Alex Hermann writes:
I think something like this:
with jh/mtree tracking master (local)
and jh tracking origin/jh/mtree (remote)
eg switch jh/mtree
eg pull --branch master
eg push
eg switch jh
eg pull
eg does not like switching to jh/mtree, but suggest that a local branch
is created that tracks jh/mtree. that is why i first did:
git checkout --track -b jh remotes/origin/jh/mtree
Branch jh set up to track remote branch jh/mtree from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'jh'
$ eg pull
--branch master
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then
commit the result.
I think this is doing the right thing, but stumbles upon conflicting
me too, but question is why there are conflicting changes? i have not
pushed any changes to jh/mtree that would conflict with something done by
-- juha