Just about parameter naming: you can't actually enable\disable a type =) So either parameter name should be, let's say, db_table_lock_write, or it should accept locking type as a parameter.

2015-01-16 15:24 GMT+03:00 Richard Good <richard.good@smilecoms.com>:

We have noticed when using pua module with db_mode set to 1 the lock type defaults to DB_LOCKING_WRITE which locks the whole table and can cause performance issues.

I noticed this fix for the presence module last year specifically on this issue:

I've attached an almost identical patch for pua I want to commit.  The patch makes this a configurable parameter that defaults to DB_LOCKING_WRIT.

If no one raises any concerns I will go ahead and commit.


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Alekzander Spiridonov