### Description I found that kamailio ignores ICMP messages from remote hosts
### Expected behavior Immediately failover after ICMP message.
#### Actual observed behavior kamailio ignores ICMP messages
#### How to reproduce Create kamailio config ``` loadmodule "pv.so" loadmodule "tm.so"
listen = udp:eth0
request_route { $du = "sip:"; t_relay(); } ```
Start kamailio using the command ``` kamailio -DD -E -ddd ``` Make a call.
#### Debugging Data None
#### Log Messages ``` 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/udp_server.c:498]: udp_rcv_loop(): received on udp socket: (106/100/712) [[INVITE sip:6003@office.nga911.com SIP/2.0 0D 0A Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK1]] 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): SIP Request: 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:612]: parse_msg(): method: <INVITE> 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): uri: sip:6003@office.nga911.com 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0> 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=6 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK194358777>; state=16 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:498]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:500]: parse_headers(): this is the first via 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [30]; uri=[sip:6003@office.nga911.com] 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:174]: get_hdr_field(): to body [sip:6003@office.nga911.com ], to tag [] 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE> 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:319]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - request - call-id: [943928765] - cseq: [20 INVITE] 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:379]: receive_msg(): preparing to run routing scripts... 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1328]: t_newtran(): msg (0x7fcf6e57b720) id=1/20746 global id=0/0 T start=0xffffffffffffffff 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:185]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:497]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=911, isACK=0 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:455]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matching failed - via branch [z9hG4bK194358777] 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:675]: t_lookup_request(): no transaction found 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1971363051 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/md5utils.c:67]: MD5StringArray(): MD5 calculated: 5806eb9c98c0f8e99344758d43fcc364 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:325]: t_relay_to(): new INVITE 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:610]: _reply_light(): reply sent out. buf=0x7fcf6e57cde0: SIP/2.0 100 trying -..., shmem=0x7fcf69bd11b8: SIP/2.0 100 trying - 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:621]: _reply_light(): finished 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:1765]: check_boundaries(): no multi-part body 1(20746) DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:373]: t_relay_to(): new transaction forwarded 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:437]: receive_msg(): request-route executed in: 845 usec 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:529]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil) 1(20746) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:528]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
9(20754) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1274]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=100, new_code=408 9(20754) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1500]: t_should_relay_response(): rps completed - uas status: 100 branch: 0 9(20754) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1823]: relay_reply(): reply status=4 branch=0, save=0, relay=0 icode=0 msg status=408 9(20754) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2016]: relay_reply(): reply buffer sent out 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/udp_server.c:498]: udp_rcv_loop(): received on udp socket: (106/100/341) [[ACK sip:6003@office.nga911.com SIP/2.0 0D 0A Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK1943]] 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): SIP Request: 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:612]: parse_msg(): method: <ACK> 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): uri: sip:6003@office.nga911.com 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0> 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=6 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK194358777>; state=16 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:498]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:500]: parse_headers(): this is the first via 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=5e29a5d2a0b42789624a70ddd04f640f-81ca6283 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [76]; uri=[sip:6003@office.nga911.com] 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:174]: get_hdr_field(): to body [sip:6003@office.nga911.com], to tag [5e29a5d2a0b42789624a70ddd04f640f-81ca6283] 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <ACK> 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:319]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - request - call-id: [943928765] - cseq: [20 ACK] 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:379]: receive_msg(): preparing to run routing scripts... 3(20748) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1328]: t_newtran(): msg (0x7fcf6e57b720) id=1/20748 global id=0/0 T start=0xffffffffffffffff 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:185]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header 3(20748) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:497]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=911, isACK=1 3(20748) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:439]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matched, tid=194358777 3(20748) DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:692]: t_lookup_request(): transaction found (T=0x7fcf69bce838) 3(20748) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1667]: cleanup_uac_timers(): RETR/FR timers reset 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/timer.c:557]: timer_add_safe(): timer_add called on an active timer 0x7fcf69bce8c0 (0x7fcf699a8720, 0x7fcf699a8720), flags 201 3(20748) DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:146]: put_on_wait(): transaction 0x7fcf69bce838 already on wait 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:437]: receive_msg(): request-route executed in: 237 usec 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:529]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil) 3(20748) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:528]: receive_msg(): cleaning up ```
#### SIP Traffic Call signaling in attached file
### Possible Solutions Not Know
### Additional Information
* **Kamailio Version** - output of `kamailio -v`
``` version: kamailio 5.3.4 (x86_64/linux) 117ff9 flags: USE_TCP, USE_TLS, USE_SCTP, TLS_HOOKS, USE_RAW_SOCKS, DISABLE_NAGLE, USE_MCAST, DNS_IP_HACK, SHM_MMAP, PKG_MALLOC, Q_MALLOC, F_MALLOC, TLSF_MALLOC, DBG_SR_MEMORY, USE_FUTEX, FAST_LOCK-ADAPTIVE_WAIT, USE_DNS_CACHE, USE_DNS_FAILOVER, USE_NAPTR, USE_DST_BLACKLIST, HAVE_RESOLV_RES, TLS_PTHREAD_MUTEX_SHARED ADAPTIVE_WAIT_LOOPS 1024, MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 262144, MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535, DEFAULT PKG_SIZE 8MB poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select. id: 117ff9 compiled on 15:31:51 May 6 2020 with gcc 8.3.1 ```
* **Operating System**: ``` [centos@ip-172-22-6-233 ~]$ cat /etc/os-release NAME="CentOS Linux" VERSION="8 (Core)" ID="centos" ID_LIKE="rhel fedora" VERSION_ID="8" PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8" PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8 (Core)" ANSI_COLOR="0;31" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:centos:centos:8" HOME_URL="https://www.centos.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.centos.org/"