We are in the process of developing a branch for Kamailio IMS extensions held at jason.penton/kamailio_ims_extensions branch in the GIT repository. This branch largely originates from the Open IMS Core project and Carsten
Block's Kamailio IMS branch with the
intention of using core, tried and tested Kamailio modules (dialog,
registrar, tm, usrloc, etc.) in place of the custom defined functionality in the
IMS Core project.
In the coming weeks we will push modules and cfg files to this branch to implement basic xCSCF functionality, so watch this space.
Right now the branch includes stock standard Kamailio 3.3.x with an overhauled dialog2 module which is central to the functionality of the xCSCFs; and a slightly modified rr module (one additional method exposed to add mo/mt to the record-route).
The dialog2 module implements the new dialog design according to: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/modules-new-design:dialog-module-design. This allows for forked calls, concurrently confirmed calls and proxy
initiated dialog termination for early and confirmed dialogs.