On 07/14/14 08:47, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Richard Fuchs writes:
I'm not too familiar with the internals of the branching logic, but if you send out the same SDP a second time, you don't need to call _offer() again. If you do want to call it again (say, with different flags), you'd have to undo the changes done by the first call and then call it again. The msg_apply_changes() function may come in useful.
are you sure that msg_apply_changes is needed? i have thought that sdp changes made in branch_route are only visible in that branch.
Like I said, I'm not familiar with the internals, so I'm mostly guessing. But I know that when you try to rewrite an SDP already rewritten by rtpengine, then you get these kind of strange duplication effects. Perhaps Alex can post a dumbed-down version of his config.