Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: f9494494d59d2036f2ed664fbdf4193760662937
Author: Alexandr Dubovikov <alexandr.dubovikov(a)>
Committer: Alexandr Dubovikov <alexandr.dubovikov(a)>
Date: Mon Mar 5 11:56:50 2012 +0100
module: modules/sipcapture fixed socket_info structure.
Now users can use $Ri, $rp variables in RAW socket mode.
modules/sipcapture/sipcapture.c | 94 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/sipcapture/sipcapture.c b/modules/sipcapture/sipcapture.c
index 837ac97..7e3a228 100644
--- a/modules/sipcapture/sipcapture.c
+++ b/modules/sipcapture/sipcapture.c
@@ -1465,6 +1465,9 @@ int raw_capture_rcv_loop(int rsock, int port1, int port2, int ipip)
unsigned short dst_port;
unsigned short src_port;
struct ip_addr dst_ip, src_ip;
+ struct socket_info* si = 0;
+ int tmp_len;
@@ -1514,28 +1517,6 @@ int raw_capture_rcv_loop(int rsock, int port1, int port2, int ipip)
- /*FIL IPs*/
- dst_ip.len=4;
- dst_ip.u.addr32[0]=iph->ip_dst.s_addr;
- /* fill dst_port */
- dst_port=ntohs(udph->uh_dport);
- ip_addr2su(&to, &dst_ip, dst_port);
- /* fill src_port */
- src_port=ntohs(udph->uh_sport);
- src_ip.len=4;
- src_ip.u.addr32[0]=iph->ip_src.s_addr;
- ip_addr2su(&from, &src_ip, src_port);
- su_setport(&from, src_port);
- ri.src_su=from;
- su2ip_addr(&ri.src_ip, &from);
- ri.src_port=src_port;
- su2ip_addr(&ri.dst_ip, &to);
- ri.dst_port=dst_port;
- ri.proto=PROTO_UDP;
/* cut off the offset */
len -= offset;
@@ -1544,13 +1525,74 @@ int raw_capture_rcv_loop(int rsock, int port1, int port2, int
ipip) {
+ /* fill dst_port && src_port */
+ dst_port=ntohs(udph->uh_dport);
+ src_port=ntohs(udph->uh_sport);
DBG("PORT: [%d] and [%d]\n", port1, port2);
- if((!port1 && !port2)
- || (src_port >= port1 && src_port <= port2) || (dst_port >=
port1 && dst_port <= port2)
- || (!port2 && (src_port == port1 || dst_port == port1)))
- receive_msg(buf+offset, len, &ri);
+ if((!port1 && !port2) || (src_port >= port1 && src_port <= port2)
+ || (dst_port >= port1 && dst_port <= port2)
+ || (!port2 && (src_port == port1 || dst_port == port1))) {
+ /*FIL IPs*/
+ dst_ip.len=4;
+ dst_ip.u.addr32[0]=iph->ip_dst.s_addr;
+ /* fill dst_port */
+ ip_addr2su(&to, &dst_ip, dst_port);
+ /* fill src_port */
+ src_ip.len=4;
+ src_ip.u.addr32[0]=iph->ip_src.s_addr;
+ ip_addr2su(&from, &src_ip, src_port);
+ su_setport(&from, src_port);
+ ri.src_su=from;
+ su2ip_addr(&ri.src_ip, &from);
+ ri.src_port=src_port;
+ su2ip_addr(&ri.dst_ip, &to);
+ ri.dst_port=dst_port;
+ ri.proto=PROTO_UDP;
+ /* a little bit memory */
+ si=(struct socket_info*) pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct socket_info));
+ if (si==0) {
+ LOG(L_ERR, "ERROR: new_sock_info: memory allocation
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memset(si, 0, sizeof(struct socket_info));
+ si->address = ri.dst_ip;
+ si->socket=-1;
+ /* set port & proto */
+ si->port_no = dst_port;
+ si->proto=PROTO_UDP;
+ si->flags=0;
+ si->addr_info_lst=0;
+ si->port_no_str.s = int2str(si->port_no, &tmp_len);
+ si->port_no_str.len = tmp_len;
+ si->address_str.s = ip_addr2a(&si->address);;
+ si->address_str.len = strlen(si->address_str.s);
+ si->name.len = si->address_str.len;
+ si->name.s = si->address_str.s;
+ ri.bind_address=si;
+ /* and now recieve message */
+ receive_msg(buf+offset, len, &ri);
+ if(si) pkg_free(si);
+ }
return 0;