On 06.11.2012 16:38, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2012/11/5 Klaus Darilion
Indeed, this is not implemented correctly.
What is not implemented correctly? It MUST be correctly implemented,
what is the exact problem? RFC 3263 is very clear in the steps to
perform (first NAPTR and when not present try SRV in order of
preperence based on local policy).
Could you please describe the exact issue in Kamailio about this?
It is like described in the first email:
Kamailio does the following lookups:
cisco.com (no result)
2. SRV
_sip._udp.cisco.com (NXDOMAIN)
3. A
cisco.com -> Bingo -> use SIP over UDP to Cisco's web server :-(