I am going to merge this PR if no other comments. No deep review done by me, I am not using the module.
@NGSegovia - as a matter of fact, give that you seem to work closely with this module, we can grant you git commit access if you want to take over the maintenance of this module. The original developer of the module is no longer working in VoIP space related to it. Even with git commit access, you should consider using the pull requests process for major changes to the module, other devs may have useful feedback before merging.
On another plan, not being really familiar with the code of the module, but based on what I could figure out so far, as general remarks, the keepalive module seems to be designed for dealing with rather small number of destinations, keeping a single linked list. Moreover, it uses the main core time which can affect performance and impact retransmissions of routing SIP requests if it is overloaded by large number of keepalive tasks or the event callbacks executed by keepalive are slow. If someone plans to use it for large number of addresses, it should seriously consider redesigning some internal parts of this module to be more scalable (e.g., use hash table instead of single list, own timer processes, etc...).