Hey Daniel,

plse see inline:

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:

On 10/2/12 1:58 PM, Jason Penton wrote:
Okay I solved this by using the uas->request structure ;)
indeed, this is the right way -- forgot to answer this email...

np, thanks!

One more question re. async "pattern" Daniel:
In the "continued" code, prior to executing the config file actions, can you add an avp (ie from within the code prior to calling t_continue, can we add an avp and have it available to the config file in the "continued" route block)?

IIRC, at that moment you have to add it to the list that is stored in transaction. Maybe you can use a $var() and then move it in avp list inside the continued route block.

Im not sure I understand you here? Just to make sure I am clear. I am effectively trying to do this:

longrunningfunction();  #this is where the async will happen, so the next line will be run by another process
if ($avp(s:return_val_from_longrunningfunction) > 0) {

So, I am asking how I can set the $avp(s:return_val_from_longrunningfunction). I can tell you from practice that it doesnt work using the default add_avp from within my async callback process. I have not researched yet how the avps are stored, architected, etc. But I am imagineing that right now the process I am in has no "access" to avp "storage". Either that or the avp "storage" is overwritten with the t_continue code? Would be great if you could shed some light?



On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Jason Penton <jason.penton@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi (Daniel this may be for you re. async)

Is it possible to get the sip message from a transaction after using t_continue. The reason I ask is that using the async "pattern", how would one be able to use transactional replies in code using t_reply(code, message). Is the only way to store the sip_msg in shm for later use, because if I look at TM I see there is no storage for the original SIP request?


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