**Version** : kamailio 4.2 **platform** : linux
Currently I am using **ims_charging** module ...so from the script we are calling **RO_CCR(6 param)** function ..Until this point it is working fine But the problem occurs when i am passing extra parameter in **RO_CCR(7 param)** function,we are getting **Too many arguments error** from the script **BUT** we made appropriate changes in ims_charging for this.please see the below code changes for more info.
**static int **w_ro_ccr****(struct sip_msg *msg, str* route_name, str* direction, str* charge_type, str* unit_type, int reservation_units, char *_d,char *cpaas);
static cmd_export_t cmds[] = { { "Ro_CCR", (cmd_function) **w_ro_ccr**,7, ro_fixup, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };