@miconda i don't think its related. the issue on [adc4493](https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/adc4493fa6861895bdcf8b459e5fbc76...) was to prevent crashing after leak that led to shm exhaustion.
in our case it was a instant shm exhaustion not a slow leak. the slow leak could be related to the growth in xavp_rcd_helper or lookup_helper.
i still need to proof this but my theory is that different processes accessed the contact xvap or the ulrcd in shm during xavp_clone and created a circular reference. something like a register and a notify (that calls lookup) at the same time. the server worked stable for 2 weeks, no shm growth, suddenly shm was exhausted, and this unprotected xavp_clone made sip workers died and server became unresponsive. btw, is there a way to create/generate/force a core file with the contents of the shm mem ? the core files we got (from sip workers) could not access the shm mem to see if the shm xavp's contents could proof my theory