Hi, I'm using Kamailio version 5.4.0 on centos and I'm using rtjson to redirect SIP Invites. I'm using the JSON example bellow to try to set up the destination. It works fine to redirect the SIP Invite but From/To Headers are not working as expected, they are not changed and remain the same from original INVITE. I also attached my kamailio.cfg file in order for someone to help me here.

JSON Example String: {"version":"1.0","routing":"serial","routes":[{"uri":"sip:3005011999999999@","dst_uri":"sip:3005011999999999@","headers":{"from":{"display":"original","uri":"sip:6000@"},"to":{"display":"","uri":"sip:3005011999999999@"}}}]}


Has anyone experienced this error?

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