Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
there is an event route for it --
enabled at compilation:
event_route[tm:local-request] {
thanks for the hint. i tried it like this:
event_route [tm:local-request] { # Handle locally generated requests
xlog("L_INFO", "Routing locally generated $rm to <$ru>\n");
if (is_method("INVITE")) {
and got to syslog:
Sep 23 21:12:19 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[29110]: INFO: Routing locally generated
INVITE to <sip:jh_test_fi@;transport=udp>
so the route gets executed, but after 10 secs nothing happens, i.e., the
phone keeps on ringing.
according to tm readme, it should work:
1.4.13. t_set_fr(fr_inv_timeout [, fr_timeout])
Sets the fr_inv_timeout and optionally fr_timeout for the current
transaction or for transactions created during the same script
invocation, after calling this function. If the transaction is already
created (e.g called after t_relay() or in an onreply_route) all the
branches will have their final response timeout updated on-the-fly. If
one of the parameters is 0, its value won't be changed.
any idea, why it doesn't?
-- juha