
this is about config file issues, so the appropriate mailing list is sr-users@lists.kamailio.org

The second error message about lvar_assign() is incomplete, check the logs and there you will see the position when an assignent fails in your config. You can eventually run with debug=3 in kamailio.cfg, reproduce and you will see a lot more debug messages that should help to identify what is wrong.


On 07.04.20 21:20, Pavithra M wrote:
I have configured kamailio as Ims server with pcscf,icscf,scsf and hss in 4 different vms . After that I use zoiper client for testing the call flow . Registration is successful .It goes via 
UE -> Pcscf -> icscf -> scscf and returns back with 200 OK . Registration is happening with authentication from hss .

When I make an INVITE , it goes from 
UE -> PCSCF -> SCSCF -> ICSCF -> SCSF and s-cscf gives 403 - Domain not served to icscf and i-cscf returns to p-cscf with the same error .

I am not seeing any errors in scscf and i-cscf .

In pcscf , I am seeing an error like 

Error : <core> [core/lvalue.c] :lval_pvar_assign() : setting pvar failed 
Error : <core> [core/lvalue.c] :
lval_assign():assignment failed at pos

What should I do? Kindly advise.

I am struggling with this issue for a week.kindly do the needful.

Version - kamailio - 5.3.3 

I need a normal call flow to be established between two clients.kindly help .

Kamailio (SER) - Development Mailing List
Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
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