
Could you please recommend a way how to analyse pkg memory leak?
Unfortunately I could not reproduce it in the lab.
So we can see that only on a production server.

I use "kamcmd pkg.stats" command and see that memory usage is grown continuously.
When I used "kamcmd mod.stats all pkg" command, result was not matched to previous command.
How should I interpret the output of mod.stats all pkg command? 

For example pkg.stats shows that each worker process uses 2428736 bytes memory

entry: 1
pid: 18598
rank: 1
used: 1269176
free: 5959872
real_used: 2428736
total_size: 8388608
total_frags: 67

But total sum of memory usage according mod.stats is 534080.

Пятница, 1 июня 2018, 13:31 +03:00 от Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com>:


is this a new header or assigning to an existing header structure?

The existing headers are cleaned up inside clean_hdr_field().


On 31.05.18 11:54, Konstantin Polyakov wrote:
Hello All,

There is a structure sip_msg which is passed into a module and represents a received sip message.
It contains number of pointers to hdr_field members.
In its turn hdr_field contains member void* parsed

In the sanity module we assign to parsed member a pointer to newly allocated memory and we don't free that memory at the end.
Do we need to free explicitly or this memory will be deallocated later together with sip_msg?

In other words is it memory leak or not?

Best regards,

Kamailio (SER) - Development Mailing List

Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
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С уважением,
Константин Поляков.