I am re-using the pua_reginfo module to implement P-CSCF
subscription to Registration-State information at the
For the first SUBSCRIBE everything works fine and as per
RFC 3680 the SUBSCRIBE has the presentity URI as
request-URI, e.g.
SUBSCRIBE sip:bob@biloxi.example.com SIP/2.0
The S-CSCF returns 200 OK with contact-header e.g.:
Contact: sip:server19.example.com
From RFC 3261:
12.1.2 UAC Behavior
The remote target MUST be set to the URI
from the Contact header field of the response.
So any subsequent SUBSCRIBE has its remote target (and
hence request-URI) changed to the contact returned in the
200 OK.
So any subsequent SUBSCRIBE requests have request-URI:
SUBSCRIBE sip:scscf.example.com:6060 SIP/2.0
Currently our S-CSCF implementation uses the request-URI
to look up the presentity URI so any subsequent SUBSCRIBE
requests fail.
From RFC 3265: Refreshing of Subscriptions
The handling for such a request is the same as for
the initial creation of a subscription except as described below.
Does anyone know what subsequent SUBSCRIBE requests
should have in their request-URI? The contact returned in
the first 200 OK (the S-CSCF contact) as per RFC 3261 or the
same as the initial SUBSCRIBE as per RFC 3265 with the
presentity URI in the request-URI?