
indeed, it seems the callbacks are called early for db only mode -- you can push a fix for it if you get the time.


On 21/05/15 13:07, Victor Seva wrote:

I just notice an error in pua_reginfo and I was intrigued:

a REGISTER is received and then:

proxy[30664]: DEBUG: usrloc [udomain.c:602]: db_load_urecord(): aor 88835677220000@X.X.X.X not found in table location
proxy[30664]: DEBUG: usrloc [ul_callback.h:89]: run_ul_callbacks(): contact=0x7fddc7836b40, callback type 1/1, id 0 entered
proxy[30664]: DEBUG: pua_reginfo [usrloc_cb.c:240]: reginfo_usrloc_cb(): AOR: 88835677220000@X.X.X.X (location)
proxy[30664]: DEBUG: pua_reginfo [usrloc_cb.c:241]: reginfo_usrloc_cb(): type= UL_CONTACT_INSERT
proxy[30664]: DEBUG: usrloc [udomain.c:702]: db_load_urecord_by_ruid(): aor uloc-555da99c-77c8-1 not found in table location
proxy[30664]: ERROR: pua_reginfo [usrloc_cb.c:261]: reginfo_usrloc_cb(): '88835677220000@X.X.X.X (location)' Not found in usrloc
So I took a look over usrloc and I found that the callbacks are been
called after insert in mem but before insert on DB
when you set DB_ONLY.

int insert_ucontact(urecord_t* _r, str* _contact, ucontact_info_t* _ci, ucontact_t** _c)
	if ( ((*_c)=mem_insert_ucontact(_r, _contact, _ci)) == 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to insert contact\n");
		return -1;

	if (exists_ulcb_type(UL_CONTACT_INSERT)) {
		run_ul_callbacks( UL_CONTACT_INSERT, *_c);

	if (db_mode == WRITE_THROUGH || db_mode==DB_ONLY) {
		if (db_insert_ucontact(*_c) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to insert in database\n");
			return -1;
		} else {
			(*_c)->state = CS_SYNC;

	return 0;
This happens on update too:

int update_ucontact(struct urecord* _r, ucontact_t* _c, ucontact_info_t* _ci)
	int res;

	/* we have to update memory in any case, but database directly
	 * only in db_mode 1 */
	if (mem_update_ucontact( _c, _ci) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to update memory\n");
		return -1;

	/* run callbacks for UPDATE event */
	if (exists_ulcb_type(UL_CONTACT_UPDATE))
		LM_DBG("exists callback for type= UL_CONTACT_UPDATE\n");
		run_ul_callbacks( UL_CONTACT_UPDATE, _c);

	if (_r && db_mode!=DB_ONLY)
		update_contact_pos( _r, _c);


	if (db_mode == WRITE_THROUGH || db_mode==DB_ONLY) {
		if (ul_db_update_as_insert)
			res = db_insert_ucontact(_c);
			res = db_update_ucontact(_c);

		if (res < 0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to update database\n");
			return -1;
		} else {
			_c->state = CS_SYNC;
	return 0;
So I would say that DB_ONLY should be honored here before calling the

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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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Kamailio World Conference, May 27-29, 2015
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