Special KEMI FunctionsLink

Each KEMI interpreter module (respectively app_jsdt, app_lua, app_python,app_python3, app_ruby and app_sqlang) exports the submodule KSR.x.

KSR.x submodule provides special functions that need custom code per interpreter.

The functions exported by these modules are listed in the next sections.


int KSR.x.modf(str "fname", params...)

Execute a function (specified by fname) exported by a Kamailio module. Additional parameters must be string and they are passed to the Kamailio module function.


KSR.x.modf("sl_send_reply", "200", "OK");

Important note: try not to use this function, prefer the use of dedicated KSR functions. If you have to use this function, check if it has fixup and fixup-free functions in the C code in order to avoid memory leaks. If you are not sure how to do the check, ask on sr-users mailing list if it is safe to use it for a specific module fuction.


void KSR.x.exit()

Equivalent of exit from native kamailio.cfg scripting language, stop the execution of the SIP routing script.



It is not exported by each KEMI interpreter module, in that case likely the scripting language has an exit function that can be used for this purpose. Respectively:

  • for Python and Python3, use exit() or os.exit().
  • for Ruby, use exit.

In the case there is no KSR.x.exit and no usable exit in the KEMI scripting language, just do return from the main KEMI callback functions (e.g., for SIP request routing do return from ksr_request_route()).

IMPORTANT: be careful with the native exit functions in some KEMI interpreters, such as Lua, because they can trigger the stop of the application, in this case stopping Kamailio completely.


void KSR.x.drop()

Equivalent of drop from native kamailio.cfg scripting language, stop the execution of the SIP routing script and drop routing further the SIP request branch or response.



If not exported by a KEMI interpreter module, use KSR.set_drop() before terminating the execution of the KEMI callback function (see the notes for KSR.x.exit). For example:

  • for Python or Python3, use: