Tried this:

modparam("rtimer", "timer", "name=test;interval=10;mode=1;"); # Tried both mode=1 and mode=0
modparam("rtimer", "exec", "timer=test;route=99");
route[99] {
    xlog("rtimer sql");
    sql_query("common", "select 1", "ra_test"); 

The rtimer SQL queries looks good from the debug output, still getting SSL errors on other queries on the same process though.

If I disable the SSL options (ssl-key, ssl-ca, ssl-cert, etc) in my.cnf (in the group), there are no sql warnings anymore and looks like all queries are fine.

As the timer process can successfully connect with the SQL using SSL when Kamailio starts up, can this be related somehow to that the API forgets the SSL settings along the way and cannot use them when trying to reconnect/re-establish the connection?

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