Do not forget that we have also the advanced (oob) and basic configs in misc/examples/pkg/, which were supposed to be installed in the shared docs (they were relocated from etc/, not sure we got to packaging them).

I am fine to add the systemd and prometeus to the advanced config, but for the default kamailio.cfg I think we should focus on tuning its parameters for core and loaded parameters. It still should aim to be a good but still simple starting point, without many dependencies of external projects/applications.

@gedia - SIP allows asymmetric singling (end point wanting the reply back to another address than where it sent the request from), force_rport() is normally needed when you know it is not the case, typically for natted devices. So it makes sense to have rport even in reqinit for natted cases. Anonymous calling is typically for PSTN calling, which can be more complex processing requiring P-Asserted-Identity and Privacy headers -- it can be also a candidate for advanced config version.

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