dispatcher module doing wrong when skipping inactive nodes on weighted
load distribution usage ( alg 9 )
loop iterates over possible destinations to get first active after
previously computed destination if it inactive.
this works for all balancing algorythms except of 9 (weighted balancing),
because on failover it ignores idx->wlist array and chooses next
destination ignoring weights.
thus we will get all traffic for inactive destination on the destination
which next by destinations index.
suggested patch changes behavior to continue to iterate over idx->wlist
on inactive destinations skipping for alg 9.
please, examine and apply.
Michael Furmur
I tried to use the set_contact_alias function in nathelper today. The logs in debug mode indicate that a conversion happened:
0(42013) DEBUG: <core> [dset.c:785]: uri_add_rcv_alias(): encoded <sip:;line=4949;skrep=bl?b?r> => [sip:;line=4949;skrep=bl?b?r;alias=]
But nothing is changed in the outbound message, the old contact is still around. Tried with both set_contact_alias and add_contact_alias.
Anyone else that has seen these issues?
If not, I’ll just go ahead and add a bug in the tracker tonight or so.
generates reports of testing scenarios:
* received message
* messages sent
* flow of executed routes ( `start`, `drop`, `exit`, `return` )
* list of the variables and its value at every route executed controlled by mask
Changes in the implementation from the initial propose:
* used a prefix on `Call-ID` instead of custom SIP headers `X-Kamailio-test` and `X-Kamailio-test-ID` allowing the ability to bypass other devices filters ( like sems whitelist SIP headers )
* save report files as JSON at disc after the message is processed instead of using RPC commands
Initial implementation of #8
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* modules/cfgt: trace config and save to file
-- File Changes --
A modules/cfgt/Makefile (17)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt.c (45)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt.h (40)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt_int.c (797)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt_int.h (67)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt_json.c (389)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt_json.h (38)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt_mod.c (112)
A modules/cfgt/cfgt_mod.h (29)
M modules/debugger/debugger_api.c (19)
M modules/debugger/debugger_mod.c (21)
-- Patch Links --
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