This will allow us to point to the file and "force" developers to update that file with the new features when they are introduced in the repository
Remaining developers to upgrade the wiki seems pointless and anyone can create a PR for changes
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Below feature were discussed with Carsten Bock
Currently Diameter AVP values and especially Experimental Result Code is not available from the kamailio.cfg
Therefore I would like to request such kind of feature. I would like to use it mainly on Cx interface for Server-Assignment-Answer (SAA), Location-Info-Answer (LIA), Multimedia-Auth-Answer (MAA), Push-Profile-Answer (PPA)
It should be implemented such a way like in the ims_charging module.
Thank you very much in advance!
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Having (optional) support for socket activation in Kamailio would bring several benefits:
* Security: systemd can listen on privileged ports or socket paths and start Kamailio with privileges already dropped.
* Major upgrades or reconfigurations of Kamailio requiring a full restart are possible without having the listening socket(s) ever go away.
* Any service dependent on Kamailio doesn't have to wait for it to finish starting (or start at all).
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A sip proxy may serve many domains listed in its SSL certificate X509v3 Subject Alternative Name field. In order to find out if a peer sip proxy is serving a particular domain, access would be needed in config file to this list of domains.
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(from devmeeting #Fosdem) - adding new dependencies as core dependencies
- Curl
- libssl
- uuid
- libunistring
- libxml2
Any other candidates? They have to be libraries that are commonly installed on most Linux/Unix system.
This would mean that a lot of more modules will be built by default, like TLS, HTTP_CLIENT, WEBSOCKET.
We may also look over the names of the packages/groups for the build system and linux distros
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It seems a good idea to support JWT as a new SIP authorization method. Wonder if anyone is interested? Think auth_db would be the best spot to add support for JWT.
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allow to clean the shared and private info of a test scenario in order to be able to re-trigger it without restart kamailio
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I am forking a call to multiple destinations and want to keep the only branch which sends quicker provisional 180/183 reply and cancel the remaining branches. Below is my related cfg snippet.
modparam("tm", "failure_reply_mode", 3)
modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 30000)
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 120000)
modparam("tm", "cancel_b_method", 2)
route[SIPOUT] {
if (uri==myself) return;
append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n");
onreply_route[MANAGE_REPLY] {
xdbg("incoming reply\n");
if(status=~"[12][0-9][0-9]") {
xlog("L_INFO","Received $rs (IP:$si:$sp)\n");
xlog("L_INFO","cancelled all other branches\n");
But I see kamailio does not instantly send CANCEL to other branches after it has received 180/180 from any branch.
Kamailio is sending CANCEL to other branches after they start sending 180/183 one by one.
I want to cancel other brances instantly as soon as i get reply from any other branch.
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Starting Kamailio (4.4 with branch updates through e43d82d applied) with the following systemd unit file, native systemd/journald logging doesn't work as expected. I *do* get core logging when I use
loadmodule ""
but `xlog` and `sd_journal_print` *don't* send anything to the journal.
When I comment out `log_engine_type`, keeping the module loaded, `sd_journal_print` *does* log the messages properly to the systemd journal, `xlog` and core startup messages are sent to syslog.
If I change the service to `Type=simple` and add the `-D` option to `ExecStart` to disable forking, then logging to systemd via `xlog` and `sd_journal_print` works, but TCP/TLS listeners aren't created.
Description=Kamailio SIP Server
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/kamailio -c
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/kamailio -m $SHM_SIZE -M $PKG_SIZE -P /run/kamailio/
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We have avp_copy on avpops module but we don’t have anything to copy xavps.
// copy all the content of an avp to a xavp
$xavp(a[0]=>b) = $(avp(x)[*]);
// deleting left content
$xavp(a[0]=>b[*]) = $(avp(x)[*]);
// copy xavp to a xavp with index
$xavp(a[0]) = $xavp(b[1]);
// all
$xavp(a[*]) = $xavp(b[*]);
// copy all content of a xavp to a avp
$avp(x) = $xavp(a[0]=>b[*]);
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