A brief investigatino shows that there is a problem in serverRun2 function of abyss_server.c

around line 1415, I removed the following 2 lines:


There seems to be a problem here which locks the server up (bringing it down) - cant even telnet to the port. Without these 2 lines I can successfully have 10 threads continuously bombarding the Kamailio xmlrpc server without error (tested using Jakarta Jmeter).

Will keep the list posted when I come up with new information / more complete solution.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Juha Heinanen <jh@tutpro.com> wrote:
Jason Penton writes:

 > Has anyone else noted poor stability with the mi_xmlrpc MI interface? We are
 > noticing that after a while (very little load) it stop responding.

there has been reports like that also earlier.  i personally have not
noticed that.

the library was somewhat hacked when it was include in openser and i
don't think it has been upgraded since then.

perhaps sip-router core will have a more robust implementation of xmlrpc

-- juha