timer
An INVITE transaction will be kept in memory for maximum:
the ACK to the final reply wait)+wt_timer
The main difference between this timer and
is that the
is per branch, while
is per the whole transaction.
Even on a per branch basis fr_inv_timer
could be
restarted. For example, by default if
is not cleared, the
will be restarted for each received
provisional reply. Even if restart_fr_on_each_reply
is not set the fr_inv_timer
will still be restarted
for each increasing reply (e.g. 180, 181, 182, ...).
Another example when a transaction can live substantially more than its
and where
will help is when DNS failover is
used (each failed DNS destination can introduce a new branch).
The default value is 180000 ms (180 seconds - the rfc3261 timer C value).
See also: max_noninv_lifetime
(allows changing
on a per transaction
Maximum time a non-INVITE transaction is allowed to be active (in
milliseconds). After this interval has passed from the transaction
creation, the transaction will be either moved into the wait state
or in the final response retransmission state, irrespective of the
transaction fr_timer
It's the same as max_inv_lifetime
, but for
A non-INVITE transaction will be kept in memory for a maximum of:
The main difference between this timer and
is that the
is per branch, while
is per the whole transaction.
An example when a transaction can live substantially more than its
and where
will help is when DNS failover
is used (each failed DNS SRV destination can introduce a new branch).
The default value is 32000 ms (32 seconds - the RFC3261 timer F value).
See also: max_inv_lifetime
(allows changing
on a per transaction
Time for which a transaction stays in memory to absorb delayed messages after it completed (in milliseconds); also, when this timer hits, retransmission of local CANCEL requests is stopped (a puristic but complex behavior would be not to enter wait state until local branches are finished by a final reply or FR timer--we simplified).
Default value is 5000 ms (5 seconds).
Initial retransmission period (in milliseconds).
Default value is 500 milliseconds.
Maximum retransmission period (in milliseconds). The retransmission
interval starts with retr_timer1
and increases until
it reaches this value. After this it stays constant at
Default value is 4000 milliseconds.
If set, INVITE transactions that time-out (FR INV timer) will be
always replied. If it's not set, the transaction has only one
branch and no response was ever received on this branch, it
will be silently dropped (no 408 reply will be generated)
This behavior is overridden if a request is forked, the transaction
has a failure route or callback, or some functionality explicitly
turned it on for a transaction (like the ACC module does to avoid unaccounted
transactions due to expired timer).
Turn this off only if you know the client UACs will timeout and their
timeout interval for INVITEs is lower or equal than tm's
Default value is 1 (on).
If set (default), the fr_inv_timer
for an INVITE
transaction will be restarted for each provisional reply received
(rfc3261 mandated behaviour). If not set, the
will be restarted only for the first
provisional replies and for increasing replies greater or equal 180
(e.g. 180, 181, 182, 185, ...).
Setting it to 0 is especially useful when dealing with bad UAs that continuously retransmit 180s, not allowing the transaction to timeout (and thus making impossible the implementation of certain services, like automatic voicemail after x seconds).
Default value is 1 (on).
See also: fr_inv_timer
Example 1.9. Set restart_fr_on_each_reply
... modparam("tm", "restart_fr_on_each_reply", 0) ...
If set (default) tm will automatically send a 100 reply to INVITEs.
Setting it to 0 can be used to enable first running some tests or
pre-processing on the INVITE and only if some conditions are met
manually send a 100 (using t_reply()
). Note
however that in this case all the 100s have to be sent "by hand".
might help to selectively
turn off this feature only for some specific transactions.
Default value is 1 (on).
See also: t_set_auto_inv_100()
Set reason text of the automatically sent 100 to an INVITE.
Default value is "trying -- your call is important to us".
See also: auto_inv_100
Example 1.11. Set auto_inv_100_reason
... modparam("tm", "auto_inv_100_reason", "Trying") ...
Unix socket transmission timeout, in milliseconds.
If UNIX sockets are used (e.g.: to communicate with sems) and sending
a message on a UNIX socket takes longer than
, the send will fail.
The default value is 500 milliseconds.
If set (default), the final response is a 401 or a 407 and more than one branch received a 401 or 407, then all the WWW-Authenticate and Proxy-Authenticate headers from all the 401 and 407 replies will be aggregated in a new final response. If only one branch received the winning 401 or 407 then this reply will be forwarded (no new one will be built).
If disabled (set to 0) only the first 401, or if no 401 was received the first 407, will be forwarded (no header aggregation).
Default value is 1 (required by RFC 3261).
If set (default), the CANCEL and negative ACK requests are constructed from the INVITE message which was sent out instead of building them from the received request. The disadvantage is that the outgoing INVITE has to be partially re-parsed, the advantage is that the CANCEL/ACK is always RFC 3261-compliant, it always contains the same route-set as the INVITE message. Do not disable the INVITE re-parsing for example in the following cases:
- The INVITE contains a preloaded route-set, and Kamailio forwards
the message to the next hop according to the "Route" header. The
"Route" header is not removed in the CANCEL without
- Kamailio record-routes, thus an in-dialog INVITE contains a "Route"
header which is removed during loose routing. If the in-dialog
INVITE is rejected, the negative ACK still contains the "Route"
header without reparse_invite
Default value is 1.
Header fields prefixed by this parameter value are included in the CANCEL and negative ACK messages if they were present in the outgoing INVITE.
Note, that the parameter value effects only those headers
which are not covered by RFC 3261 (which are neither mandatory
nor prohibited in CANCEL and ACK), and the parameter can be used
only together with reparse_invite
Default value is "".
Example 1.15. Set ac_extra_hdrs
... modparam("tm", "ac_extra_hdrs", "myfavoriteheaders-") ...
If set and the Kamailio blocklist support is enabled, every 503 reply source is
added to the blocklist. The initial blocklist timeout (or ttl) depends
on the presence of a "Retry-After" header in the reply and the values of
the following tm parameters: blst_503_def_timeout
WARNING:blindly allowing 503 blocklisting could be very easily exploited for DOS attacks in most network setups.
The default value is 0 (disabled due to the reasons above).
Blocklist interval in seconds for a 503 reply with no "Retry-After"
See also blst_503
The default value is 0, which means that if no "Retry-After" header is present, the 503 reply source will not be blocklisted (RFC 3261 conformant behaviour).
Example 1.17. Set blst_503_def_timeout
... modparam("tm", "blst_503_def_timeout", 120) ...
Minimum blocklist interval in seconds for a 503 reply with a "Retry-After" header. It will be used if the "Retry-After" value is smaller than this value.
See also blst_503
The default value is 0
Maximum blocklist interval in seconds for a 503 reply with a "Retry-After header". It will be used if the "Retry-After" value is greater than this limit.
See also blst_503
The default value is 3600
Example 1.19. Set blst_503_max_timeout
... modparam("tm", "blst_503_max_timeout", 604800) ...
Bitmap of method types that trigger blocklisting on transaction timeouts. (This setting has no effect on blocklisting because of send failures.)
The following values are associated to the request methods: INVITE=1, CANCEL=2, ACK=4 (not retransmitted, thus, never times-out), BYE=8, INFO=16, REGISTER=32, SUBSCRIBE=64, NOTIFY=126, OTHER=256 (all the unknown types). Check parser/msg_parser.h for farther details.
Change the value carefully, because requests that don't get a provisional response (everything but INVITE) can easily cause the next hop to be inserted into the blocklist by mistake. For example the next hop is a proxy, it is alive, but waiting for the response of the UAS, and has higher fr_timer value.
The default value is 1, only INVITEs trigger blocklisting
Example 1.20. Set blst_methods_add
... # INVITEs and REGISTERs trigger blocklisting modparam("tm", "blst_methods_add", 33) ...
Bitmap of method types that are looked-up in the blocklist
before being forwarded statefully.
See also blst_methods_add
The default value is 4294967287, every method type except BYE. (We try to deliver BYEs no matter what)
Example 1.21. Set blst_methods_lookup
... # lookup only INVITEs modparam("tm", "blst_methods_lookup", 1) ...
Method used when attempting to CANCEL an unreplied transaction branch (a branch where no response was received). The possible values are 0, 1, and 2.
- 0 will immediately stop the request (INVITE) retransmission on the branch and it will behave as if the branch was immediately replied with a 487 (a fake internal 487 reply). The advantage is the unreplied branches will be terminated immediately. However it introduces a race risk with a possible slightly delayed 2xx reply. In this case we could have an UA receiving a 2xx after a 487. Moreover this risk is greatly amplified by packet loss (e.g. if an 180 is lost the branch will look as unreplied and a CANCEL will silently drop the branch, but a 2xx can still come at a later time). This is the behaviour for SER versions older than 2.1.
- 1 will keep retransmitting the request on
unreplied branches. If a provisional answer is received a CANCEL
will be immediately sent back (attempting to quickly trigger a 487).
This approach is race free and avoids the 2xx after 487 problem, but
it's more resource intensive: faced with a branch towards and UA that
doesn't answer, a CANCEL attempt will keep the transaction alive for
the whole timeout interval (fr_timer
- 2 will send and retransmit CANCEL even on unreplied branches, stopping the request retransmissions. This has the same advantages as 1 and also avoids the extra roundtrip in the case of the provisional reply, but it's not RFC 3261 conforming (the RFC allows sending CANCELs only on pending branches).
The default value is 1.
If set to 1, the SIP message after a DNS failover is constructed from the outgoing message buffer of the failed branch instead of from the received request.
It must be set if multiple branches are installed, the SIP message is modified differently in them, and at least one of them can result in DNS failover. If the parameter is not set the per-branch modifications are lost after the failover.
Note: If the parameter is set, branch route block and TMCB_REQUEST_FWDED callback are not called in case of the failover.
Disadvantage: only the via header is replaced in the message buffer, so the outgoing socket address is not corrected in any other part of the message. It is dangerous on multihomed hosts: when the new SIP request after the DNS failover is sent via different interface than the first request, the message can contain incorrect IP address in the Record-Route header.
Default value is 1.
Example 1.23. Set reparse_on_dns_failover
... modparam("tm", "reparse_on_dns_failover", 0) ...
Sets reply route block, to which control is passed when a reply is received that has no associated transaction. The reply is passed to the core for stateless forwarding after the route block execution unless drop is executed (or it returns 0).
If KEMI is used, the parameter has to be the KEMI function name, which receives a string parameter with the event name, respectively "on_sl_reply".
Example 1.24. Set on_sl_reply
... modparam("tm", "on_sl_reply", "stateless_replies") ... onreply_route["stateless_replies"] { # do not allow stateless replies to be forwarded return 0; }
Example 1.25. Set on_sl_reply
parameter (KEMI javascript)
... modparam("tm", "on_sl_reply", "ksr_slreply") ... -- event callback function implemented in javascript function ksr_slreply(evname) { # the evname is set to "on_sl_reply" # do not allow stateless replies to be forwarded KSR.x.drop(); }
This is the name of an XAVP that the
function uses to
store contacts of the destination set and that
function uses to
restore those contacts.
Default value is "NULL" (t_load_contacts()/t_next_contacts() functions are disabled).
This is the name of an XAVP
that the t_next_contacts()
function uses to
store contacts (if any) that it skipped, because they
contained same +sip.instance value than some other contact,
and that t_next_contact_flows()
function uses to restore those contacts.
Default value is "NULL". This parameter MUST be set if variable contacts_avp is set.
Example 1.27. Set contact_flows_avp
... modparam("tm", "contact_flows_avp", "tm_contact_flows") ...
The value of fr_timer timer can be overridden on per-transaction
basis. The administrator can provide a value to be used for a
particular transaction in an AVP. This parameter contains the name
of the AVP that will be checked. If the AVP exists then its value
will be used for the fr_timer timer, effectively overriding the
value configured in fr_timer
parameter for the
current transaction.
The value of the AVP is expected to be expressed in seconds and not milliseconds (unlike the rest of the timers).
This parameter is kept for backwards compatibility (hence its
value expressed in seconds instead of milliseconds and its arcane
way of specifying the avps). The recommended replacement is using
on a per transaction basis.
See also: t_set_fr()
In Kamailio compatibility mode (defined by #!KAMAILIO, which is default), the value of the parameter must be the name of an AVP in pseudo-variable format: $avp(name). In SER compatibility mode (defined by #!SER) it must be just AVP name.
Example 1.28. Set fr_timer_avp
... # default Kamailio compatibility mode modparam("tm", "fr_timer_avp", "$avp(frtimer)") # old SER compatibility mode modparam("tm", "fr_timer_avp", "frtimer") ...
The value of fr_inv_timer timer can be overridden on
per-transaction basis. The administrator can provide a value to be
used for a particular transaction in an AVP. This parameter
contains the name of the AVP that will be checked. If the AVP
exists, is non-empty and non-zero then its value will be used
for the fr_inv_timer timer, effectively overriding the value
configured in fr_inv_timer
parameter for the
current transaction.
The value of the AVP is expected to be expressed in seconds and not milliseconds (unlike the rest of the timers).
This parameter is kept for backwards compatibility (hence its
value expressed in seconds instead of milliseconds and its arcane
way of specifying the avps). The recommended replacement is using
on a per transaction basis.
See also: t_set_fr()
In Kamailio compatibility mode (defined by #!KAMAILIO, which is default), the value of the parameter must be the name of an AVP in pseudo-variable format: $avp(name). In SER compatibility mode (defined by #!SER) it must by just AVP name.
Example 1.29. Set fr_inv_timer_avp
... # Kamailio compatibility mode modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer_avp", "$avp(my_fr_inv_timer)") # old SER compatibility mode modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer_avp", "my_fr_inv_timer") ...
This parameter selects between forwarding CANCELs that do not match any transaction statefully (0, default value), statelessly (1) or dropping them (2). Note that the stateful forwarding has an additional hidden advantage: the tm module will be able to recognize INVITEs that arrive after their CANCEL. Note also that this feature could be used to try a memory exhaustion DOS attack against a proxy that authenticates all requests, by continuously flooding the victim with CANCELs to random destinations (since the CANCEL cannot be authenticated, each received bogus CANCEL will create a new transaction that will live by default 30s).
Default value is 0.
If set the TM module will try to match the request URI when doing SIP 1.0 (pre-RFC 3261) transaction matching (the "Via" header branch parameter does not contain the 3261 cookie).
The only reason to have it not set is for interoperability with old, broken implementations.
Default value is 1 (on).
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm ruri_matching 0
If set the TM module will try to match the topmost "Via" header when doing SIP 1.0 (pre-RFC 3261) transaction matching (the "Via" header branch parameter does not contain the 3261 cookie).
The only reason to have it not set is for interoperability with old, broken implementations.
Default value is 1 (on).
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm via1_matching 0
If set the TM module will try to match the callid when doing transaction matching.
Turn on if you don't want replies/requests from broken clients who send a mangled Call-ID to match the transaction. For example when the other side won't recognise the response anyway because of a changed Call-ID, this setting will prevent accounting records to be created or failure_route to be skipped.
Default value is 0 (off).
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm callid_matching 0
If set to something other than 0, will do transaction matching using callid and cseq header values instead of via branch md5 value. Note that this behavior is non-RFC conpliant!
Default value is 0.
Example 1.34. Set callid_cseq_matching
... modparam("tm", "callid_cseq_matching", 0) ... kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm callid_cseq_matching 1
If set, TMCB_LOCAL_RESPONSE_OUT tm registered callbacks will be called also for provisional replies.
Default value is 0 (off).
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm pass_provisional_replies 1
Example 1.35. Set pass_provisional_replies
... modparam("tm", "pass_provisional_replies", 1) ...
Default response code sent by t_reply()
if it
cannot retrieve its parameters (e.g. inexistent avp).
Valid values are between 400 and 699.
Default value is 500.
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm default_code 505
Default SIP reason phrase sent by t_reply()
if it
cannot retrieve its parameters (e.g. inexistent avp).
Default value is "Server Internal Error".
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_string tm default_reason "Unknown error"
Example 1.37. Set default_reason
... modparam("tm", "default_reason", "Unknown reason") ...
If set the TM module will treat all the 6xx replies like normal replies (warning: this would be non-RFC conformant behaviour).
If not set (default) receiving a 6xx will cancel all the running
parallel branches, will stop DNS failover and forking. However
serial forking using append_branch()
in the
will still work.
It can be overwritten on a per transaction basis using
Default value is 0 (off, rfc conformant behaviour).
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm disable_6xx_block 0
See also: t_set_disable_6xx()
This setting controls where locally generated ACKs for 2xx replies to local
transactions (transactions created via t_uac*()
either through the TM api or via RPC/mi/fifo) are sent.
It has 3 possible values:
0 - the ACK destination is choosen according to the RFC: the next hop is found using the contact and the route set and then DNS resolution is used on it.
1 - the ACK is sent to the same address as the corresponding INVITE branch.
2 - the ACK is sent to the source of the 2xx reply.
Modes 1 and 2 do not follow RFC 3261, but are useful to deal with some simple UAs behind a NAT (no different routing for the ACK and the contact contains an address behind the NAT).
The default value is 0 (RFC conformant behaviour).
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm local_ack_mode 0
This parameter controls how branches are managed and replies are selected for failure_route handling: keep all, drop all, drop last branches in SIP serial forking handling.
To control per transaction see t_drop_replies()
It has 4 possible values:
0 - all branches are kept, no matter a new leg of serial forking has been started. Beware that if the new leg fails, you may get in failure_route a reply code from a branch of previous serial forking legs (e.g., if in first leg you got a 3xx, then you handled the redirection in failure route, sent to a new destination and this one timeout, you will get again the 3xx). Use t_drop_replies() on per transaction fashion to control the behavior you want. It is the default behaviour coming from SER 2.1.x.
1 - all branches are discarded by default. You can still overwrite the behaviour via t_drop_replies()
2 - by default only the branches of previous leg of serial forking are discarded
3 - all previous branches are discarded if there is a new serial forking leg. This is the default behaviour coming from Kamailio 1.5.x. Use this mode if you don't want to handle in a per transaction fashion with t_drop_replies(). It ensures that you will get the winning reply from the branches of last serial forking step (e.g., if in first step you get 3xx, then you forward to a new destination, you will get in failure_route the reply coming from that destination or a local timeout).
The default value is 3.
It controls how branch selection is done. It allows to give a penalty to faked replies such as the infamous 408 on branch timeout.
Internally, every reply is assigned a priority between 0 (high prio) and 32000 (low prio). With this parameter the priority of fake replies can be adjusted.
0 - disabled (default)
< 0 - priority is increased by given amount.
> 0 - priority is decreased by given amount. Do not make it higher than 10000 or faked replies will even loose from 1xx class replies.
The default value is 0.
To let received replies win from a locally generated 408, set this value to 2000.
Enables/disables adding reason headers (RFC 3326) for CANCELs generated due to receiving a final reply. The reason header added will look like: "Reason: SIP;cause=<final_reply_code>".
Default value is 1 (enabled).
Can be set at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm local_cancel_reason 0
See also: e2e_cancel_reason
Enables/disables adding reason headers (RFC 3326) for CANCELs generated due to a received CANCEL. If enabled the reason headers from received CANCELs will be copied into the generated hop-by-hop CANCELs.
Default value is 1 (enabled).
Can be changed at runtime, e.g.:
$ kamcmd cfg.set_now_int tm e2e_cancel_reason 0
See also: t_set_no_e2e_cancel_reason()
Enable/disable sending CANCEL in hop-by-hop mode.
Default value: 1 (hop-by-hop mode).
Example 1.44. Set e2e_cancel_hop_by_hop
... modparam("tm", "e2e_cancel_hop_by_hop", 0) ...
Control how headers from incoming CANCEL should be propagated to hop-by-hop generated CANCEL. If bit (flag) 1 is set (value 1), propagate the headers that are not branch specific (e.g., From, To). If bit (flag) 2 is set, in case processing ends in stateless forwarding by tm, forward CANCEL with a single Via header (the one added by Kamailio).
Default value: 0 (do not propagate).
Enables/disables conversion of 503 response code to 500. By default it is enabled, based on the SIP RFC requirement. This is global setting for all received replies handled by TM. To do it per transaction basis, let this option disabled, set a failure route and then do t_reply("500", "...") inside it.
Default value is 1 (enabled).
Add local failed branches in timer to be considered for failure routing blocks. If disabled, relay functions will return false in case the branch could not be forwarded (default behaviour before v4.1.0).
Default value is 0 (disabled).
Control reuse of the receive socket for additional branches added by DNS failover. If set to 1, the receive socket is used for sending out the new branches, unless the socket is forced explicitely in configuration file. If set to 0, selected socket is done depending on value of global parameter "mhomed" (if mhomed=0, then the first listen socket is used, otherwise the socket is selected based on routing rules).
Do enable it with caution, it might create troubles on DNS results with different transport layer. Better let it be disabled and enable "mhomed".
Default value is 0 (disabled).
The name of XAVP storing the attributes per contact. This must be the same as
the usrloc parameter xavp_contact
Default value is “NULL”.
The name of the function in the kemi configuration file (embedded scripting language such as Lua, Python, ...) to be executed instead of event_route[tm:local-request] block. The function receives a string parameter with the name of the event, respectively "tm:local-request".
Default value is 'empty' (no function is executed for events).
Example 1.50. Set event_callback
... modparam("tm", "event_callback", "ksr_tm_event") ... -- event callback function implemented in Lua function ksr_tm_event(evname)"===== tm module triggered event: " .. evname .. "\n"); return 1; end ...
The name of the function in the kemi configuration file (embedded scripting language such as Lua, Python, ...) to be executed instead of event_route[tm:local-response] block. The function receives a string parameter with the name of the event, respectively "tm:local-response".
Default value is 'empty' (no function is executed for events).
Example 1.51. Set event_callback_lres_sent
... modparam("tm", "event_callback_lres_sent", "ksr_tm_event_response_sent") ... -- event callback function implemented in Lua function ksr_tm_event_response_sent(evname)"===== tm module triggered event: " .. evname .. "\n"); return 1; end ...
This parameter controls whether or not a SIP 100 response is proxied. Note that this is not valid behavior when operating in stateful mode per RFC 3261 Section 21.1.1, and therefore is useful only when operating as a stateless proxy. When using this feature, it is possible to control which 100 responses are proxied and which are not by detecting whether they are part of an existing transaction and setting up the appropriate logic in onreply_route.
Default value is 0 (disabled).
When sending a 3xx class reply, include additional branch info to the contacts such as path vector and branch flags.
0 - no extra info is added (default)
1 - include branch flags as contact header parameter
2 - include path as contact uri Route header
Values may be combined (added).
Duration in milliseconds for executing transaction failure callbacks and failure_route block after which to do a safety check if transaction is still active.
Set it to 0 in order to disable this check.
Default value is 5000 (5 seconds).
If set to 1, a received 200 OK response that was suspended is no longer forwarded in the transactional context if another final response was forwarded while 200 OK was suspended. Forwarding the 200 OK, even it was received first, results in overwriting the transaction response buffer that can impact matching of incoming ACKs.
Set it to 0 in order to disable this behaviour and attempt to forward suspended 200 OK in the transaction context. This was the behaviour before the commit 18410da0.
Default value is 1.
Enable failure route trigger, for uac. This will copy the tm uac into uas. Thus, failure route can be triggered even for uac messages. The default is 0 (disabled).
This parameter defines the response codes (only codes >= 300 and class >= 3), which enable dns failover to continue to try next ips when previous one fail. It is a list separated by colons, where you may define either a single code (e.g. "code=408" would accept 408 as an additional response code) or a class of responses, you want to accept (e.g. "class=3" would accept everything from 300 to 999 as valid response). (with default behaviour only 503 code or no response from previous one will try next ip).
Default value is “”
Example 1.57. Set the “failover_reply_codes” parameter
... modparam("tm", "failover_reply_codes", "code=403;code=488;class=5") ...
Status code for internally generated timeout responses.
Default value is “408”.Relay a SIP request statefully either to the destination indicated in the current URI (if called without any parameters) or to the specified host and port. In the later case (host and port specified) the protocol used is the same protocol on which the message was received. It creates the SIP transaction, if none was created before (e.g., with t_newtran()).
is the stateful version for
while t_relay(host, port)
is similar to
forward(host, port)
In the forward to uri case (t_relay()
), if the
original URI was rewritten (by UsrLoc, RR, strip/prefix, etc.) the new
URI will be taken). The destination (including the protocol) is
determined from the uri, using SIP specific DNS resolving if needed
(NAPTR, SRV a.s.o depending also on the dns options).
Returns a negative value on failure -- you may still want to send a negative reply upstream statelessly not to leave upstream UAC in lurch.
Relay a message statefully using a fixed protocol either to the
specified fixed destination or to a destination derived from the
message uri (if the host address and port are not specified).
These along with
are the functions most users want to
use--all other are mostly for programming. Programmers interested
in writing TM logic should review how t_relay is
implemented in tm.c and how TM callbacks work.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
ip - IP address where the message should be sent.
port - Port number.
If no parameters are specified the message is sent to a destination derived from the message uri (using sip specific DNS lookups), but with the protocol corresponding to the function name.
Example 1.61. t_relay_to_udp
... if (src_ip== t_relay_to_udp("", "5060"); # sent to over udp else t_relay_to_tcp(); # relay to msg. uri, but over tcp ...
Sets failure routing block, to which control is passed after a
transaction completed with a negative result but before sending a
final reply. In the referred block, you can either start a new
branch (good for services such as forward_on_no_reply) or send a
final reply on your own (good for example for message silo, which
received a negative reply from upstream and wants to tell upstream
"202 I will take care of it"). Note that the set of
commands which are usable within failure_routes is strictly limited to
rewriting URI, initiating new branches, logging, and sending
stateful replies (t_reply
). Any other commands
may result in unpredictable behavior and possible server
failure. Note that whenever failure_route is entered, uri is reset to
value which it had on relaying. If it temporarily changed during a
reply_route processing, subsequent reply_route will ignore the
changed value and use again the original one.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
failure_route - Failure route block to be called.
Example 1.62. t_on_failure
... route { t_on_failure("1"); t_relay(); } failure_route[1] { revert_uri(); setuser("voicemail"); append_branch(); } ...
See misc/examples/mixed/onr.cfg
for a more complex
example of combination of serial with parallel forking.
Sets the branch_failure routing block, to which control is passed on each negative response to a transaction. This route is run before deciding if the transaction is complete. In the referred block, you can start a new branch which is required for failover of multiple outbound flows (RFC 5626). Note that the set of commands which are usable within a branch_failure route is limited to a subset of the failure_route commands including logging, rewriting URI and initiating new branches. Any other commands may generate errors or result in unpredictable behavior. Note that whenever failure_route is entered, uri is reset to value which it had on relaying. If it temporarily changed during a reply_route processing, subsequent reply_route will ignore the changed value and use again the original one.
Function Parameters:
branch_failure_route - Name of the branch_failure route block to be called (it is prefixed internally with 'tm:branch-failure:').
Example 1.63. t_on_branch_failure
... route { t_on_branch_failure("myroute"); t_relay(); } event_route[tm:branch-failure:myroute] { if (t_check_status("430|403") { unregister("location", "$tu", "$T_reply_ruid"); } } ...
Sets the reply routing block, to which control is passed when a reply for the current transaction is received. Note that the set of commands which are usable within onreply_routes is limited.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
onreply_route - Onreply route block to be called.
Example 1.64. t_on_reply
... loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/" ... route { /* if natted */ t_on_reply("1"); t_relay(); } onreply_route[1] { if (status=~ "(183)|2[0-9][0-9]"){ force_rtp_proxy(); search_append('^(Contact|m)[ \t]*:.*sip:[^>[:cntrl:]]*', ';nat=yes'); } if (nat_uac_test("1")){ fix_nated_contact(); } }
Sets the branch routing block, to which control is passed after forking (when a new branch is created). For now branch routes are intended only for last minute changes of the SIP messages (like adding new headers). Note that the set of commands which are usable within branch_routes is very limited. It is not possible to generate a reply.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
branch_route - branch route block to be called.
Example 1.65. t_on_branch
... route { t_on_branch("1"); t_relay(); } branch_route[1] { if (uri=~"sip:[0-9]+"){ append_hf("P-Warn: numeric uri\r\n"); } }
Creates a new transaction, returns a negative value on error. Typically, it is used to deploy a UAS.
Note: once the t_newtran() is executed, the new message flag operations (i.e., setflag() and resetflag()) are not synchronized to the transaction, being stored only in the private memory SIP message structure. Use the tmx module function t_flush_flags() to synchronize the modified message flags to the already created transaction.
Example 1.66. t_newtran
... if (t_newtran()) { xlog("the transaction has been created\n"); t_reply("999","hello"); } else { sl_reply_error(); } ...
See misc/examples/mixed/uas.cfg
for more examples.
Sends a stateful reply after a transaction has been
established. See t_newtran
for usage.
If the code is in the range 300-399 (redirect reply), the current destination set is appended to the reply as Contact headers. The destination set contains the request URI (R-URI), if it is modified compared to the received one, plus the branches added to the request (e.g., after an append_branch() or lookup("location")). If the R-URI was changed but it is not desired to be part of the destination set, it can be reverted using the function revert_uri().
Custom headers to the reply can be added using append_to_reply() function from textops module.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
code - Reply code number.
reason_phrase - Reason string.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, FAILURE_ROUTE, ONREPLY_ROUTE.
Sends a stateful reply based in internal error code, similar to sl_send_error() from sl module.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, FAILURE_ROUTE, ONREPLY_ROUTE.
Creates the transaction if it does not exist (executing internally t_newtran()) and sends a stateful reply (executing internally t_reply()). If transaction exists, this function does not stop the execution of config, t_reply() being still executed.
For more, see the docs for t_newtran() and t_reply().
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
code - Reply code number.
reason - Reason string.
Checks if a transaction exists. Returns a positive value if so,
negative otherwise. Most likely you will not want to use it, as a
typical application of a look-up is to introduce a new transaction
if none was found. However this is safely (atomically) done using
Retransmits a reply sent previously by UAS transaction.
Remove transaction from memory (it will be first put on a wait timer to absorb delayed messages).
Mainly for internal usage -- forward a non-ACK request statefully. Variants of this functions can enforce a specific transport protocol.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
ip - IP address where the message should be sent.
port - Port number.
Sets the fr_inv_timeout and optionally fr_timeout for the current
transaction or for transactions created during the same script
invocation, after calling this function.
If the transaction is already created (e.g called after
or in an onreply_route) all the
branches will have their final response timeout updated on-the-fly.
If one of the parameters is 0, its value won't be changed.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
fr_inv_timeout - new final response timeout
(in milliseconds) for INVITEs. See also
fr_timeout - new final response timeout
(in milliseconds) for non-INVITE transaction, or INVITEs which
haven't received yet a provisional response. See also
See also:
Example 1.74. t_set_fr
... route { t_set_fr(10000); # set only fr invite timeout to 10s t_on_branch("1"); t_relay(); } branch_route[1] { # if we are calling the pstn, extend the invite timeout to 50s # for all the branches, and set the no-reply-received timeout to 2s if (uri=~"sip:[0-9]+"){ t_set_fr(50000, 2000); } }
Resets the fr_inv_timer
for the current transaction to the default
values (set using the tm module parameters
and fr_timer
It will effectively cancel any previous calls to
for the same transaction.
See also: fr_timer
Sets the maximum lifetime for the current INVITE or non-INVITE transaction, or for transactions created during the same script invocation, after calling this function (that's why it takes values for both INVITE and non-INVITE). If one of the parameters is 0, its value won't be changed.
It works as a per transaction max_inv_lifetime
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
inv_lifetime - maximum INVITE transaction
lifetime (in milliseconds). See also
noninv_lifetime - maximum non-INVITE
transaction lifetime (in milliseconds).
See also max_noninv_lifetime
See also: max_inv_lifetime
Example 1.76. t_set_max_lifetime
... route { if (src_ip= t_set_max_lifetime(120000, 0); # set only max_inv_lifetime to 120s else t_set_max_lifetime(90000, 15000); # set the maximum lifetime to 90s if # the current transaction is an # INVITE and to 15s if not }
Resets the maximum lifetime for the current INVITE or non-INVITE
transaction to the default value (set using the tm module parameter
It will effectively cancel any previous calls to
for the same transaction.
See also: max_inv_lifetime
Sets the retr_t1_interval and retr_t2_interval for the current
transaction or for transactions created during the same script
invocation, after calling this function.
If one of the parameters is 0, its value won't be changed.
If the transaction is already created (e.g called after
or in an onreply_route) all the
existing branches will have their retransmissions intervals updated
if the retransmission interval for the branch has not yet reached T2
the interval will be reset to retr_t1_interval, else to
retr_t2_interval. Note that the change will happen after the current
interval expires (after the next retransmission, the next-next
retransmission will take place at retr_t1_interval or
All new branches of the same transaction will start with the new
This function will work even if it's called in the script before
a transaction creating function (e.g.: t_set_retr(500, 4000);
t_relay()). All new transaction created after this function call,
during the same script invocation will use the new values.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
retr_t1_interval - new T1 retransmission
interval (in milliseconds). See also
retr_t2_interval - new T2 (or maximum)
retransmission interval (in milliseconds). See also
See also:
Example 1.78. t_set_retr
... route { t_set_retr(250, 0); # set only T1 to 250 ms t_on_branch("1"); t_relay(); } branch_route[1] { # if we are calling the a remote pstn, extend T1 and decrease T2 # for all the branches if (uri=~"sip:[0-9]+"){ t_set_retr(500, 2000); } }
Resets the retr_timer1
for the current transaction to the
default values (set using the tm module parameters
and retr_timer2
It will effectively cancel any previous calls to
for the same transaction.
See also: retr_timer1
Switch automatically sending 100 replies to INVITEs on/off on a
per transaction basis. It overrides the
value for the current transaction.
See also: auto_inv_100
Example 1.80. t_set_auto_inv_100
... route { ... if (src_ip== t_set_auto_inv_100(0); # turn off automatic 100 replies ... }
Returns true if the failure route is executed for a branch that did timeout. It can be used from FAILURE_ROUTE and BRANCH_FAILURE_ROUTE event route.
Example 1.81. t_branch_timeout
... failure_route[0]{ if (t_branch_timeout()){ log("timeout\n"); # ... } }
Returns true if the failure route is executed for a branch that did receive at least one reply in the past (the "current" reply is not taken into account). It can be used from failure_route and branch-failure event route.
Example 1.82. t_branch_replied
... failure_route[0]{ if (t_branch_timeout()){ if (t_branch_replied()) log("timeout after receiving a reply (no answer?)\n"); else log("timeout, remote side seems to be down\n"); # ... } }
Returns true if at least one of the current transactions branches did timeout.
Example 1.83. t_any_timeout
... failure_route[0]{ if (!t_branch_timeout()){ if (t_any_timeout()){ log("one branch did timeout\n"); sl_send_reply("408", "Timeout"); } } }
Returns true if at least one of the current transactions branches did receive some reply in the past. If called from a failure or onreply route, the "current" reply is not taken into account.
Example 1.84. t_any_replied
... onreply_route[0]{ if (!t_any_replied()){ log("first reply received\n"); # ... } }
Returns true if "code" is the final reply received (or locally generated) in at least one of the current transactions branches.
Example 1.85. t_grep_status
... onreply_route[0]{ if (t_grep_status("486")){ /* force a 486 reply, even if this is not the winning branch */ t_reply("486", "Busy"); } }
Returns true if the current transaction was canceled.
Example 1.86. t_is_canceled
... failure_route[0]{ if (t_is_canceled()){ log("transaction canceled\n"); # ... } }
Returns true if the current transaction has already expired, i.e. the max_inv_lifetime/max_noninv_lifetime interval has already elapsed.
Example 1.87. t_is_expired
... failure_route[0]{ if (t_is_expired()){ log("transaction expired\n"); # There is no point in adding a new branch. } }
Forwards the CANCEL if the corresponding INVITE transaction
exists. The function is supposed to be used at the very
beginning of the script, because the CANCELs can be caught
and the rest of the script can be bypassed this way. Do not disable
module parameter, and call
right after the sanity tests.
Return value is 0 (drop) if the corresponding INVITE was found and the CANCELs were successfully sent to the pending branches, true if the INVITE was not found, and false in case of any error.
Example 1.88. t_relay_cancel
if (method == CANCEL) { if (!t_relay_cancel()) { # implicit drop if relaying was successful, # nothing to do # corresponding INVITE transaction found but error occurred sl_reply("500", "Internal Server Error"); drop; } # bad luck, corresponding INVITE transaction is missing, # do the same as for INVITEs }
Returns true if the corresponding INVITE transaction exists
for a CANCEL request. The function can be called at the beginning
of the script to check whether or not the CANCEL can be immediately
forwarded bypassing the rest of the script. Note however that
as well, therefore it is not
needed to explicitly call this function unless something has to be
logged for example.
If the function parameter (optional) is set to 1, the message flags are overwritten with the flags of the INVITE. isflagset() can be used to check the flags of the previously forwarded INVITE in this case.
Example 1.89. t_lookup_cancel
if (method == CANCEL) { if (t_lookup_cancel()) { log("INVITE transaction exists"); if (!t_relay_cancel()) { # implicit drop if # relaying was successful, # nothing to do # corresponding INVITE transaction found # but error occurred sl_reply("500", "Internal Server Error"); drop; } } # bad luck, corresponding INVITE transaction is missing, # do the same as for INVITEs }
Drops all the previously received replies in failure_route block to make sure that none of them is picked up again.
The parameter 'mode' controls which replies are dropped: 'a' or missing - all replies are dropped; 'l' - replies received for last set of branches are dropped; 'n' - no reply is dropped.
Dropping replies works only if a new branch is added to the transaction, or it is explicitly replied in the script!
Example 1.90. t_drop_replies()
... failure_route[0]{ if (t_check_status("5[0-9][0-9]")){ # I do not like the 5xx responses, # so I give another chance to "", # and I drop all the replies to make sure that # they are not forwarded to the caller. t_drop_replies(); rewritehostport(""); append_branch(); t_relay(); } }
Forces the modifications of the processed SIP message to be saved in shared memory before t_relay() is called. The new branches which are created in failure_route will contain the same modifications, and any other modification after t_save_lumps() will be lost.
Note that t_relay() automatically saves the modifications when it is called the first time, there is no need for t_save_lumps() unless message changes between t_save_lumps() and t_relay() must not be propagated to failure_route.
The transaction must be created by t_newtran() before calling t_save_lumps().
Example 1.91. t_save_lumps()
route { ... t_newtran(); append_hf("hf1: my first header\r\n"); ... t_save_lumps(); append_hf("hf2: my second header\r\n"); ... t_on_failure("1"); t_relay(); } failure_route[1] { append_branch(); append_hf("hf3: my third header\r\n"); # # This branch contains hf1 and hf3, but does # not contain hf2 header. # hf2 would be also present here without # t_save_lumps(). ... t_relay(); }
This is the first of the three functions that can be used to implement serial/parallel forking based on q and +sip.instance values of individual branches in the destination set.
Function t_load_contacts()
all branches from the current destination set and stores
them into the XAVP whose name is configured with the
parameter contacts_avp
Note that you have to
configure this parameter before you can use the function, the
parameter is set to NULL by default, which disables
the function.
If the destination set contains only one branch, the function does nothing.
If the current destination set contains more than one branch, the function sorts them according to the algorithm selected with the 'mode' parameter and then stores the branches in reverse order into the XAVP.
The q parameter of a branch contains a value from range 0-1.0 and it expresses relative preference of the branch among all branches in the destination set. The higher the q value the more preference the user agent gave to the branch. The parameter 'mode' controls which type of algorithm kamailio will apply to sort the branches based on the q values:
- '0' or missing: branches with higher q values will be tried before branches with lower ones when serial forking takes place Equals q values will result in a parallel forking.
- '1': branches are ordered using a proportional algorithm that uses to q value as the weight of the branch. Higher is the q value, higher is the probability to be tried as first. Equals q values means equals probability to be tried. Differently from the previous mode there is no possibility to have parallel forking. Branches with q values equals to 0 or lower are not considered by the ordering algorithm, but just added at the end of the list as backup option if all other branches fail. This algorithm can be useful in case of endpoints in ACTIVE-ACTIVE configuration to load-balance the calls.
After calling t_load_contacts()
, function
and possibly
also t_next_contact_flow()
to be called
one or more times in order to retrieve the branches based
on their order.
Function returns 1 if loading of contacts succeeded or there was nothing to do. In case of an error, function returns -1 (see syslog).
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.
Example 1.92. t_load_contacts
... if (!t_load_contacts()) { sl_send_reply("500", "Server Internal Error - Cannot load contacts"); exit; }; ...
Function t_next_contacts()
is the
second of the three functions that can be used to
implement serial/parallel
forking based on the q value of the individual branches
in a destination set.
The function adds to request a new destination set that
includes the highest priority contacts in contacts_avp,
but only one contact with the same +sip.instance value is
included. Duplicate contacts are added to contact_flows_avp
for later consumption by function
Upon each call, Request URI is rewritten with
the first contact and the remaining contacts (if any) are
added as branches. Then all highest priority contacts
are removed from contacts_avp.
Function does nothing if contact_avp
no values.
Function returns 1 if contacts_avp was not empty and a destination set was successfully added, returns -2 if contacts_avp was empty and thus there was nothing to do, and returns -1 in case of an error (see syslog). Function can be called from REQUEST_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.
Note that if you use t_load_contacts
and t_next_contacts
functions then
you should also set the value of
parameter to 0. If you do not do that, it can
happen that a
broken user agent that retransmits 180 periodically will keep
resetting the fr_inv_timer value and serial
forking never happens.
Before calling t_relay(), you can check if the
previous call of next_contacts()
consumed all branches
by checking if contact_avp
are not anymore set.
Based on
that test, you can then use t_set_fr() function to set
timers according to your needs.
Example 1.93. t_next_contacts
... # First call after t_load_contacts() when transaction does not exist yet # and contacts should be available if (!t_next_contacts()) { sl_send_reply("500", "Server Internal Error - Cannot get contacts"); } else { t_relay(); }; ... # Following call, when transaction exists and there may or may not be # contacts left if (!t_next_contacts()) { t_reply("408", "Request Timeout"); } else { t_relay(); }; ...
Function t_next_contact_flow()
is the last of the three functions that can be used to
implement serial/parallel forking based on the q value
and instance value of individual branches in a destination set.
Function adds a new branch to the request that includes
the first contact from contact_flows_avp
that matches the +sip.instance value of the flow that has failed.
Upon each call, Request URI is rewritten with the contact. The
used contact is removed from contact_flows_avp
Function does nothing if there are
no contact_flows_avp
Function returns 1 if contact_flows_avp
was not empty and a destination set was successfully added,
returns -2 if contacts_avp
was empty and thus there was
nothing to do, and returns -1 in case of an error (see
This function can be used from a BRANCH_FAILURE_ROUTE event route.
Example 1.94. t_next_contact_flow
... event_route[tm:branch-failure:outbound] { if (t_next_contact_flow()) { t_relay(); } else { xlog("L_INFO", "No more flows\n"); } ...
Returns true if the regular expression “re” match the reply code of the response message as follows:
in routing block - the code of the last sent reply.
in on_reply block - the code of the current received reply.
in on_failure block - the code of the selected negative final reply.
This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE .
Example 1.95. t_check_status
... if (t_check_status("(487)|(408)")) { log("487 or 408 negative reply\n"); } ...
can be used to quickly check if
a message belongs or is related to a transaction. It behaves
differently for different types of messages:
For a SIP Reply it returns true if the reply belongs to an existing transaction and false otherwise.
For a CANCEL it behaves exactly as
: returns true if a
corresponding INVITE transaction exists for the CANCEL and
false otherwise.
For ACKs to negative replies or for ACKs to local transactions it will terminate the script if the ACK belongs to a transaction (it would make very little sense to process an ACK to a negative reply for an existing transaction in some other way then to simply pass it to tm) or return false if not.
For end-to-end ACKs (ACKs to 2xx responses for forwarded INVITE transactions) it will return true if the corresponding INVITE transaction is found and still active and false if not.
Note that the e2e ACK matching is more of a hint then a certainty. A delayed e2e ACK might arrive after the transaction wait time elapses, when the INVITE transaction no longer exists and thus would not match anything. There are also cases when tm would not keep all the information needed for e2e ACK matching (since this is not needed for a stateful proxy and it requires additional memory, tm will not keep this information unless needed by some other module or callbacks).
For other requests (non ACKs and non CANCELs), in case of a retransmission matching a transaction, it resends the last reply for that transaction and terminates the config execution. Otherwise, it returns false (in case of new requests for which no transaction exists yet).
An important difference from kamailio version is that for an ACK to negative reply or for a local transaction, the script execution will be immediately stopped and the message handled by tm, instead of returning true.
functionality for requests,
except for the e2e ACK matching, can be replicated in the script
using t_lookup_cancel()
See also: t_lookup_request()
Example 1.96. t_check_trans
if ( method == "CANCEL" && !t_check_trans()) sl_reply("403", "cancel out of the blue forbidden"); # note: in this example t_check_trans() can be replaced by t_lookup_cancel()
Turn off/on 6xx replies special rfc conforming handling on a per
transaction basis. If turned off
) 6XXs will be treated
like normal replies.
It overrides the disable_6xx_block
value for
the current transaction.
See also: disable_6xx_block
Example 1.97. t_set_disable_6xx
... route { ... if (src_ip== # bad user agent that sends 603 t_set_disable_6xx(1); # turn off 6xx special handling ... }
Turn off/on dns failover on a per transaction basis.
See also: use_dns_failover
Example 1.98. t_set_disable_failover
... route { ... if (uri=~"$") t_set_disable_failover(1); # turn off dns failover ... }
Turn off/on sending internally a SIP reply in case of relay errors.
Example 1.99. t_set_disable_internal_reply
... t_set_disable_internal_reply(1); # turn off sending internal reply on error if(!t_relay()) { send_reply("500", "Server error"); } ...
Replicate the SIP request to a specific address. Return
values are the same as for t_relay()
Note that responses to the replicated request are suppressed
and will not show up in any reply_route.
There are several function prototypes:
t_replicate(host, port)
t_replicate_udp(host, port)
t_replicate_tcp(host, port)
t_replicate_tls(host, port)
t_replicate_sctp(host, port)
t_replicate_to(proto, hostport)
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
uri - SIP URI where the message should be sent. It can be given via a script variable. It is optional - when missing, the dst-uri or r-uri are used as next hop address.
host - host address where the message should be sent.
port - port number.
proto - transport protocol to be used.
hostport - address in "host:port" format. It can be given via an AVP.
Example 1.100. t_replicate
... # sent to over tcp t_replicate("sip:;transport=tcp"); # sent to over tls $var(h) = ""; t_replicate("sip:$var(h);transport=tls"); # sent to over udp t_replicate_to_udp("", "5060"); ...
Forward the SIP request to a specific address, controlling internal behavior via flags.
There are several function prototypes:
t_relay_to(proxy, flags)
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
proxy - address where the request should be sent. Format is: "proto:host:port" - any of proto or port can be omitted, along with the semicolon after or before.
flags - bitmask integer value to control the internal behavior. Bits can be:
0x01 - do not generate 100 reply.
0x02 - do not generate reply on internal error.
0x04 - disable dns failover.
Example 1.101. t_relay_to
... # sent to over tcp t_relay_to("tcp:"); # sent to over tls t_relay_to("tls:"); # sent to dst URI or R-URI without a 100 reply t_relay_to("0x01"); ...
Enables/disables reason header (RFC 3326) copying from the triggering received CANCEL to the generated hop-by-hop CANCEL. 0 enables and 1 disables.
It overrides the e2e_cancel_reason
setting (module
parameter) for the current transaction.
Note: the function has to be used when processing the INVITE (not when processing the CANCEL).
See also: e2e_cancel_reason
Example 1.102. t_set_no_e2e_cancel_reason
... route { ... if (src_ip!= # don't trust CANCELs from the outside t_set_no_e2e_cancel_reason(1); # turn off CANCEL reason header copying ... }
Return true if the attribute specified by 'target' is set for transaction.
The target parameter can be:
branch_route - the function returns true if a branch route is set to be executed.
failure_route - the function returns true if a failure route is set to be executed.
onreply_route - the function returns true if an onreply route is set to be executed.
Example 1.103. t_replicate
... if(!t_is_set("failure_route")) LM_DBG("no failure route will be executed for current transaction\n"); ...
Set internal flags to tell tm to use UAC side for building headers for local generated requests (ACK, CANCEL) - useful when changing From/To headers using other functions than uac_replace_[from|to]().
It returns true.
Check to see if the reply is a retransmitted reply on a transaction that is currently suspended asynchronously (suspended during reply processing). Right now the check is only on the transaction, we don't actually check to see if the reply message is an actual retransmission of the suspended reply. This is expected as you should not process another reply until the suspended reply processing has been completed. The trick here is to make sure you don't suspend for too long or even worse, indefinitely.
returns true if the transaction is currently reply suspended or false if not.
Example 1.105. t_is_retr_async_reply
... if (t_is_retr_async_reply()) { xlog("L_DBG", "Dropping retransmitted reply which is still currently suspended\n"); drop(); } ...
Send a UAC request.
It returns true (1) if successful, false (-1) on failure.
The parameters:
method - SIP method.
ruri - request URI.
nexthop - destination URI (can be empty).
socket - local send socket (can be empty).
headers - SIP headers. At least From and To have to be provided. It can include From/To tags, Call-ID, CSeq. If body is provided, then Content-Type header must exist.
body - SIP message body (can be empty).
Example 1.106. t_uac_send
... t_uac_send("OPTIONS", "", "", "", "From:;tag=2w3e\r\nTo:", ""); ...
Return the status code for transaction - the most relevant SIP reply status code, or -1 in case of error or no status code was set.
Example 1.107. t_get_status_code
... $var(ts) = t_get_status_code(); if($var(ts) == 500) { ... } ...
Cleans active but very old transactions. Returns true (1). Can be called from any route.
Return true if a transaction for the current message exists, without setting the global references.
Generates and sends a local SIP request.
method - request method
RURI - request SIP URI
NEXT HOP - next hop SIP URI (OBP); use “.” if no value.
socket - local socket to be used for sending the request; use “.” if no value.
headers - set of additional headers to be added to the request; at least “From” and “To” headers must be provided)
body - (optional, may not be present) request body (if present, requires the “Content-Type” and “Content-length” headers)
Similar to tm.t_uac_start, but waits asynchronously for the SIP response and tries to provide its details via RPC response.
Similar to tm.t_uac_start, but blocks waiting for the SIP response and returns the SIP reply code and reason text via RPC response. It waits up to 80 seconds, if no reply is received, it returns a RPC fault 500 code. While waiting, the RPC process cannot handle other RPC commands.
Generates and sends a CANCEL for an existing local SIP request.
callid - callid of the INVITE request to be cancelled.
cseq - cseq of the INVITE request to be cancelled.
Generates and sends a reply for an existing inbound SIP transaction.
code - reply code
reason - reason phrase.
trans_id - transaction identifier (has the hash_entry:label format)
to_tag - To tag to be added to TO header
new_headers - extra headers to be appended to the reply; use a dot (“.”) char only if there are no headers;
body - (optional, may not be present) reply body (if present, requires the “Content-Type” and “Content-length” headers)
Generates and sends a reply for an existing inbound SIP transaction.
code - reply code
reason - reason phrase.
callid - SIP Call-ID header
cseq - SIP CSeq header
to_tag - To tag to be added to TO header
new_headers - extra headers to be appended to the reply; use a dot (“.”) char only if there are no headers;
body - (optional, may not be present) reply body (if present, requires the “Content-Type” and “Content-length” headers)
Named branch failure routes can be defined to run when a failure response is received. This allows handling failures on individual branches, for example, retrying an alternative outbound flow.
The format of the event_route name is "tm:branch-failure:<id>" and is enabled with the t_on_branch_failure function. This event_route uses the BRANCH_FAILURE_ROUTE route type.
Example 1.111. event_route[tm:branch-failure:id]
... request_route { ... t_on_branch_failure("myroute"); t_relay(); } event_route[tm:branch-failure:myroute] { xlog("L_INFO", "Received $T_reply_code to $rm message\n"); } ...
Executed when the tm module generates a request, in other words, the request originates from Kamailio and a transaction is created for it. The source of the requests can be tm itself or other modules that use tm internally (e.g., msilo, uac). The event route is executed if it is defined in the native Kamailio config file. To execute the equivalent callback when using KEMI scripting, see the 'event_callback' module parameter.
The request can still be updated, i.e., changes are possible to R-URI ($ru), destination URI ($du) or the send socket ($fs).
Example 1.112. event_route[tm:local-request]
... event_route [tm:local-request] { xlog("L_INFO", "Routing locally generated $rm to $ru\n"); t_set_fr(10000, 10000); } ...
There are applications which would like to generate SIP transactions without too big involvement in SIP stack, transaction management, etc. An example of such an application is sending instant messages from a website. To address needs of such apps, SIP-router accepts requests for new transactions via the management interface. If you want to enable this feature, start the management interface server by configuring the proper modules.
An application can easily launch a new transaction by writing a transaction request to this interface. The request must follow very simple format, which for the basic FIFO interface is
:t_uac_from:[<file_name>]\n <method>\n <sender's uri>\n <dst uri>\n <CR_separated_headers>\n <body>\n .\n \n
(Filename is to where a report will be dumped. ser assumes /tmp as file's directory.)
Note the request write must be atomic, otherwise it might get intermixed with writes from other writers. You can easily use it via Unix command-line tools, see the following example:
[jiri@bat jiri]$ cat > /tmp/ser_fifo :t_uac_from:xxx MESSAGE header:value foo:bar bznk:hjhjk p_header: p_value body body body yet body end of body .
or cat test/transaction.fifo > /tmp/ser_fifo
ACK_TAG enables stricter matching of acknowledgments including to-tags. Without it, to-tags are ignored. It is disabled by default for two reasons:
It eliminates an unlikely race condition in which transaction's to-tag is being rewritten by a 200 OK whereas an ACK is being looked up by to-tag.
It makes UACs happy who set wrong to-tags.
It should not make a difference, as there may be only one negative reply sent upstream and 200/ACKs are not matched as they constitute another transaction. It will make no difference at all when the new magic cookie matching is enabled anyway.
CANCEL_TAG similarly enables strict matching of CANCELs including to-tags--act of mercy to UACs, who screw up the to-tags (however, it still depends on how forgiving the downstream UAS is). Like with ACK_TAG, all this complex transactions matching goes with RFC3261's magic cookie away anyway.
For programmatic use only--register a function to be called back on an event. See t_hooks.h for more details.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
cb_type - Callback type.
cb_func - Callback function.
For programmatic use only--import exported TM functions. See the acc module for an example of use.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
import_structure - Pointer to the import structure.
For programmatic use only. This function together with t_continue() can be used to implement asynchronous actions: t_suspend() saves the transaction, returns its identifiers, and t_continue() continues the SIP request/response processing. (The request/response processing does not continue from the same point in the script, a separate route block defined by the parameter of t_continue() is executed instead. The reply lock is held during the route block execution.) FR timer is ticking while the transaction is suspended, and the transaction's failure route is executed if t_continue() is not called in time.
Missing: message lumps are saved by t_suspend() and are not updated by the subsequent t_relay(). This means that the modifications made between them are lost.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
msg - SIP message pointer.
hash_index - transaction identifier.
label - transaction identifier.
Return value: 0 - success, <0 - error.
Usage: Allocate a memory block for storing the transaction identifiers (hash_index and label), and for storing also any variable related to the async query. Before calling t_suspend(), register for the following callbacks, and pass the pointer to the allocated shared memory as a parameter: TMCB_ON_FAILURE, TMCB_DESTROY, and TMCB_E2ECANCEL_IN (in case of INVITE transaction). The async operation can be cancelled, if it is still pending, when TMCB_ON_FAILURE or TMCB_E2ECANCEL_IN is called. TMCB_DESTROY is suitable to free the shared memory allocated for the async and SIP transaction identifiers. Once the async query result is available call t_continue(), see below. The SIP transaction must exist before calling t_suspend(), and the module function calling t_suspend() should return 0 to make sure that the script processing does not continue.
For programmatic use only. This function is the pair of t_suspend(), and is supposed to be called when the asynchronous query result is available. The function executes a route block with the saved SIP message. It is possible to add more branches to the transaction, or send a reply from the route block.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hash_index - transaction identifier.
label - transaction identifier.
route - route block to execute.
Return value: 0 - success, <0 - error.
For programmatic use only. This function is for revoking t_suspend() from the same process as it was executed before. t_cancel_suspend() can be used when something fails after t_suspend() has already been executed and it turns out that the transaction should not have been suspended. The function cancels the FR timer of the transaction.
The message lumps are saved by t_suspend() which cannot be restored.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
hash_index - transaction identifier.
label - transaction identifier.
Return value: 0 - success, <0 - error.
Possibly, performance could be improved by not parsing non-INVITEs, as they are not replied with 100, and do not result in ACK/CANCELs, and other things which take parsing. However, we need to rethink whether we don't need parsed headers later for something else. Remember, when we now store a request in sh_mem, we can't apply any pkg_mem operations to it any more. (that might be redesigned too).
Another performance improvement may be achieved by not parsing CSeq in replies until reply branch matches branch of an INVITE/CANCEL in transaction table.
should be done more
cleanly--Vias, Routes, etc. should be removed from a
message prior to replicating it (well, does not matter any
longer so much as there is a new replication module).