### Description
When updating from Kamailio 5.2.2 to 5.4.4, we're encountering an issue: the pua_dialoginfo module publishes a `confirmed` state for the dialog, even though it's still ringing.
It turns out this commit introduces the problem since 5.3.0: 4efe19f
So since 5.3.0, the dialog module (i think correctly?) sends out state updates for PRACK dialog updates as `DLGCB_REQ_WITHIN` events. But the `pua_dialoginfo` module seems to see that as a signal to mark the dialog confirmed (see [here](https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/blob/master/src/modules/pua_dialoginfo/...)).
One easy fix would be to simply remove `DLGCB__REQ_WITHIN` from the case list in pua_dialoginfo?
OpenSER [seems to](https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/blob/master/modules/pua_dialoginfo/pua_...) ditch the `DLGCB_REQ_WITHIN` messages altogether, for specific messages...
### Troubleshooting
#### Reproduction
- Use the pua_dialoginfo module - Make sure your device uses PRACK - See that the dialog is confirmed even before you pick up; watch for log lines: `__dialog_sendpublish(): dialog confirmed`
#### Debugging Data
#### Log Messages
With 5.4.4:
``` 2021-04-02T16:49:44.453339+02:00 debug proxy[17964]: DEBUG: pua_dialoginfo [pua_dialoginfo.c:295]: __dialog_sendpublish(): dialog confirmed, from=sip:220@ ```
#### SIP Traffic
Just a regular invite with prack.
### Possible Solutions
See above.
### Additional Information
Reproduced with Kamailio 5.4.4, but probably all versions from 5.3.0 are affected.