What I said that the list of FQDNs for tenants can be specified via alias global params, corex or domain modules to Kamailio, then this patch is not needed, the loose route should do its job. It is irrelevant for what loose route is supposed to do that you need it to interconnect with MS Teams.
And of course conflicts can happen depending on the deployment, but IP addresses and FQDN are global resources owned through a standard process. Socket names are random values that everyone can choose, and many go with suggestions from documentation. The it is likely to see interconnect providers using `s1`, `s2`, ... on their route headers, like it happens for `did` parameter added by dialog module. But to know it is the route header for the instance, the match is done on address, not custom parameters, because the did value from another provider can match another local dialog.
One of the benefits of open source is flexibility and trying to help solving easier various needs, but as a general remark, the default behaviour should be the one closest to the standards or the very common use cases. For specific needs, it has to be a parameter to turn it on. As I said, from my perspective it is ok to add it if controlled by a modparam.