1(82) ERROR: <core> [core/parser/parse_body.c:510]: part_multipart_headers_cmp():
error code: "-9" error text: "We reached the end of the buffer".
Maybe there are white spaces at the end of body that fit inside the Content-Length in the
sipp scenario (try to print the $mb enclosed in some delimiters like [ ] to see it
completely. If proves to be a problem, then an issue can be created for this case with a
minimal config to reproduce and the sipp scenario for it.
Then related this PR, while not familiar with all its aspects, it seems some of the
questions are actually about further improvements (e.g., handling two Geolocation
headers). They do not have to be implemented as part of this PR, can be done separately.
If no problems need to be solved on this PR, then it should be merged in order to get more
chances to be tested before branching 5.5.
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